Aggressively clotting against longswords can make them much less effective; Septus can't effectively kill me with longswords because my clotting is aggressive enough that he can't really get haemophi… (View Post)
The problem is that if shrines are too hard to kill off it's both worthless as a conflict mechanism(since there's no reason to seriously defend them) and a very first-come-first-served system(since t… (View Post)
Whining about a log comment of "Jesus, man" when you're dealing with something as inherently OOC as accidental guard deaths is right up there with "soul aeon" and "my soul ke… (View Post)
That aside, I'd just like to say that too many of the bosses feel corpse-rushy to me. It's not "attempt, wipe, attempt, wipe, attempt, wipe", it's "graveyard zerg the boss". This … (View Post)