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Classleads Report - February-March 2013

LabilLabil Member Posts: 355 ✭✭✭
While, obviously, most of the classleads are Combat-related, there are some that are general in their subject, so I thought about putting them here. Only excluded reports are those empty, unsubmitted classleads. Removed empty solutions, as to not clutter the thread more than necessary

Report #1
Submitted by: Iluv           Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Necromancy     Skillname   : Deathaura
Deathaura will sometimes try to give an affliction that a target already has. It will still tick essence while doing this.
Solution #1:
Make deathaura afflict intelligently by having it not give afflictions that the target already has.

Report #2
Submitted by: Alonzo         Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Warding        Skillname   : Fend
Fend is a flavour skill, and back when having to turn on Powersoul was a hindrance, there were certain situations where it was a good idea to use, namely hunting an area with aggressive mobiles. With the change to Powersoul, and the higher DPS of just qjabbing, while still interesting as a flavour skill, Fend doesn't have a real use any more. This classlead hopes to find a new use for the skill, without just losing a spot in Warding.
Solution #1:
As the AB and skill name imply, Fend is a defensive ability. Make Fend not a strike meant for two targets, but a one use skill that will take the next attack to any ally in your location, before wearing off and needing to be activated again to have another effect.
Solution #2:
As a defensive ability, FENDing a limb would give a chance to parry a strike to that limb, roughly 50%, using the haft of a Ranger/Amazon's glaive/javelin. This defence could not be moved by way of the various Feint skills.
Solution #3:
Solution 2, with a higher rate of parry.

Report #3
Submitted by: Alonzo         Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Warding        Skillname   : Bashimpale
Some time ago Bashimpale was changed from it's useful 'knock out and impale a prone victim' to, 'this only works if they're asleep/bound'. As a class that afflicts while dealing damage, Rangers aren't the best at keeping anyone asleep. We do however, break limbs rather well. As the AB states 'If your target is on the ground as well as encumbered or tied up in some way', I feel this skill should return to what it did initially.
Solution #1:
Allow Bashimpale to target a prone target with at least one broken leg, regaining it's usefulness in combat.
Solution #2:
See solution 1, if I can't have that, I've stopped caring.

Report #7
Submitted by: Alonzo         Status      : Unsubmitted
Skillset    : Bowmanship     Skillname   : Targetshot
Targetshot is an interesting skill, but suffers from the same issues as almost all bowmanship skills do - Not being able to see your target being effected by it.
Solution #1:
Allow targetshot to be used in-room if a direction is omitted.

Report #8
Submitted by: Alonzo         Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Bowmanship     Skillname   : Quickshot
With the reduced returns change to unconsciousness, quickshot seems to take a double hit in that it is able to miss a target because of the reduced accuracy/damage it accepts in order to gain better balance recovery. Even with Marksmanship and a level 3 artifact bow, my standard shots have missed multiple times in a row.
Solution #1:
Reduce the decreased damage while eliminating the decreased accuracy on a quickshot.
Solution #2:
Just eliminate the decreased accuracy on a quickshot.

Report #9
Submitted by: Darin          Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Wyrmriding     Skillname   : Icewyrm
Wyrms are the backbone of Outrider combat, without them our two methods of killing someone are rendered absolutely useless. Intimidate or any skill that dismisses another pet produces a rather big problem of disparity when directed at the icewyrm. As it stands no other profession relies so heavily on a pet to participate in combat, let alone be effective.
Solution #1:
Drastically decrease the success rate of skills that would cause the icewyrm to flee the room.
Solution #2:
Allow icewyrms to be immune to such skills as intimidate and cowardice. (Obviously this is preferred, but I'm biased)

Report #10
Submitted by: Iluv           Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Malignosis     Skillname   : Daegger hunt
Problem: Daegger hunt in its current incarnation suffers from many problems that have never been addressed. First, the daegger toxin giving is random and unreliable. Second, the speed of using Daegger hunt is very slow. With fast statpack, the balance for Daegger hunt is 3.6 seconds which severly hinders the Diabolist affliction speed. Third, daegger hunt lacks in-line envenoming. Fourth, the daegger is stopped by rebounding which Diabolists have no way to remove.
Solution #1:
This solution seeks to solve the above problems in a way that would rewrite the skill in a simple and efficient manner. Daegger Hunt should deliver a single toxin on a short 1 to 2 second delay and have an internal cooldown of 3 to 5 seconds to use. The rate of toxin delivery would be 100%. The syntax would look like this, Daegger Hunt <target> <toxin> which would give the skill in-line envenoming. This new Daegger Hunt will not use balance but will require balance and equilibrium to use. The internal cooldown on the delivery of the toxin should make it so that Daegger Hunt could not be used in combination with every Deadeye attack but with every other Deadeye attack or every third Deadeye attack. Now we have solved the the problems of the random delivery of toxins and the lack of in-line envenoming and the inefficient speed at which Daegger hunt works.
Solution #2:
This second Solution is aimed at the problem of Daegger hunt being stopped by rebounding, which currently, the Diabolist has no way of removing. This solution is intended to work with the changes proposed in Solution 1. Since a raze mechanic would work awkwardly with the delay mechanic of Daegger hunt, Daegger hunt should ignore rebounding completely. It will still be prevented by shield as a means to slow down affliction speed.
Solution #3:
This solution is also intended to work with the changes proposed in Solution 1. With the new Daegger Hunt skill only giving 1 toxin and stab at a longer interval, it's damage given will be reduced. To compensate for this, increase either the damage given by being hit from Daegger Hunt or increase the bleed effect given from Daegger Hunt.

