Could bounties somehow not get resolved during deaths in a shardfall area? It's really unsatisfying to bounty an entire group of people for an outpost fight and then have almost all of the bounties g… (View Post)
My biggest problem with the Mercenaries, probably, is that there's no real element of choice. I wrote an automatic adventuring system today and literally all it does is pick the first option repeated… (View Post)
"Play the class you find interesting" can be an excellent way to be bashing at 29 DPS at near-aspect levels with an attack balance of 3.6 seconds. There are many people who find they are be… (View Post)
You'll be out of the lowbie levels so rapidly that they're basically meaningless and the higher your levels/skills get the more notable the differences are. Choosing defiler will not be miserable at … (View Post)