Let’s talk about auctions. Auctions are exciting and should have me super hype to spend credits I’ve had for a while. This is where you trot out the stuff that people are salivating for and drain people’s stockpiles (both credits and gold). Keep in mind I’m speaking from the point of view of someone who has both lots of credits and gold to drain, I just need a good enough reason.
Let’s look at this auction.
Credit Items
Artifact Pet
Custom Wings
Scepter of Repulsion
Scepter of Protection
Torc of the Dead
Phantasmic Diadem
An eerily shimmering belt
Anklet of Will
A Phantom Mask
Foraging Lenses
Crystehl Whistle
Concealing Mists
Gold Items
Tomast Kitbag
Master's Collar of Taming
Chest of the Continuum
Sunburst Glyph
I feel like there is a fair amount of potential wasted here. This is just the last auction that I remember with fewer items in it overall. Will these items sell? Most assuredly. Nothing is going to not sell; it’s just the nature of auctions in IRE games. But I guess the better question is where the big spendy stuff is? The Morphing Weapon. Raksha band? Vitality collar? Numbness earring? Where are the new items?
You have this chance to do super unique and interesting things and it's just another retread. I get it, it's hard to come up with new items every time. But some items if only sold during auctions are gonna generate interest. Your pet token is up over 2k already. I bet the Raksha would be at the same place.
Random ideas for items:
X's mapbook: Bam, you automatically get full atlas pages for every area in Imeprian gratz
Spiritstone: Lets you use call spirits. (just like the stuff for the great hunt with the escalating strength) and make them not drop gold or drop minimal gold.
Why only 4 gold items? Why those 4 gold items. Why not some regular artifacts as well?
Make Gold purchased artifacts not able to be traded in. List more. Drain that huge gold lake that Imperian has built up. Let a person get hellishly good deals occasionally, that is the stuff people brag about. Make gold auctions happen more frequently for normal artifacts. All of this stuff is within your grasp. Hell, having one gold auction every 2 weeks that is autoplaced and not announced with 2 or 3 randomly chosen things will slowly but surely drain gold.
It'd been so long since we've had an auction and they should be awesome things that people love talking about. But this isn't.

Basically, I'm just saying get better items for your auctions. Please give me a reason to use my smaughorde on it.
Imperian's #1 Auction fanboy.
Auctions are horrible and they shouldn't exist.
Selling off powerful limited-access content might make money but it is still a terrible idea. Fights have literally been won and lost by things like "We don't have access to a track pet" or "Risca's Ring makes him unable to be killed" or "this class that shouldn't be able to numb can" and that is the most godawful infuriating crap.
Just let me buy this crap without having to compete against Ichimoru's ability to drop 5k credits on a freaking pet, please.
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
** And don't try them now just see if they're really broken. **.
** Or credit conversion. Try not to do anything much right now. **.
** Don't panic, normal service will be restored as soon as possible. For now, enjoy the wonders of conversation. **.
*** We will be rebooting in about 60 seconds ***.
** Don't panic. Just...stay close to your rosaries **.
** Monetary offers for Salvation accepted. **.
The round I ended up purchasing mine they went for slightly cheaper for some reason: 1200 (non flying), 1400 (non flying) and 800 (flying). (I think the second non flying pet was 1400. If not it was really close to there) It was really an anomaly that year. That was also at least four years ago.
But you're right, they usually have at least two up, but normally it's two non flying and one flying as the standard for the auctions.
But yeah, the lower number is certainly exacerbating the price. Especially with the flying pet being the slightly better of the two. It's certainly weird this is such a small auction when we've been asking for ages. Normally there's a good 6-10 gold auction items and at least one brand new item a year.
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."