I really heart Imperian, not only because it gives me a fun hobby and a great community of friends, but because it enriches my personal life. It helps me to become a better writer. It fosters creativ… (View Post)
I had a dream about Imperian last night, which happens often, and it has me thinking.. I love this game. Despite its flaws and despite some of the arguments we have with each other, I really do love … (View Post)
After reaching 1,000 achievement points (and receiving 250 bound credits), I feel like there is no reason to pursue achievements now because there is no tangible reward. 90% of the achievements award… (View Post)
Achievements. Curran is the perfect example. She isn't a combatant; she doesn't want to fight. She comes to a shardfall, and I kill her. All the time. Like... relentlessly. Not because I want to brag… (View Post)