At the end of the ToA you get two credits per point you earned regardless of your overall ranking, and you get one point just for showing up to an event. If you join an FFA and cleave yourself as soo… (View Post)
I don't really mind losing the quiz, honestly. It was a gigantic pain to deal with. It generally took more than an hour for a 20 question quiz, but the pacing was so erratic that you were chained to … (View Post)
Can we disable flooding in the warzone/overrun events? It is extremely irritating for those professions that can't use their bashing attack while mounted. Having to swim/part every room is a fairly l… (View Post)
It ain't called a Duel-for-All, son. That is how ToA FFAs always work. Everybody groups up with their teammates because credits are at stake, and if you don't team somebody will team you. There is re… (View Post)