Report #11
Submitted by: Iluv           Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Malignosis     Skillname   : Demons
Currently, you cannot summon the fiend, daemonite and nightmare from the same pentagram. Because of this, the fiend is never summoned and used. Also, summoning a daemonite when you have a nightmare out in the same room requires you to leave the room, summon and return to the nightmare room. Since the nightmare change (unable to give hellsight and mental affliction from the first hellsight tick), this restriction is no longer needed. It also does not fit with the theme of reduced ranged combat.
Solution #1:
Remove the single demon from pentagram restriction and allow the Diabolist to summon all three demons (fiend, daemonite and nightmare) from the same pentagram in one room.
Solution #2:
Loosen the restriction to allow the Diabolist to summon two out of the three demons from the same pentagram in the same room.

Report #12
Submitted by: Arakis         Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Sabotage       Skillname   : Arrowcrafting
Sabotage users unlike Bowmanship users are unable to make their own bows, making them dependent on shops that sell the type of bow they need, usually from a City/Council shop, or a private store that sells at sometimes arbitrary rates.
Solution #1:
Add Bows to Arrowcrafting.

Report #13
Submitted by: Arakis         Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Engineering    Skillname   : Cannon
Cannons are currently the only siege gear that cannot be disassembled. There is no real reason for this since they have the same weight as other siege, i.e. 1000 pounds.
Solution #1:
Simply make it so that Cannons can be disassembled like any other siege.

Report #14
Submitted by: Arakis         Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Engineering    Skillname   : New
It'd be nice to add an option to each siege weapon that you can add fashion <siege> with the option <kit> allowing you to assemble but have it as a kit once finished rather than needing to make one, then disassemble it for storage. not a significant change but it would be nice.

Report #15
Submitted by: Sarrius        Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Predation      Skillname   : Poison
The skill 'Poison', while super awesome and really cool back in the day, is really nothing but filler. Instead of merely suggesting a new slot, I feel like the framework for a new, sitara-only toxin has already been laid out for me. The Predator class, while commonly associated with the 'knife-wielding agile jerk' archetype for classes, is apparently considered a hybrid class in the minds of those in charge of class development. If this is the case, the class needs more interesting and unique tools that allow them to marry the two branches of their playstyles together to perform a heavy damage closer (crescentcut combos) or a toxic overload instant kill (cirisosis). The intention of this report is to suggest various possible sitara-only toxins that can give the Damage branch of the Predator class a little bit more 'oomph', without bringing with it the baggage that skills like Bloodfreeze and Brainmelt are perceived to currently have.
Solution #1:
Change the toxin that Poison makes to a sitara-only toxin that causes a stacking affliction cured by eating toadstool. The curing of the affliction would not adjust or change the total health/mana regained by eating toadstool. The toxin would stack up to five levels of severity. Each level reduces the Poison resistance of the target, until a typical stock target (Venom Elixir, Transcendent Antidotes) would have 0% Poison resistance. When the target is helpless (or under conditions that would modify crescentcut), the toxin additionally causes Poison damage. The circle is almost entirely incapable of causing poison-elemental damage otherwise, rendering this a strict Predator buff with no synergy anywhere else in the circle. The 'ramp up' prevents this from being a devastating possibility in the current pace of team combat - simply using it on a random prone target in the heat of battle, with no setup, would yield something pitiful due to Antidote resistance.
Solution #2:
Change the toxin that Poison creates to give an epidermal-cured affliction, and allow that toxin to be envenomable ONLY on sitaras. The affliction would cause organ failure in the target, causing them to take ticking damage based on physical affliction present. I specify physical afflictions because this toxin would act as a fast ticking closer from crescentcut combinations on targets with limbs broken by Knifeplay-Jab or Knifeplay-Lowhook. Obviously, most toxic afflictions are also physical afflictions. I obviously am not going to provide estimated numbers for damage or scaling - these things are usually within the Administration's control. The purpose of this solution would be to provide another source of damage to help a Predator chew through high health targets in a heavily percentile way, while also playing conservatively about giving Anti-Magick more burst buttons. Since the toxin is a damage over time (akin to botulinum), you would have to warp your team's composition and strategy around sticking and making the toxin relevant. For that effort and level of coordination, you could formulate a much more powerful, immediate strategy. It is also something you can react to (as it does not happen immediately) and control the damage of.
Solution #3:
Change the toxin that Poison creates in to an immunity deficiency toxin that can only be applied to a sitara. The affliction given by this toxin would be curable in a way fashioned after the Gutwyrm: the affliction remains until 3 toadstools have been consumed. The affliction would have three levels of severity: 'complete immunodeficiency', 'moderate immunodeficiency', and 'light immunodeficiency'. So long as the affliction remains on any level, Bloodscourge deals damage on each tick based on physical afflictions present. The levels of deficiency would govern the damage (and possibly even the damage type). Simple napkin math yields that the affliction has a minimum duration (assuming 0ms ping and eating toadstool the literal moment you can) is 12 seconds (immediate toadstool upon affliction to go to moderate, 6s later toadstool to go to light, 6s later toadstool to cure entirely). Assuming the opponent had just eaten toadstool before being afflicted by the toxin, the minimum duration increases to 18 seconds. This ability lines up rather well with the Spider Acid skill in Beastmastery, which would allow you to use Bloodscourge as a passive damage over time ability delivered before you begin your true 'coup de grace' via crescentcut combinations. Due to the chemical composition of this toxin, it is incapable of binding with cirisosis for the purpose of an instant kill or even an affliction morph.

