The forums needed more fancy woodling.
You say, "Ah, I had forgotten. Ahkan and the fancy one had a mishap."
Thessaly tilts her head curiously at you.
You give an unrefined sapphire to a fancy woodling.
You say to a fancy woodling, "You lost that."
The fancy woodling bursts out into copious tears of happiness and hugs his
sapphire, rocking back and forth with it in his grip.
Naerva says, "Will they grow into something more, or will they always be as they
are now?"
Olanre says, "It would be a curse indeed for them to grow larger than they are.
Yet as We grow, they will as well. As Our power increases, so to does theirs."
The fancy woodling shakes his head sadly and points the to tree and then up
towards the canopy.
The fat woodling waddles over to Ahkan and rubs up against his leg.
Ahkan reaches over with a grin on his face and playfully ruffles a fat
woodling's hair.
Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to a fat woodling, "You're still a
The fat woodling beams, glowing with obvious pride as he nods vigorously.
Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to a fancy woodling, "Hopefully we can
put the whole sword thing behind us?"
Ahkan coughs softly at a fancy woodling.
Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder whispers to you, "It was an accident."
You peer at Ahkan unscrupulously.
Ahkan shrugs helplessly at you.
Naerva creeps away from the scene slowly.
Naerva leaves to the west.
Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to you, "He's in one piece. His
branches look healthy and the leaves on his head look vibrant and healthy!"
Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder whispers to you, "Is it a he or a she?"
Frowning, the fancy woodling turns his away from Ahkan, obviously pouting still.
You look undecided and say, "I suppose. No more pruning him."
Thessaly Sazuran asks Ahkan, "Maybe if you gave it an apology gift?"
Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says, "I was just thinking that."
Thessaly removes a wintry belt embellished with lace.
Thessaly gives a wintry belt embellished with lace to Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum
of Sukhder.
Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says, "If this were Kinsarmar, I'd just
give it a pair of panties and celebrate."
Ahkan whispers something to Thessaly.
You give Ahkan the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Thessaly whispers something to Ahkan.
Thessaly grins mischievously at Ahkan.
The fancy woodling glares at Ahkan, and stamps his little wood foot angrily in a
dramatic gesture.
Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to a fancy woodling, "Could we start
rebuilding trust if I gave a belt that was very frilly and attractive? It would
go well with your sapphire! It glitters."
Ahkan proudly shows off a wintry belt embellished with lace:
This elaborate belt has been fashioned from a length of supple leather painted
over with several thin, even coats of a dark silver shade. Overlaid with fragile
lace of a lighter silver hue, this wintry accessory clearly tends towards the
aesthetic rather than the practical. Crocheted into a captivating flurry of
butterfly wing patterns gradually melding into bursts of wildflower designs, the
thin lace is intricate and ornate. A finely-wrought silver buckle, gleaming as
though rimed with a translucent layer of white ice, is designed to fasten the
belt firmly around the waist. Delicately blown and molded into the shapes of
minute spheres and icicles, a myriad of beads of transparent glass and pale
silver have been meticulously sewn into the lace, glinting in any light and
shaking with even the slightest movement.
Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says, "See?"
Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to a fancy woodling, "You would almost
scintillate more than Kanthari, which is saying something."
The fancy woodling seems to consider, glancing at the silver and lace of the
belt, the creature perks up and reaches for it.
Tossing a handful of gold dust above your head, you feel its protection bind
over you as the flakes cling to your skin.
You say to Ahkan, "Hush."
Thessaly gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
A fancy woodling dances happily in the shower of gold dust and poses in front of his puddle, the
belt briefly forgotten.
The woodling then remembers his belt and begins to climb up Ahkan's leg to get
his prize.
Thessaly Sazuran says to a fancy woodling, "You look very nice."
The fancy woodling nods his head, and prances about to better display his
The fancy woodling agrees with Thessaly and is smacked on the head by the bloody
woodling, who clearly hates gold dust and all things fabulous.
Thessaly Sazuran exclaims to a bloody woodling, "Hey!"
The bloody woodling cackles wickedly and hefts his tiny spear in the air
You have emoted: Kanthari reaches into his pack to withdraw a handful of gold
dust, dumping the entirety of it over the bloody woodling out of spite.
