You have set the 'paralysis' affliction to the 1 priority. Could that message be changed to something like: You have changed the 'paralysis' affliction priority from 4 to 1. There are a lot of situat… (View Post)
If you drop two tokens on the vialbelt, you can just spend like 1200 gold on vials and be curing again with no problems. Here's an idea for an existing artifact, though: Sell me one artifact vial for… (View Post)
10 credits is astronomically overpriced. You could sell TWO credits and get enough gold for all of that stuff with some change left over. You're talking about like maybe 25k in gold costs for 135k wo… (View Post)
The plagues, as they are now, are doomed to fail, honestly. There's just not enough Champions to run it without resorting to blatant farming. Extra bashing experience isn't enough to convince people … (View Post)
Could Ironbeard just do like a giftbag a day after you've been online for an hour or something? The yearly "week where everybody AFKs 24 hours a day" is tiresome. (View Post)