Report #16
Submitted by: Velion         Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Devotion       Skillname   : Cleansing
Passive defence strip is not a skill that is felt to be needed anymore with the current incarnations of Templar and Priest, and both classes could use a bit more depth to their offensive skillsets. A worthwhile change would be welcome, rather than just a deletion of the skill altogether. All solutions would preferably keep the current devotion cost and uptime.
Solution #1:
Change Cleansing to act as a rebounding delay, increasing the time it takes an enemy to gain rebounding after smoking linseed by 3 seconds. This would open up room for a further dsl from Templar, and a smite from Priest.
Solution #2:
Change Cleansing to cure an affliction from an enemy on it's current tick rate. Each affliction cured like this would inflict __ amount of health damage. The type of damage, I won't specify, I'll leave that to the Administrators if this solution is accepted.
Solution #3:
Change Cleansing to remove __% of enemy physical resistance or degrade enemy armour values by __%. This would be the least favorable choice, as it could have far reaching effects in teams.

Report #17
Submitted by: Velion         Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Devotion       Skillname   : Lastrites
Devotion costs currently outweigh the amount of Devotion easily able to be gained back within a short period of time. Rite of Prayer is usable once every hour and gives 12% plus 1% per person in the same room. That's a total of two Renewals of full rites along with the initial cost of rites, bliss, blessings, etc. Lastrites sacrifices one non-player corpse and gives a petty amount of Devotion back to the user at a base equilibrium cost of 4.20 seconds.
Solution #1:
Remove the equilibrium cost from Lastrites.
Solution #2:
Allow Lastrites to be used on player corpses, giving back a larger amount of Devotion.
Solution #3:
Allow Lastrites to be used on all corpses in the user's inventory.

Report #18
Submitted by: Eldreth        Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Noctu          Skillname   : Simulacrum
Simulacrum provides a nice mitigation compliment to distortaura, for a class that wears scale and generally settles for small shields. The problem is that for bashing purposes, the device scales poorly with mob damage. It is not uncommon for me to have a brand new simulacrum break before finishing off two high-end orcs or a couple demons. It isn't practical to create a new simulacrum every time I move to a new mob room. Conversely, a def that you simply apply and forget about with no further cost would provide a bit too much benefit in the PK department.
Solution #1:
For a higher sanguis cost, allow the simulacrum to fall apart after a static duration (e.g., 10 minutes), rather than based on a certain damage absorption threshold like it exists now.
Solution #2:
For a higher sanguis cost, allow the simulacrum to absorb damage increased from current levels by a factor of ten.
Solution #3:
Allow simulacrum to keep current absorption levels, but passively drain the equivalent sanguis when it hits the breaking point. Note for solutions 1-3, consider applying to heartstone, as a similar mechanic

Report #19
Submitted by: Sumie          Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Pioneering     Skillname   : Return
Not necessarily a problem, but more of an annoyance. Grove return will stop entities from following you through. So for druids this means golem and roots and any pets you have.
Solution #1:
Allow the druid/hunter's entities to follow it with them through grove return.
Solution #2:
Bring back grove calling, so that it is one action instead of 3 or so

Report #20
Submitted by: Shou           Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Knifeplay      Skillname   : Combo
Combo is missing some very important combat actions a predator  can use during a fight.
Solution #1:
Add Pheromones, Pindown, and Mindnumb to the COMBO choices.  Additionally, Butterfly and Freefall should be added as well, even though they only work at the start of a combo.

Report #21
Submitted by: Ozreas         Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Trailblazing   Skillname   : Torch
The ability to hurl a torch at my foe and burn them is neat and all, and very outdoorsy. Great, but the skill in its current incarnation is nothing but
 filler that might be amusing in rp once in a blue moon. The aim of this classlead will be to change this into an ability useful to both Ranger/Amazon 
and Outrider, professions for whom parry and rebounding can be a large issue.
Solution #1:
Alter the functionality of torch such that it is an ability targetted an opponent's limb. For example, THROW TORCH AT <left|right> <leg|arm> TARGET. The torso and head would not be targettable by this ability unless the subject already suffers from at least one broken arm- the areas are too easily protected. When used on an enemy, the skill would apply a special affliction cured only by the passage of time (Suggested duration: 8-10 seconds). The effect would be such that, when an attack is made on the affected limb, attempts to parry that appendage would fail, the target's movement being rebuked by the flames engulfing their flesh.
Solution #2:
Alter torch such that it applies a special affect when hurled at a target that lasts approximately 30-45 seconds. On a recurring timer during this period (every 8 seconds) the effect would tick as the flames burn the enemy. Should the aura of rebounding be present, the hungry flames will sate themselves on the smoke, providing a raze. Otherwise, the subject will suffer moderate fire damage.
Solution #3:
Same as either solution 1 or 2, with the removal of the requirement for a campground or encampment. Encampments are unwieldly as a tool for combat, requiring 6.6s of balance or more to set up even when using the fast statpack, and requiring one would be a huge hindrance on the function of either of these skills. Replace this with the use of one wood and one cloth commodity, and require a tinderbox in inventory. The torch would either be fashioned beforehand or as part of command itself. Alternately, allow the gathering of torches from a campground's fire with a very short decay time, such that they may be carried around.

Report #22
Submitted by: Shou           Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Knifeplay      Skillname   : Triad
Triad is neat in theory, but doing two random attacks each on three different people (at best) as a predator at around 5-6 seconds of balance is not accomplishing anything at all, so as a skill at 50% mythical, it is very useless and never used in actual combat.
Solution #1:
Remove the 'random' aspect of triad and allow the player to choose what attacks to use on the enemies within the boundaries of the COMBO skill, with the exception of pindown. The balance time would remain the same.
Solution #2:
Same as solution 1, but with pindown included in the available attacks. Balance time would be increased in this situation as to avoid the spamming of trip/pindown.

