This is pretty awful, really. The odds of benzene+burning+freezing having any kind of noteworthy impact on an enemy is so small as to be inconsequential. You're way better off just throwing strychni… (View Post)
Your problem was that you had ample resources to pay the price of moving but didn't want to pay the price. That's not a big problem, honestly, and it can't really be solved because solutions like &qu… (View Post)
If you want to see more Mages just make them powerhouse bashers and give them a harvesting bonus from earth/water magic. Mage numbers will spike and there's no combat changes required. On the other h… (View Post)
It's easy to decide which orgs get to go. Axe Stavenn keep Khandava. Stavenn is a dysfunctional mess and there's really nothing to be gained from letting the Stavennites get in on the ground floor of… (View Post)
This is a very important demand request from Ultrix: Berserkers need to keep the ability to create colorful sword streamers, because Ultrix gets a bad case of the sads when she doesn't have a colorfu… (View Post)