Thessaly giggles happily at you.
Thessaly pats a fancy woodling in a friendly manner.
The woodlings collectively point and laugh at the bloody one, who is scowling
miserably as he glitters beneath a layer of gold.
A bloody glittering woodling wails like an old woman.
"woodling94416" a bloody glittering woodling
A bloody glittering woodling dunks his head repeatedly into the puddle, but only
succeeds in spreading the golden dust further.
Thessaly Sazuran says to a bloody glittering woodling, "You should be nicer."
A bloody glittering woodling sniffles softly.
You say to a bloody glittering woodling, "It's the devil to get off of things.
You should be alright in a week."
A bloody glittering woodling attempts to hide, burrowing himself into the soil.
Thessaly grins mischievously.
The remaining woodlings mock and laugh at the now glittering bloody woodling.
A hiss from the uppermost canopy causes all the woodlings to jump in fright and
they scatter in every direction while pretending to be seeing to their tasks.

The love sick woodling glances up at Thessaly curiously, and waddles close.
You have emoted: Kanthari says tersely to a love-sick woodling, "No."
Thessaly stares widely at the woodling, her eyes bright.
The love-sick woodling slumps down dejectedly.
Annoyed, the love sick woodling bites the fat woodling on the arm.
Thessaly glances from Kanthari to the woodling before inching closer to the
little beings.
The fat woodling takes up the dead body of one of the vermin and bashes
love-sick on the head.
You say to Thessaly, "The fancy one isn't half bad."
The fancy woodling preens under the praise, and adjusts his leaves in a cheeky
new fashion.
The fat woodling and the cross-eyed woodling launch themselves at one another,
kicking and flailing about rudely.
You have emoted: Kanthari ponders the fancy woodling for a moment, reaching into
his pack to retrieve a bit of gold bonedust. He sprinkles it over the top of the
creature, appearing amused as he replies, "They tend the tree, and cause
The fancy woodling emits a strange excited noise and rushes to his puddle to
gaze at his own reflection.
Rowynn Sol'Anlumaire says to you, "I think you just made its day."
You smile impishly and say to Rowynn, "That's what I'm here for."
Rowynn smiles wryly, a look of amusement passing over her features.
Thessaly steps over to the fancy woodling, grinning all the while as she peers
into the reflection with it.
Thessaly smiles and says to a fancy woodling, "You look very charming."
The bloody woodling snarls pushes the fancy woodling directly into the puddle,
splashing Thessaly.
Kanthari observes the woodlings as he remarks to Thessaly, "Told you."
The woodlings snicker at point at their fancy brother, but the smelly one rushes
to help him up.
Thessaly blinks in surprise, a wounded expression crossing her fae-ish features
as she bemoans, "My dress is wet.."
You have emoted: Kanthari tears a small square patch of cloth from the corner of
his pack, placing a thimble's worth of gilt dust in it and tying it off with a
string. With a wink, he sets it outside the puddle near the fancy woodling.
You say to Thessaly, "I could step on that one, if you wish?"
The fancy woodling rushes to the little pile of dust, carefully hoarding it away
so his brothers cannot have any.
Opening his mouth wide, Ahkan gapes in wonder.
Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says, "They can...breed?"
Aleutia blinks slowly, her head tilting to the side as she observes the tiny woodling.
Peering down at a baby woodling, Kanthari replies, "I didn't do it."
Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to Kanthari, "Tell me you didn't....the fancy woodling."
Kanthari scoffs, "Please."
The fancy woodling carefully takes the baby by his little hand and leads him away. He snickers and shakes his head at Ahkan.
Aleutia asks dubiously, "How many of these things are about now?"
Ahkan shrugs helplessly at you.
Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says, "Wait. wait."
The fancy woodling bows at Kanthari with a dramatic gesture and begins to point at the Leechwood and then at the soil. With a grin, he slaps the fat woodling on the back, who then spits up a little mound of soil.
Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to a fat woodling, "Keep up the good work."
Aleutia opens her mouth and then closes it, appearing bemused.
A grin on his face, Kanthari bows to the fancy woodling in turn.
The fancy woodling points towards the soil, and then back again to the baby and the tree.
Aleutia says carefully, "I shall pray the fat woodling wasn't involved."
