General rankings for AM: Predator: F---. Garbage tier. Terrible. Unworkable. I don't care how good you think you are or how many artifacts you have. You will not get predator to work in PvP. It can't… (View Post)
Could we change the Wand of Reflections up a bit? Maybe give it 3 charges and make the charges recharge after a minute or so? Right now reflecting yourself has a 1.9s eq and it doesn't take any eq wh… (View Post)
I just use inventory categories for this. I have one big category of "Crap" which is everything I don't want to look at. Crap: pipet warhorn feedbag orb skyhammer gem anchor stone brush mi… (View Post)
Berserkers ALREADY require both an artifact longsword and an artifact shield to properly artifact up. Please consider basing Shout damage off of weapon damage instead of giving them a THIRD offensive… (View Post)
No, that has nothing to do with it. The main reason is probably just that Berserkers are a sword and board class because Wardancers were, and Berserkers are the Wardancer replacement. That aside, the… (View Post)