This thread might get derailed quickly, so please don't argue! I'm just curious which artifacts people dislike and why, specifically those you wish didn't exist or made the user explode like a bacon firecracker every time they used them.
Personally, I find the speed artifacts most annoying - Dirk, diadem, pipe filter, lyre of shallah, curing/speed earrings, etc. They throw balance off, and they tend to become mandatory for the class that uses them. Good luck playing Mage or Bard without a diadem, or Assassin or Renegade without a dirk!
Next up would be the stealth and detection artifacts - Veil, Seer's Eye, Phantom Mask in particular. The veil is like a 2k tax on getting into combat right now, the Seer's Eye negating all stealth skills entirely is unspeakably lame (But yes, I do plan to get one), and the phantom mask should never have existed in the first place.
On the third tier of lame are the escape arties. Raksha band and gazali earrings. Yeah, raksha now has a 1 second channel, but I think it should change further. Gazali earring escapes should probably be blocked by something, too.
Disclaimer: of the above, I own a dirk, diadem, pipe filter, lyre of shallah, all of the curing speed and bal/equi earrings, a bow, a veil, and I do have gazali earrings but I don't use them in combat.
So, which artifacts and types of artifacts do you all dislike? What would you like to see consigned to the foggy halls of memory and never used again?
Personally I wouldn't mind seeing flip boots go away too, but only if I can get an arti that lets me flip past walls and rubble, because I enjoy feeling like Robin, in this context:
Earring of gazali because I bought one then useless @Khizan retired on me.
To go another way I actually dislike most of the QoL arties the most. The arties that are effectively 'here's how this ability should work, but because money, it only works that easily with this artifact, otherwise it's gonna take you 4x as long.
also Foreboding stone and the warning skill.
What about web tattoo thing? We don't see web much, but if we did, you'd still need the no web artie, right? It's definitely on the list of least favorite needed artifacts in every game.
Artifact – Foreboding Stone:
TOUCH <stone> will activate it for one hour.
It will notify you when any of your enemies enter the same area as you, but it will not report every move in the area that they make.
EDIT: er, actually a lot earlier than that... It's another article on that page that's from 4 Sep.
Trying to think how you could change foreboding to let "a guy" or possibly even "a guy and his buddy" try to jump someone, but retain its "holy ****, a lot of people are coming, yeah, I'm good with us running" function. Everything so far seems not good enough, but that would be the ideal in my mind.
If I could make any single artifact disappear, it'd be the veil absolutely no question or reservations.
If I could make two disappear, throw in the diadem, because for the classes that need it, most of them are bubbling toss without it, and they oughta just be rebalanced without it.
If I had to pick a third, arrowcatching thing without a doubt. I don't like it when one of my skillsets is basically rendered completely pointless, especially when its by a relatively-cheap artifact.
That said, I'd already not be enjoying teams that big, and it's definitely true that in teams with that many players, you'd already be experiencing plenty of hinder without any level 50-somethings spamming web. Teams that big are fun for the captain leading, and for someone getting their very, very first taste of combat, so I'd hope they never became the only or even main show in town.
I had a torch tattoo briefly years ago, "just in case" and was told don't bother, and I think that was the rationale (which made enough sense to me at the time). Anyway, not pressing at the moment, but possibly something to put on a list (or not).
Curing related ones really have even less business existing in a game like this.
That's it. I like artifacts. I like things like Diadem and whatever. You people just like to complain a lot.
/grumpy old man on porch
Get off my lawn.
Like a daydream.. or a fever