Katalina tilts her head curiously.
Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to Kanthari, "So uh..I think sparkle pants there is saying the baby came from the dirt."
A baby woodling is imitating the fancy woodling's gestures, and attempts to hit the fat woodling on the back as well.
Anaya blinks.
You smile wryly, quite clearly amused.
Katalina stares implacably at Ahkan.
Lady Katalina Dios, Lord of the Storm says to Ahkan, "This is somehow your doing, isn't it?"
The fat woodling snarls at the baby and raises his hand as if to smack him, but a menacing look from the fancy woodling makes him reconsider.
A baby woodling sticks his tongue out in playful defiance.
You give a trillingly melodic laugh.
Kanthari grins mischievously at you.
Anaya gives a baby woodling the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Ahkan reaches over with a grin on his face and playfully ruffles a fat woodling's hair.
Peering up at the canopy of the Leechwood, the fat woodling nods his head as in agreement.
The woodlings all devolve into fits of laughter, mocking and pointing at the fat woodling. The baby woodling tries to imitate this sound as well, but the sound is more of a whispery giggle.
Kanthari Sazuran, the Jackal whispers to you, "The bloody-faced one reminds me of you."
Kanthari winks at you.
You snort arrogantly at Kanthari.
You say to Kanthari, "I would have washed the glitter off by now."
Kanthari grins mischievously.
Kanthari Sazuran, the Jackal says, "Yet for some reason, I'm still around."
You snort arrogantly.
The fat woodling smiles at the baby, and gestures for him to come closer, encouraging him by displaying a large and interesting leaf.
A baby woodling says, "Ooooooh."
Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to a fat woodling, "Be nice."
Katalina urges a fat woodling onwards.
A baby woodling runs over to the fat woodling to take the leaf, and the fat woodling sniggers and hides it from him.
A baby woodling begins bawling his eyes out, face wet with tears.
Ahkan slowly fades into view.
You wince in pain.
Cringing, you say, "By the Maiden, make it stop crying."
The fat woodling cackles and waves his leaf around, putting it within the reach of the baby and then snatching it away again.
In a huff, Kanthari Sazuran, the Jackal says, "I swear."
Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to a fat woodling, "Hey now. Stop acting like ---."
Katalina gives a large Xiur-shaped candy to a baby woodling.
Anaya smiles wryly, a look of amusement passing over her features.
Ahkan prods a fat woodling in the chest.
Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to a fat woodling, "Shape up, fluffy."
Lady Katalina Dios, Lord of the Storm says, "..I don't even know if they can have candy.."
A baby woodling wails pitifully and runs over to the fancy woodling with his piece of candy. He sits down and continues to cry, yet when the fancy woodling turns his head he sticks his tongue out at fatty once more.
The fancy woodling and the love-sick woodling work together and scold the fat one, making harsh sounds and rude gestures. Meanwhile, the baby woodling is smirking at them from the corner.
Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to a fat woodling, "You're the uh...big brother...woodling. You're supposed to look out for the other woodlings. Sort of like how I look after Kanthari."
Kanthari ponders the situation.
Aleutia glances over the baby woodling, remarking to Kanthari, "It's rather devious, I think."
Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to you, "It is."
Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says, "It's definitely the Lionas woodling."
The fat woodling sighs and nods at Ahkan, trying to ignore the smirking insolence of the baby as the fancy woodling fawns over him.
Kanthari Sazuran, the Jackal says to you, "I'm not sure that's a bad thing."
Ahkan coughs softly.
Katalina whispers something to Ahkan.
Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to Katalina, "I would never."
"Uh...huh.." Katalina says, staring skeptically at Ahkan.
Aleutia gives a quiet laugh.
Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder whispers something to a fat woodling.
The baby woodling continues to dramatically wail and cry, flailing his little arms around as if still afraid of the fat woodling. The fancy woodling scowls at his fat brother, and continues to scold him.
Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says, "Will someone tell --- to shut up."
Ahkan glares angrily at a baby woodling.
You take a lovable Demi teddy bear from a pack of Nature's aspect.
Aleutia holds a lovable Demi teddy bear up to the baby woodling, her expression dubious.
Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to you, "Creepiest thing I have ever seen."
