(Web): You say, "They built Imperian just to hold @Kryss, @Septus and @Khizan from breaking the other IRE games." (Web): xxx says, "And it's like." (Web): You say, "Now the i… (View Post)
I paused when I read this. Clearly some crafting rules were broken: --- Antioch Shuk -------- -6:-6:0 --- The stars twinkle in the clear night sky. This has been marked as holy ground. A sewer grate … (View Post)
Started a character on Achaea, two minutes later, realize I've been made an NPC there already... Darkness surrounds you. Your head throbs with pain, like it's about to explode. By the Gods, what happ… (View Post)
Use it when it will maximally frustrate your enemy, but if you're anything like us, you will forget to use it with great frequency. @Eldreth (View Post)