You'd quite possibly regret it. The days of the Imperian Iliad were pretty awesome for me, but I was Ajax. It would quite possibly be less fun for you, Mr. Unnamed Soldier(third from the left, second… (View Post)
It's not irrelevant, though. In fact, it's totally relevant. We're not saying this to be mean. We're not saying this to pick on you. We're not saying you're a bad fighter. What we are saying is this:… (View Post)
If you're going to make Rafe and Balan so important and valuable to kill, can you also please ensure that they're not the only sources for sword and axe proficiencies while they're at it? (View Post)
Traps I hate the current incarnation of traps. I hate trying to make my way through a shardfall area and finding that I have to writhe twice to make it through each exit, since it's trapped both comi… (View Post)