Katalina's eyes sparkle with amusement at Ahkan.
Sharply, you say to Ahkan, "Hush."
A baby woodling turns his wide eyes to Aleutia, a look of sweet curiosity in their wooden depths.
A baby woodling sniggers evilly at Ahkan.
Aleutia offers to the tiny woodling as she continues to show off the toy, "If you're quite, you may play with it a time. Hm?"
The fancy woodling raises a brow at the baby, who immediately begins crying again.
You wince in pain.
Ahkan ponders the situation.
Ahkan holds up a churata in front of a baby woodling. "Doesn't this look pretty?"
The baby reaches up eagerly for the prize, which is enormous in comparison to him. The fat woodling looks on, trying to restrain himself and looking up at Ahkan for approval.
Aleutia kneels down, offering the massive doll to the tiny woodling as she murmurs, "No more crying, aye?"
Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to a fat woodling, "Good man. We always have to appear stoic and unflinching, while maintaining and air of mystery and amusement."
The fat woodling and the cross-eyed woodling launch themselves at one another, kicking and flailing about rudely.
Lady Katalina Dios, Lord of the Storm says, "..."
Katalina shakes her head at Ahkan.
The baby woodling sniffles and nods at Aleutia, reaching out eagerly.
A cinnamon tortoiseshell cat takes excessive interest in the massive doll proffered to the tiny woodling, sniffing it with curiosity.
You cease wielding a lovable Demi teddy bear in your left hand.
You give a lovable Demi teddy bear to a baby woodling.
A baby woodling gives a lovable Demi teddy bear a compassionate hug.
Aleutia smiles faintly.
You pat a baby woodling in a friendly manner.
A cinnamon tortoiseshell cat headbutts a baby woodling impatiently.
A baby woodling struggles to move with his prize back towards the trunk of the tree. As the other woodlings attempt to help him, he snarls ferociously and snaps at them as if trying to bite them. They all back away slowly, letting the baby have his way.
A baby woodling frowns at a cinnamon tortoiseshell cat.
Aleutia gives a little laugh, her features turning to vast amusement at the sight of the baby woodling.
A cinnamon tortoiseshell cat sniffs at a baby woodling, taking in his scent.
A baby woodling stands between the cat and his new prize, and readies himself to defend it.
A cinnamon tortoiseshell cat sneezes suddenly, covering her nose with her paws for a brief instant.
The fancy woodling and the bloody woodling shake their heads at one another, and pretend not to notice the baby is picking fights with cats.
You whisper to a baby woodling, "Try hissing at it."
The baby woodling, seeing no help coming from his brethren begins to cry once more. Setting up a wail that is blood-curdling in its tone.
You cringe pathetically.
A cinnamon tortoiseshell cat skitters backwards, obviously distressed at the noise.
A baby woodling attempts to hiss at the cat, but just manages to spit on him a bit.
A cinnamon tortoiseshell cat gives a strangled meow, looking plaintively about itself as it looks for somewhere to hide behind.
Lady Katalina Dios, Lord of the Storm says to Ahkan, "He's starting to look like you.."
You say to Kanthari, "By the Maiden, they're worse than your children."
Stressing the first word, Kanthari Sazuran, the Jackal says to you, "My children?"
The other woodlings are pointedly ignoring the confrontation, stepping around them as they continue their duties.
A baby woodling hisses at a cinnamon tortoiseshell cat.
Aleutia replies pointedly to Kanthari, glancing sidelong to him, "Yes."
Kanthari looks up into the air for divine inspiration.
A baby woodling stands straight with taut shoulders before you, demanding the respect he deserves.
A cinnamon tortoiseshell cat ducks behind a fat woodling suddenly.
You peer at a baby woodling unscrupulously.
You say to a baby woodling, "If you're going to cry, you have to give the doll back."
The fat woodling jumps, but doesn't deter the cat from it's intent. He flashes a cheeky grin up at Ahkan and continues to stand there, not involving himself.
A baby woodling hisses at you.
You hiss at a baby woodling.
A baby woodling begins bawling his eyes out, face wet with tears.
You say to a baby woodling, "I'm rather bigger than a cat."
A baby woodling points accusingly at you.
Ahkan winks knowingly at a fat woodling.
