The beta is unlikely to last two months, although it could happen if some changes prove difficult to get right. Hoping for around three weeks myself - we'll see. As for the start of the beta, should … (View Post)
Someone's being optimistic, I see! My Imperian time isn't quite -that- bad, don't worry. Anyway, just briefly, this is what the plan entails currently - and I should emphasise that any of these could… (View Post)
As has become traditional over the years, I often add some changes of my own to the ongoing classlead rounds. This one's no exception, and here are the alterations I'm planning to include - as always… (View Post)
As a heads-up regarding where we're at, the majority of the reports is done and almost all Defiler changes are designed and coded as well. I still need to figure out what I want to do with Bards, and… (View Post)