Report #23
Submitted by: Shou           Status      : Unsubmitted
Skillset    : Knifeplay      Skillname   : Spinslash
Spinslash (75% virtuoso) is another skill I, and probably many other predators, find useless. While I actually like how it won't target the enemy's parried limb, random limb-targeting just isn't how a predator fights effectively. If it was possible to damage kill an opponent without having organized limb breaks, this wouldn't be an issue.

Report #24
Submitted by: Abigail        Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Chivalry       Skillname   : Thrust
Thrust's usefulness is non-existent. It is an attack that does even less DPS than a standard weapon slash, can only be used by a shortsword, and its selling point is that it's 'more accurate' -- which is moot because of the shortsword's ridiculous to-hit and the fact that any weapon with over 150 to-hit generally has a 100% hit chance against a mob.
Solution #1:
Delete Thrust, and move Duality down to Adept Chivalry to let novices doubleslash. This change will not affect combat balance in the slightest, and will put knight novice bashing in-line with other professions. To balance it out, move Proficiency up to 0% Skilled, so that fresh novices can only use shortswords.
Solution #2:
Allow any knight weapon to be used with Thrust.
Solution #3:
Substantially increase the amount of damage Thrust deals. Possibly combine this with solution 2.

Report #25
Submitted by: Abigail        Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Chivalry       Skillname   : Kestrels
Training hounds, kestrels, and falcons to be combat-ready takes a prohibitively long time, and this causes a hindrance for people who have just recently learned the profession (or who have had their pet killed.)
Solution #1:
Reduce the number of training sessions it takes to max out strength, speed, and stamina (by increasing the rate at which the value increases.)
Solution #2:
Require only one training session to max out strength, speed and stamina.
Solution #3:
Remove the need to train knight pets entirely.

Report #26
Submitted by: Iluv           Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Malignosis     Skillname   : Fiend
The razor-fiend is never summoned or used. The cutting damage and bleed effect is negligible.
Solution #1:
Since Diabolist have no way to raze rebounding, make the fiend be able to passively raze the rebounding aura on the target it is attacking
Solution #2:
Increase the cutting damage and bleeding effect the razor-fiend gives to an enemy appropriately to make it a threat.
Solution #3:
This is the most optimal option. Do the above two solutions together.

Report #27
Submitted by: Iluv           Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Survival       Skillname   : Traps
Currently, traps are a problem for people who do not have the ability to see who laid them.
Solution #1:
Give a TRAPS skill to the Survival skillset so every profession can see which enemy traps belong to who so they can gain PK rights when they hit said traps. The traps skill should be limited to only seeing the traps, not disarming them.

Report #28
Submitted by: Bathan         Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Bowmanship     Skillname   : Hookshot
Hookshot is a neat ability in bowmanship that effectively removes our need for a tentacle tattoo. That's great. However, in order to use it we have to switch arrow types to barbed and take out a length of rope.
Solution #1:
Allow any sort of arrow to work for the purpose of Hookshot. It seems like most of them should, and having to switch arrows constantly is a headache.
Solution #2:
Remove the need for a piece of rope. It just feels tedious.
Solution #3:
Both 1 and 2.

Report #29
Submitted by: Aros           Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Warding        Skillname   : Pierce
Peirce: 90% of the professions today have a way to double raze an enemy, if they don't it's either because they don't need to worry about rebounding or have a passive offense. This can hinder a Rangers/Amazons momentum much like it did Knights in the past. I'd like to propose a change to how pierce works.
Solution #1:
Change Pierce so that when you perform the action it takes out both shield and rebounding if they are activated, if not then it continues with it's normal functionality in razing one or none
Solution #2:
Add in a new ability to the existing skill of spinning for Rangers/Amazon called "Spin Aura". This effectivly will cause us to spin our glaive towards our enemy in a rapid motion razing both shield and rebounding much like a knights rsl minus the toxin affliction if only one is in place. If lacking either shield or rebounding then it will only raze one with no added damage.

Report #30
Submitted by: Cadeyrn        Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Devotion       Skillname   : Truth
The truth rite is annoying in the current incarnation because it removes the defences of allies and enemy alike. It is time consuming for the allies of the devotioner to replace these stripped defences.
Solution #1:
Alter the truth rite so that it only acts upon the enemies of the devotioner, having no effect on others.

Report #31
Submitted by: Aleutia        Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Taming         Skillname   : Oysters
Currently, only someone with the Mage profession can teach an animal to hunt oysters for pearls out of the Taming skillset.
Solution #1:
Let anyone who has the Taming skillset be able to teach an animal to hunt oysters. With the rise of market stalls in Caanae and the limited number of tamers, there is no reason to treat this as any different than vermin hunting. Its a needless restriction.

Report #32
Submitted by: Susser         Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Knifeplay      Skillname   : Crescentcut
Predator lacks one-on-one killing power against high health or even just moderately tanky opponents. Crescentcut, with realistic modifiers (pindown does not stick 1v1, nor sensitivity for long, and the target will be curing legs and paralysis as fast as they're able), cannot provide good enough burst damage as it is. Particularly with the changes to outrifting outlined on the forums, a Predator just cannot keep someone prone for long enough to damage them out.
Solution #1:
Make crescentcut's damage scale better to max health. Remove the damage modifiers that aren't useful 1v1, and scale the other modifiers up correspondongly. If the base damage is increased, it must be done cautiously, in case of adverse impact to team combat, especially bearing in mind the possibility of trip/crescentcut/crescentcut combos.
Solution #2:
Add in a substantial damage modifier for damaged torso, on top of the existing ones. This would increase the tactical depth, as a target with broken legs -and- broken torso would have to decide which to cure first. This is liable to have less impact on team combat than option 1, and may in fact make it more fun for all involved by providing useful options for Predators besides spending every balance on hinderance.
Solution #3:
Give consecutive prone crescentcuts a per-target, per-Predator damage multiplier (capped at some value), and at the same time reduce the base damage. The multiplier should reset if the target stands, the Predator uses a non-crescentcut attack, or the Predator hits anyone else. It should not reset on just changing stance. Compared to how it is now, the first couple of crescentcut combos will do less damage, then a break-even point is reached, then the following ones will do more. If the break-even point is at, say, 3 combos, this change will make it -harder- for a Predator to do large amounts burst damage in teams, since the cumulative damage up to that point will be less. Again, this is a disincentive against the Predator simply spamming hinderance.