A cinnamon tortoiseshell cat hisses at a baby woodling.
A baby woodling sniffles softly at a fancy woodling.
Ahkan reaches over with a grin on his face and playfully ruffles a cinnamon tortoiseshell cat's hair.
A cinnamon tortoiseshell cat rubs up against Ahkan affectionately.
The fancy woodling sighs and shakes his head at the baby, no longer allowing himself to be manipulated.
You whisper to Kanthari, "Perhaps the fancy one isn't you after all."
Kanthari stares over at you for a moment, head tilting to the side faintly.
A rich spiced perfume hovers in the surrounding air.
A baby woodling tries a new tactic and begins to throw little rocks and leaves at the cat and at Aleutia.
Aleutia kicks a small clot of dirt at the baby woodling in response.
You look undecided and say to Kanthari, "It's definitely worse than your children."
A cinnamon tortoiseshell cat ignores the baby woodling entirely, suddenly bored.
Kanthari Sazuran, the Jackal mutters, "My children."
The love-sick woodling sighs and wanders over to the baby. Making soothing noises, the love-sick woodling attempts to appease the little beast while trying to keep away the cat.
A cinnamon tortoiseshell cat meanders about the area, apparently ignoring everything about it.
The baby frowns at the cat, and then at Aleutia. He throws himself at the love-sick woodling for comfort, and love-sick obliges him by patting his head and whispering to him.
The fat woodling rolls his eyes and makes gagging noises.
You look undecided and say, "At least it's not crying anymore."
Lionas grunts noncommittally.
A cinnamon tortoiseshell cat suddenly pounces at the baby woodling, knocking him over.
The fancy woodling nods emphatically at Aleutia and continues to attend his duties.
A baby woodling begins bawling his eyes out, face wet with tears.
Flatly, you say, "I may kill that cat."
Katalina snickers softly to herself.
Aleutia nudges the cat away from the baby woodling with her foot, appearing displeased.
A cinnamon tortoiseshell cat picks the baby woodling up, a trial for such a cat, and scrambles away to the east, dragging the woodling behind it.
The fat woodling and the fancy woodling look at each other in disbelief.
Kanthari ponders the situation.
The fat woodling shrugs, and begins to whistle a happy little tune as he resumes his usual activities of eating dirt.
Kanthari, Aspect of Moradeim leaves to the east, a feeling of confusion leaving with him.
The shifting form of Kanthari, Aspect of Moradeim enters from the east.
The fancy woodling shakes his head and mutters to himself.
The fat woodling toddles around, pinching bits of soil in his gnarled little fingers and putting them into his mouth to taste them.
You look undecided and say to Kanthari, "I'm blaming Ahkan for this one."
Kanthari Sazuran, the Jackal says to you, "I'm...surprisingly alright with that."
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
‘Every sword’s a weight to carry. Men don’t see that when they pick ’em up. But they get heavier with time.”
‘Every sword’s a weight to carry. Men don’t see that when they pick ’em up. But they get heavier with time.”
A rustle of leaves within the canopy of the Leechwood causes the fat woodling to hastily draw a circle in the air with a gnarled digit before bowing in reverence.
With a step backwards, the fancy woodling narrowly avoids being assaulted by the cross-eyed woodling.
the claims are stated - it's the world I've created
That's my boy ;-;
The woodlings snigger rudely and point at Ahre, suggesting more notes for the fancy one to take. The fat woodling breaks away and plops himself down upon Ahkan's foot, trying to crush his toes.
The fat woodling nods solemnly up at his mentor and beams with pride.
You say to Ahre, "You can flirt with the love-sick woodling?"
Ahre pets a love-sick woodling ingratiatingly.
Ahre says to you, "Make them behave."
Ahre says, "I should put them in a sack, and hang them from the tree...."
You say, "It's probably best not to unite the woodlings against any single person."
You headbutt Mena, following traditional Xiur greeting.
The fat woodling and the drunk square off, running at each other and slamming their heads together. A resounding wooden THUNK! reverberates around the square as the two woodlings stumble about in daze for a few moments.
The love-sick woodling remains oblivious to his brothers as he gazes up at his object of affection. The others take the opportunity and rush him, four woodling heads colliding against his with a crash. Flakes of bark, fragments of wood and soil fly into the air upon the impact.
