Your icewyrm makes its final strike, leaping forward onto Therian and pinning him to the ground with its bulk. Slowly, itching with hungry desire, the wyrm draws a wicked claw across Therian's chest,… (View Post)
For people who don't know better: You can totally kill him for that, but it's not 'protected' PvP like caravans or shardfalls; he gets to kill you back for it. (View Post)
That exists in a lot of city helpfiles and such. Here's the one from Antioch: Antioch: Skills-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Composed by: LalitanaCompos… (View Post)
Could we PLEASE get some sort of "Don't send this command unless I have eq and balance" thing going? A ton of the classes in this game are bal/eq combo classes now, and the bal/eq times rar… (View Post)
You can just preserve the letter and it'll last forever and can be stored in anything, and preserving 50 letters would cost 50k. Just preserve letters and cram them in a token pack, imo. (View Post)