Report #33
Submitted by: Susser         Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Beastmastery   Skillname   : Swoop
Hawk swoop is like twinshot, but worse. Envenoming its claws requires the hawk to be in your room (which may take equilibrium, since it is probably circling), then takes another equilibrium to set it to circle, all for a hit of two toxins on a slower equilibrium than twinshot, and without the capacity to dynamically change toxin plans. Further, hawk just doesn't have any skills worth using 1v1, and only a few quite marginal ones in teams.
Solution #1:
Decrease the equilibrium cost of swoop somewhat, so that capable statpack can afflict not much slower than fast statpack in Vae-Sant.
Solution #2:
Keep swoop's current equilibrium cost, but put it on a delay of several seconds (5s or thereabouts would be good). Show a room message when a Predator orders it, with the target's name included. It should be stopped by shielding or moving in the interim.

Report #34
Submitted by: Sumie          Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Tattoos        Skillname   : Hood
Currently the hood tattoo is far too powerful, completely eliminating the possibility of range strip from Summoner and Druid. The chances of hitting cloak from strip is about 1/20 defenses. Most strips are around 2.4 seconds fast and hood tattoo takes about 2.4 seconds to use. So on average you get cloak once every 48 seconds which is prevented by the hood tattoo and instantly its put back to normal without any risk involved. This gives an advantage to monk's range strip being the only one viable.
Solution #1:
Give Hood a cooldown between uses.
Solution #2:
Allow the hood tattoo to block any 1 range strip, meaning strip will take hood tattoo first over any defence. Giving the choice of always losing EQ to put hood back on but being safe from strip, or not using hood.
Solution #3:
Make the equil loss on Hood tattoo a lot longer

Report #35
Submitted by: Susser         Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Knifeplay      Skillname   : Feint
Predator feint is slow. With fast statpack, it's 3.4s of balance (which can be modified down, somewhat, with Vae-Sant, but this can be a severe encumberance on offensive options). Monk feint in DRS with fast is 2.6s. Wardancer feint with fast is 2.6s. Both classes have similar, if not more, offensive capacity than Predator one-on-one, and having Predator feint only 0.6s faster than restoration salve balance places some severe constraints on what forms Predator offensive plans can take.
Solution #1:
Change knifeplay feint to take the same balance as changing stance and swiftkick, which translates to 2.6s in non-Vae-Sant with fast.

Report #36
Submitted by: Iluv           Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Malignosis     Skillname   : Shadowstrike
Shadowstrike seems to have an unusually short writhe out time. My last test with it showed that it had an average of 1.7 second writhe out time. Other entangles and transfixes usually have around 3 to 5 second writhe out time.
Solution #1:
Fix Shadowstrike's writhe out time to be the same as entangle and transfix.

Report #37
Submitted by: Sumie          Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Taming         Skillname   : Taming
Taming seems like a fun skillset, but becomes quite annoying and time consuming. By that I mean the time spent in between training sessions(usually about 30-40 mins) to train about 1/8th of a skill makes it a nuisance to train an animal, especially for someone as forgetful as myself.
Solution #1:
Increase the time between to resets each day. Makes a little sense having 1 training session a day and have the training do a lot more, perhaps 50% of the skills or 100%.
Solution #2:
Have it like a weapon proficiency where you learn it once, and then need practice using the skill to complete the training. Time between would be fine, but I like the RP of once per day.
Solution #3:
If all pets were given the ability to hunt vermin, a pet level idea could be created where they gain exp and levels from hunting vermin. When they level they can then be trained to do a skill.

Report #38
Submitted by: Cadeyrn        Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Survival       Skillname   : Bandages
There is a large disparity between the three circles on the availability of bandages. Adding the bandaging ability into the general skillsets would go a very long way to removing this problem. With the addition of bleeding as a mechanic that should be payed attention to, in both PvP and at a higher level PvE, it is more balanced to allow the entire population access to bandages.
Solution #1:
Add bandages as they stand in Trailblazing to Survival. Increase the cloth cost of bandaging for non-trailblazers.
Solution #2:
Add bandages into Survival. With this solution, bandages would only minimally affect the bleeding damage in PvP, but greatly reduce/negate entirely the bleeding cause in PvE.

Report #39
Submitted by: Antrax         Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Brutality      Skillname   : Weapon mastery
Currently the Knight classes of Imperian are limited to using one or two weapons without investing 100 lessons per  proficiency and a bit of time to master it into buying another proficiency.  While the choices are good for flavour, in the current combat environment  this actually hurts the newer players.  This would allow people to experiment and potentially open up a bigger market for more weapons.  It might also have the side benefit of seeing people use a bigger variety of weapons.
Solution #1:
Give all the knight skillsets (Brutality/Chivalry) a new ability at a reasonable skillrank called "Weapon Mastery" which allows the Knight to use any cutting weapons (We don't need the blunt weapons regardless, save for battleaxe if it still counts as 50/50) as if they hold the proficiency. This would allow Knight to explore new tactics and prevent people from the need of investing several hundred lessons into learning them.

