A lot of things over the past 10 years. Big events, running shops, but almost always - the people. I have a lot of personal things that happened to my characters over the past 10 years that I wouldn'… (View Post)
That is actually how I'm sort of reworking the Warrior League in DeHayden. (Which is taking me longer than I had hoped). As a preview: before it was you'd fight a dude or beast, and if you won you mo… (View Post)
If Imperian had a hoarder's show, all the Volunteers would be the first to appear...cause that's what we do. (Mortals beware, I'm thinking of collecting players in my next hoarding corner.) (View Post)
@Susser I'm not exactly sure what you are really wanting. No HELP PROFESSIONNAME goes to a help file about that profession. Are you wanting help files per profession? Or wanting it to link to a certa… (View Post)
In all reality, we donate most of our tears to @Garryn so he doesn't crash the game. He drinks them out of a mug that randomly generates a players saddest face. (View Post)