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  • Re: Relics

    The Silver Spear is such a significant object that the leaders of Kinsarmar took it up as a symbol; it is the weapon that killed Czevak, broke the back of the attacking Stavennite army, ended 25 year… (View Post)
  • Re: Relics

    I would reconsider Nathariel, just because his Spear has been the cityleader item of Kinsarmar since the start, and that's a second tier relic type. @Kanthari Undead/Corrupted Lyria is modern; she ha… (View Post)
  • Re: Relics

    It's a reasonable explanation for it if he decided he still wanted to include it. Demonic Khandava has existed for less than an IC century(651 AD - 679 AD, 1 AM to 50 AM); I do not think it unreason… (View Post)
  • Re: The Issues System

    Changes I would like to see: * I would like for there to be a window of time after dying where you cannot issue. Ten minutes, say. If it's legitimately issueworthy right after you die at time t, it w… (View Post)
  • Re: Mercenary System

    This system feels so goddamn slow. I spent a ton of time fitting out my mercenaries, training them up, a ton of lessons on skills... and then I give them an order and I get to check back in 8 hours? … (View Post)