Report #40
Submitted by: Aleutia        Status      : Submitted
Skillset    : Shadowbinding  Skillname   : Shadowgems
Haze generation is an annoying mechanic for Defiler, but to compound it, the shadow jewelry that holds this haze decays. Once placed into a ring/crown/torc, you cannot remove the gems  This can, and has, resulted in a large amount of wasted haze for defilers when their items decay on them.
Solution #1:
Make shadowrings/torcs/crowns nondecay
Solution #2:
Allow haze to be removed from shadow jewelry before the item decays, and placed within another. The defiler could SIPHON HAZE FROM X INTO Y
Solution #3:
If shadow-jewelry decays with haze inside of it, the haze reforms into shadowgems. This allows a defiler a time-window of something like 3 days to find new jewelry to place the shadowgem into


  • LabilLabil Member Posts: 355 ✭✭✭
    Report #41
    Submitted by: Bathan         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Warding        Skillname   : Flintlight
    Flintlight is an awkward ability that gives glaives the chance to set someone on fire at the cost of weapon durability for a very short amount of time. The fact is, unless the Ranger is using an artifact glaive, the tradeoff is not worth it. Rangers have to stop what they're doing and, similar to old powersoul, set it up again, making this ability effectively worthless.
    Solution #1:
    Remove the weapon durability caveat and have flintlight work as a defense Rangers activate upon logging in. Upon activating flintlight, Rangers could spend a bit of mana per QJAB or TIPSLASH to give the glaive a chance to set the target ablaze.
    Solution #2:
    Maintain the current functionality of flintlight but allow Rangers to also use it to bring down icewalls via TIPSLASH <dir> or QJAB <dir>. This would give lowbie Rangers who don't have the credits to invest in bowmanship the chance to have a bit more utility at the cost of weapon durability.
    Solution #3:

    Report #42
    Submitted by: Bathan         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Warding        Skillname   : Headbutt
    Headbutt is an interesting ability. On use it delivers a random masked mental affliction from a pre-set pool. The problem is that the ability is on a base 4.2 EQ timer meaning that it's just not practical to use when it comes to afflicting people. As a fast Ranger with a level 2 glaive (Someone who could ostensibly look into afflicting people if I wasn't so terrible/lazy) the ability is worthless to me because if I use it I'm off balance for 4.2 seconds, when my qjab balance time is 2.08 seconds. Again, it's a neat sounding ability, it just needs some help on what it's supposed to do.
    Solution #1:
    Put headbutt on its own 4 to 5 second timer instead of having it use equilibrium, similar to how I understand Soulmaster works right now. What it would mean is that every four to five seconds a Ranger will get an additional masked mental affliction to throw at an opponent. Considering Rangers have no passive affliction tools this change would be a tame one and offer Rangers a bit more afflicting power in the pursuit of an elusive disembowel. Keep headbutt at zero damage because Rangers don't need more damage.
    Solution #2:
    Change headbutt to be a setup style ability. Keep the current 4.2 EQ cost but have headbutt disorient a target for 25 to 30 seconds. In that time period the targets ability to parry is reduced by 50%. Have a third party message, something like, '%1 shakes off the effects of being headbutted, appearing a bit more sure on %2 feet' when the headbutt effect ends.

    Report #43
    Submitted by: Bathan         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Bowmanship     Skillname   : Doubleshot
    Doubleshot at present requires the archer to have the second arrow in the combo be a wooden arrow. Although it can be envenomed, it does not do much to make the pair of arrows more lethal for the amount of time required to fire them. It's a lot more efficient to just fire one good arrow at a time. This is a shame considering doubleshot is the transcendent bowmanship ability.
    Solution #1:
    Change the requirement on the second arrow being a wooden arrow. There should still be restrictions, but make it so people can pair up more worthwhile arrows. Off the top of my head, disallow shooting two of the same arrow. The only real issues I could see would be barbed/barbed and spiral/spiral (bloodfreeze) but there is usually no purpose to shooting two of the same arrows so it's more reasonable to just disallow it outright. I could see there being an issue with things like incendiary/net or incendiary/broad, but that kind of stuff could be looked into  on a case by case basis.
    Solution #2:
    Similar to the first solution except that, much like Noctu's Devilmark, the second arrow would be random and draw from a pool of spiral, razor, or net. That would make it far more difficult to generate 'OP' arrow combinations (If someone sat there shooting over and over again it would be possible I guess to get incendiary/net) but would still make the skill substantially more useful than it is in its current incarnation. Moreover, if someone wanted to go for specific arrows, it would be cheaper in terms of balance to use another, simpler shot.

    Report #44
    Submitted by: Riselith       Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Shadowbinding  Skillname   : Psysap
    The current problem with Defiler is the lack of synergy in the profession's combat ability. The focus of this particular classlead is that of not just Psysap but all saps and augurs. Currently all shadowbinding abilities are uncomboable except for sleep. In effect, a defiler has to break their momentum to put up a temporary damage enhancement that lasts only 30s, with no third party message for when it wears at the cost of 3.5s for strong without a diadem. For a profession that already has a slow and under par damage capability compared to others, this is a huge hindrance for the defiler and easy opportunity for the target to heal.
    Solution #1:
    Make all saps and augurs comboable with torment abilities.
    Solution #2:
    Make all saps at least comboable with torment abilities.

