Engineer looks complex and daunting at first glance, but it can be played pretty simply if you want. It has a lot of flexibility in terms of damage it does and tricks it can use, but at the same time… (View Post)
It's not just the damage, though. Taint is generated too fast to be meaningful and the tanking ability of summoner needs looking at, too. There should be some downside to having good damage - And it'… (View Post)
What about level-limited landmarks, or landmarks set by allies, or landmarks set by orgs with a level requirement to see them? That way newbies won't get overwhelmed. (View Post)
Septus just won 1200 credits betting on Loc Firerunner!See HELP GLADIATORS to learn how you can win.Septus just won 273 credits betting on Loc Firerunner!See HELP GLADIATORS to learn how you can win.… (View Post)