Ahre rolls her eyes.
The bloody woodling peers out from his hiding place to mock them, but the others are still reeling from the blows. The drunk hiccups once and his bleary eyes clear, as he seems to sober up.
You say to a drunk woodling, "Life just isn't the same when you're sober, is it?"
You give a canteen of whiskey to a drunk woodling.
You say to a fancy woodling, "You're an enabler...a truly scintillating enabler."
The woodlings leave off watching the sober woodling and listen intently to Ahkan.
You say, "When you beat other people up, you're probably in pain and reeling. We need to learn the art of the manhug."
You say to Ahre, "A lot."
The fat woodling nods solemnly and eagerly up at his mentor.
Ahre says to a soberly depressed woodling, "Being sober is not that bad."
You say to Ahre, "I dunno, sister."
A soberly depressed woodling hiccups suddenly.
Ahre says, "I do not like the fat one..."
You say, "I love him."
You say, "They're young still and all brothers."
The fat woodling sticks his tongue at at Ahre and beams proudly up at Ahkan. He stands next to his mentor, and tries to adopt his exact stance and posture.
Ahre says to a fat woodling, "I will remove that tongue...."
You say to Ahre, "Olanre blasted the fat woodling for standing up to her."
A whispery rustle of leaves betrays the visage of Olanre, who is glaring down at the woodlings. With a cruel hiss and a sharp word from the Diabolus, the woodlings fall quiet for a moment.
Calmly turning towards Olanre, you bring your clasped hands to your forehead as you bow before her, slowly, at the waist.
Lady Mena Greyjoy says, "Hmm, what kind of woodling would be Ahkan?"
You say to Ahre "Her name was Paesa. We pretty much raised Paesa from a little glow-bug to a really mischievous glow bug."
You say, "The Prophet lured Paesa to our altar, and we sacrificed our little glow bug and let her be consumed by the Leechwood. We pretty much infused the Leechwood with the power left by the death of the gods."
You say, "Olanre was the end result of that pairing. She's still not too thrilled with her fate and she's starting to realize how powerful she really is."
Lionas Sol'Anlumaire, Redwood Blight says to Ahre, "I was hungry."
Lionas Sol'Anlumaire, Redwood Blight says to you, "And all of her power does not loose her roots."
Ahre whispers to you, "What are the woodlings doing?"
You whisper to Ahre, "Probably not too happy with you."
Whispering a word to the woodlings, they appear to relax and lower their spears that were trained upon Ahre. They make little polite gestures towards Lionas and resume their duties, casting wrathful glances at Ahre occasionally.
You whisper to Ahre, "They're probably insulted."
Ahre whispers to you, "I do not think I like her."
You whisper to Ahre, "She's pretty unsettling. You'll get used to her. You need to respect her...or, she can ruin your life in really annoying ways, a.k.a..horrible."
The roots of the tree start to pulse with a steady rhythm, the beat akin to that of a heart. The soil greedily drinks the blood that suffuses the great trunk with obvious power.
You say, "She told me that one of the woodlings would have a gift for me, but I haven't seen it. I'm not sure if they're slacking, or if She is being passive-aggressive again."
The woodlings grumble and snort, none daring to look Lionas in the face except for the fat woodling, who just adopts a stupid expression and wanders off.
The fat woodling breathes a sigh of relief, and congratulates himself on playing it cool in front of Lionas.
You quickly toss a mortal heart still dripping blood to a fat woodling, who catches it nimbly.
You have emoted: As Lionas decapitates the corpse, he guides the spilt blood to the roots of the Leechwood.
The roots of the tree start to pulse with a steady rhythm, the beat akin to that of a heart. The soil greedily drinks the blood that suffuses the great trunk with obvious power.
the claims are stated - it's the world I've created
The fancy woodling saunters over to the cross-eyed woodling and hits him over the head. For a moment, his brothers eyes focus and appear normal. With a snigger, the now straight-eyed woodling makes a face. It sticks that way and he is cross-eyed once more.
the claims are stated - it's the world I've created
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
Fat woodling on the left, fancy woodling on the right.
True leechtree gangstas
They ride together, they die together.