    Report #45
    Submitted by: Riselith       Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Torment        Skillname   : Bileshroud
    Shrouds are an ability almost equivalent with hunter's aura. Except for one major detail. At 1000 damage, (easily racked up in team combat) the Defiler suffers from a severe backfire. For example Bileshroud: "you will suffer moderate damage and receive several random toxin afflictions." This can be devastating to any Defiler and will often result in shrouds not being used at all.
    Solution #1:
    Have the negative effects of shrouds removed. Introduce a new shroud that speeds up torment attacks.
    Solution #2:
    Have the negative effects of shrouds removed.
    Solution #3:
    Have the negative effects of shrouds removed with possible tone down of shrouds affected.

    Report #46
    Submitted by: Bathan         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Metalworking   Skillname   : Layouts
    At present, metalworkers cannot customize the appearance of siege machines. It would be great if cities/councils could hire private metalworkers to customize their siege (with some kind of coded permission) to give their cities/councils a unique feel.
    Solution #1:
    Allow metalworkers to customize city/counil siege equipment through Chancellor permissions. The metalworker would first have to go through the usual process to get the design approved.

    Report #47
    Submitted by: Cadeyrn        Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Survival       Skillname   : Powercall
    the consumption of mana upon a powercall attempt coupled with the failure of the powercall attempt when any action is initiated is an unnecessary complication.
    Solution #1:
    remove the mana drain on a powercall attempt. This allows any who are trying to stop someone from fleeing using powercall (not something I imagine happ
    ens very often) the same options as they do now.
    Solution #2:
    give powercall the same restrictions as other time- delayed abilities, similar to mark return etc.

    Report #48
    Submitted by: Kyrock         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Toxins         Skillname   : Ciguatoxin
    In order to be successful as an affliction profession, you have to track afflictions proficiently. Doing so ensures that no toxin application is duplicated on your enemy, which to do otherwise would relegate your affliction rate. The 5 second cool down time to ciguatoxin, the metrazol being non-trackable, and the increase use of tree (due to ciguatoxin cool down giving a big window for use) has greatly decreased the efficiency of a toxin affliction profession.
    Solution #1:
    decouple the effect of not being able to touch tattoos from ciguatoxin and make a new toxin with this ability. Make it a nightshade cured toxin with a third party message when afflicted(something like "the skin surrounding @targets tattoos turn red", a message for when the afflicted tries to touch a tattoos, no message for it being cured.
    Solution #2:
    increase efficiency by adding a third party message on a one second delay after ciguatoxin is cured. This would allow the victim to have a one second window to do something before they get hit again with cigua and ease the amount of coding messages needed to derive that a person does not have paralysis.

    Report #49
    Submitted by: Gurn           Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Shapeshifting  Skillname   : Bloodpoison
    Currently, the Hunter's bloodpoison is annoying to track, having to build a code system that differentiates between the regular sting/deaden/disease message and the bloodpoison sting. This makes the rupture kill unappealing as you have to figure out some way to track bloodpoison separate from the regular sting despite having the same message.
    Solution #1:
    Change the bloodpoison sting message to be different from the other generic sting messages.
    Solution #2:
    Add a secondary feedback message for bloodpoison sting that confirms the target has been stung with bloodpoison.

    Report #50
    Submitted by: Gurn           Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Shapeshifting  Skillname   : Bloodpoison
    Bloodpoison only has one cure, ginger, making it incredibly powerful in teams. Even if ginger is constantly eaten, a team of two Hunters can kill a target in anywhere from 6-11 seconds, depending on if they prioritized ginger or not. A team of three can do it in about 4 seconds, without any way to stop it(especially if combo'd with heroism/stupidity and the like).
    Solution #1:
    Add a 2 second timer on bloodpoison. This shouldn't affect 1v1 at all, and a smart Hunter team can still pull this off without it being impossibly fast and unstoppable.

    Report #51
    Submitted by: Lalaith        Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Shamanism      Skillname   : Poultice
    The demonic circle is the only team that doesn't have access to the bandage. This classlead is intended to rectify that oversight in light of classes like Outriders and their bleeding based kill methods.
    Solution #1:
    Add an ability that works like bandages into Shamanism called 'poultice'.
    Solution #2:
    In addition to solution 1. Rather than giving bandages/poultices a set time instead of the random chance that they'll wear off each time they clot that they have currently.

    Report #52
    Submitted by: Gurn           Status      : Unsubmitted
    Skillset    : Supremacy      Skillname   : Poisonmind
    Currently, bloodpoison/rupture sits at a vastly inferior way to kill than brainmelt. With but a single ginger cure, the entire setup is ruined for the Hunter. Sticking poisonmind helps, but through focus and mandrake's ability to randomly shuffle through the mandrake stack, it makes curing poisonmind extremely easy, and in effect, bloodpoison, making rupture kills near impossible.
    Solution #1:
    Make Poisonmind uncureable by focus unless it's the last mandrake affliction. This will slightly reduce the ability to randomly cure the affliction while still allowing for mandrake to have a chance at curing it in a mandrake stack.

    Report #53
    Submitted by: Khizan         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Evocation      Skillname   : Throw
    Currently, Throw flings your opponent up into the air and steals their balance when it does so. The problem is that Throw can easily cause a balance loss that's longer than its own balance cost, allowing it to be effectively chained endlessly as unbreakable CC.
    Solution #1:
    Remove or greatly reduce the balance loss caused by Throw

    Report #54
    Submitted by: Azefel         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Devotion       Skillname   : Penance
    Penance has the ability to deliver a number of different afflictions, but it can also deliver fear 38 times in a row if you had (presumably) refused to spoon with the RNG Gods the night before. Additionally, there is no way to know what affliction was delivered. These two compounded tend to result in a skill that is rather unreliable for practical use.
    Solution #1:
    Let Penance show either the whole room or just the caster what affliction was delivered to the victim.
    Solution #2:
    Make Penance 'smart' in that it won't deliver any affliction that is already present on the victim.
    Solution #3:
    Ideally both requests 1 & 2.

