The Silver Spear is such a significant object that the leaders of Kinsarmar took it up as a symbol; it is the weapon that killed Czevak, broke the back of the attacking Stavennite army, ended 25 year… (View Post)
I would reconsider Nathariel, just because his Spear has been the cityleader item of Kinsarmar since the start, and that's a second tier relic type. @Kanthari Undead/Corrupted Lyria is modern; she ha… (View Post)
It's a reasonable explanation for it if he decided he still wanted to include it. Demonic Khandava has existed for less than an IC century(651 AD - 679 AD, 1 AM to 50 AM); I do not think it unreason… (View Post)
Changes I would like to see: * I would like for there to be a window of time after dying where you cannot issue. Ten minutes, say. If it's legitimately issueworthy right after you die at time t, it w… (View Post)
This system feels so goddamn slow. I spent a ton of time fitting out my mercenaries, training them up, a ton of lessons on skills... and then I give them an order and I get to check back in 8 hours? … (View Post)