For most races, the NO emote is identical to the SHAKE emote. For the races it isn't, it's because the SHAKE emote involves shaking their tail. Editing the rest of my post to completely reverse what… (View Post)
Feeling creatively driven? Design clockwork mobs! Win credits! See them killed over and over! Read Announce News 3597 (or the news entry on the Imperian website!) for details on how to submit your cl… (View Post)
SHAMANISM - ASSESS, SUPREMACY - PROBE, and VOICE - KARINYU will now show the UNIFIED diagnose lines by default if the user has CONFIG AFFMESSAGES set. (View Post)
One of the reasons we have hesitated to put in that solution is that we don't want to * Remove the ability to stealth harvest single shard drops * Make it obvious who is harvesting during large shard… (View Post)