2015/12/16 01:13:07 - Khizan removed the Animists from the list of unwanted organizations. 2015/12/16 01:13:10 - Khizan removed the Bards from the list of unwanted organizations. 2015/12/16 01:13:25 … (View Post)
People won't fight over meaningful buffs either, they'll just get upset that the other side gets to get them. I've been pondering some kind of towne-based conflict system. First, remove all the commo… (View Post)
The early Saboteurs were a strange guild. The big thing about them that you need to take into consideration is that back in the day they were the literal only source of toxins in the game. The Sabote… (View Post)
From last night: (Ring): Septus says, "You know." (Ring): Septus says, "Its becoming a pattern where we help all the evil dudes." (Ring): Septus says, "Because noone else wan… (View Post)