Paragon :o its an interesting twist on MOBAs, I've been quite addicted. and one of the best part about it... its crossplatform between PC and PS4! (View Post)
I like this very very much, but I have a slight concern about nausea moving to kelp when it comes to outrider, nausea being the gate for dryblood, and the main spear effect used. maybe my concern is … (View Post)
Along that same note then, flip boots and things like it need to be destroyed as well. I'm pretty sure that's the major reason these shackle and chain items exist to begin with, because classes that… (View Post)
(Ring): Lynyssa says, "*sings back on forth on a wrecking ball* I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL."H:(543[100]) M:(367[95]) (ebdb) Bleed:[0] EXP: 49.77 [PVE: none][PVP: Dyron][AFFS:0][AFFED:0]… (View Post)