TIme for another progress update! Summoners are shaping up nicely, with the new versions of Tarot and Noctu almost entirely coded, and Enslavery halfway done. If all goes well, I expect to be posting… (View Post)
That's one thing that will need to be sorted out - currently curing attunements has no 3p message, but whenever you do something that increases the target's attunement, you are told which level it's… (View Post)
And thirdly, details on Crystalbinding: [spoiler] Crystalbinding - Crystal Syntax: CONJURE CRYSTAL Requires: (TO BE DETERMINED) This ability allows you to conjure a crystal, which forms the core of m… (View Post)
Details on Pyroglacia spells: [spoiler] Pyroglacia - Freeze Syntax: CAST FREEZE AT <target> Type: Secondary This spell freezes your opponent, or strips the caloric defence. Pyroglacia - Waterwa… (View Post)