As someone very new and curious about all the classes (and wanting to explore them all but obviously cant) I am just wondering what some of the easiest professions to play are and which are the hardest.
People did reinforce that I pick the profession I enjoy the most and the rest will come, but it is true that Predator is very hard and I have no idea what I'm doing sometimes. Hehe

So I was curious about Magic and Demonic profession. Bard looks pretty cool. Druid seems neat too. I dont really know Demonic classes except Assassin with the worm devour.
Even if it's just a list going from hardest to easiest I would appreciate it! Or you can get as in depth as you can. Or just throw in your two cents about which profession you think is the easiest/hardest/coolest.
in no particular order, all 3 knights, druid, summoner, monk, priest, outrider, berserker are probably among the easiest.
everything else falls in between.
Note: a lot of this list changes depending on teams/solos and what strats you're trying..
With that said, Summoner is still bursting with utility! Pathfinder, hermit, and universe for travelling, priestess and moon for healing health/mana, empress/lust for bringing others to you.
(may vanish for periods of time)
EDIT: In fact, when and if I got tired of one, I'd most likely simply repeat the entire process with the other.
If if you’re struggling, ping @nilo. He’s a predator and has walked me through ways to simplify the experience.
1) You can wear heavy armor which means you won't get hit as hard while you are killing monsters.
2) You can make this class be as complicated as you want. What do I mean? Well, you can be like me and spam one or two attacks and be relevant in team fights. Or you can do all sorts of fancy stuff with toxins and different weapons.
Of course there are other people who can chime in who have experienced all the classes so they have better advice than I do.
What is the strongest Knight class?
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
(I think it's Uruz? It's been a long while since i looked at the skills.)
Edit: Yep Uruz is the healing rune.
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."