Alright, this lag is to the point where fights are unplayable. Half the demonic team just had their offenses negated by curseward of all things because their input wouldn't go through until garrynbot… (View Post)
Ditto on the "eating deaths I shouldn't" comment. The absurd input lag just caused me to be unable to exit a room with more demons than anyone would be comfortable with. (View Post)
Redemption is dumb in class for a number of reasons. Firstly, it absolutely forces everyone else to play the revive in combat game. No exceptions. The problem is, this is the kind of game that AM rea… (View Post)
Know what would be an improvement to imperian? If I didn't have to relog every time I died because my treant bugs out. I bugged it a while ago, and it is very much so gamebreaking. Whenever I die, I … (View Post)