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  • Re: I HEART

    Magick lost once at a shardfall and refused to go back and fight more. Septus and I were upset with this. 2014/07/02 03:41:29 - Mercer has been slain by Komatata. 2014/07/02 03:41:49 - Kyar has been … (View Post)
  • Re: June Promotion (Artifact Fragments)

    I bet nobody will be surprised to learn that my pre-IRE background is SMAUG PK muds. circlecirclegougedrinkhealdrinkhealdrinkspringcircle (View Post)
  • Re: Quotes

    With a twinge of electricity, Alvetta tells you, "Why are you all attacking Kinsy's townes?" You tell Duchess Alvetta Mjollnir, The Vengeant Eye, "There are many reasons I could give.&… (View Post)
  • Re: I HEART

    Here's how it all went down: [Info]: Aleutia has just won 5000 credits on the Wheel of Fortune! (Ring): Aleutia says, ":D." (Ring): Aleutia says, "Congraaaaaaats!" (Ring): Aleutia… (View Post)
  • Re: Quotes

    Nothing, really. If you make afflictions easier to track, you don't make more B-list affliction fighters; you just make the A-list affliction fighters into A+ ones, because they're the ones that car… (View Post)