    Report #55
    Submitted by: Antrax         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Necromancy     Skillname   : Soulstorm
    At this point soulstorm does literally nothing. After the changes to bonding the ability needs to be turned into something new that fits the skillset. Instead of Soulstorm a new ability called Soulwracking. Currently with the new concept of autocuring as todays standard in combat-healing afflictions are becoming less of an issue compared to earlier. This has also pushed the limit of what is required in order to afflict an opponent or damage them enough to end the fight. This new ability would not alone solve the problem but provide an interesting twist on which one could explore new tactics in order to defeat their opponent.
    Solution #1:
    Introduce a new ability called Soulwracking. This will be an conditional ability which will be viable for both Malignists and Deathknights. Your opponent need to be under the influence of either weakness (malignists can use their daegger in order to stack the arsenic toxin) or clumsy + recklessness for the ability to work. There will be a special effect placed upon the target if these conditions are meet. Further there will be a special effect if your opponent has both weakness / clumsy + recklessness at the same time. For the sake of easiness I am going to suggest it to work on the same mechanics as Wardancers "Overwhelm" ability. If the opponent cures either affliction while any effect is active the time for which the effect is active will drastically decrease (halved/quarter). The maximum amount of time on the ability is however 30 seconds. Only one effect can be active at a time to prevent effect 2 into helping effect 1. Effect 3 is considered special above the other two and therefor the maximum time before it wears off is lowered to 20 
    Solution #2:
    Effect 1: Weakness + recklessness: Your opponents soul will be corrupted into taking punishment for actions of weakness for the next 30 seconds. Whenever your opponent attempts to shield, smoke linseed or by other means protect themselves (thinking barrier, reflections et cetera) they will be stuck with an damage equal to X amount of afflictions * 10 psychic damage (7.5 with Transcendent Philosophy). Effect 2: Clumsy + recklessness: Through the torture of your opponents innards, making it an easy target, the attacks made by the caster is increased in speed upon the opponent for the next 30 seconds. The speed increasement is based upon size of the weapon used. Two-handed weapons will have an 10% increase of speed, battleaxes / broadswords will have a 7% increase of speed and sabres and deadeyes will increase with 5%. Effect 3:Weakness + Clumsy + recklessness: Being able to torture both body and soul of your opponent is the final and most powerful effect of soul wracking. Your opponent loses the very spark of life and is afflicted with one of either in random order (picking them intelligently, not using one if your target already is afflicted with the affliction): Masochism, Heroism, Agoraphobia, Healthleech or Manaleech once every 5 second until the effect wears off after 20 seconds. The Soul wracking ability would only be used alone or followed by arc due it's nature of required concentration when corrupting the opponent. I am thinking around 3 seconds of EQ.

    Report #56
    Submitted by: Caelya         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Devotion       Skillname   : Bracing
    The Endurance, Willpower, Earthshield, Thermalshield, and Frostshield blessings cannot be duplicated on a single character. That is to say, if a character has one of those particular blessings, if I try to bless that person with that same blessing, I'm unable (and I don't waste the eq trying). However, if someone is already protected by the Rite of Bracing and I try to do that, the command goes through and I waste devotion/eq. Granted, it isn't a huge issue, but it's a little irritating.
    Solution #1:
    After an individual is under the effects of the Rite of Bracing, prevent other devotioners from wasting their time/devotion and have the system simply tell them 'Soandso has already been braced against attempts to gain control of his/her will.'

    Report #57
    Submitted by: Riselith       Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Torment        Skillname   : Thornroot
    Defiler's offensive capability is very stop/start. You're doing damage and attacking and then have to halt momentum to place saps and passives or evolve thornroots. Not only does this hinder momentum, but also puts a stop on damage allowing the target to heal through the burst they just received after the lengthy set up time. Given that other professions that work this way are able to continue their momentum while building to the window. (See: Bellow damage in no way compares to set up abilities such as Brainmelt and Bloodfreeze.)
    Solution #1:
    Thornroot loses its finite status. Instead of ticking damage when given, it remains planted in the target causing each torment attack to do additional damage. This damage would be based on a new momentum mechanic that worked in the sense that each attack also builds entropy energy within the planted thornroot. Upon reaching a certain level of energy, as with increased damage on torment, it would evolve into a seed that lasted for a set amount of time. While this energy would increase with torment attacks, if the attacks were to stop it would slowly lose energy until the thornroot withered and died.
    Solution #2:
    Like solution 1, except that instead of automatic seed evolution. The damage of bellow is modified by how much energy is stored in the thornroot when it is evolved.

    Report #58
    Submitted by: Ozreas         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Devotion       Skillname   : Willpower
    With the upcoming/partially implemented changes to endurance and willpower, the blessings geared towards their regeneration will soon become obsolete. While it would be easy to simply say that with the removal of the statistics, there is no need for the blessings, it would be preferable to see them replaced with something useful in the new world.
    Solution #1:
    With many skills being assigned a mana drain instead, the most obvious solution here is to replace the willpower blessing with one which grants a small
     amount of mana regeneration. Possible name: Acuity?
    Solution #2:
    A blessing that increases the chance for weapon purifications to proc. Prevalence?
    Solution #3:
    Something extra neato that I'd never think of. Ball's in your court!

    Report #59
    Submitted by: Iluv           Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Necromancy     Skillname   : Soulstorm
    Soulstorm has no purpose now that bonding does not exist in the game.
    Solution #1:
    Change Soulstorm into an ability  similar to confound that works on a timer. Targets who are soulstormed consume significantly more mana when using the focus skill.
    Solution #2:
    Change Soulstorm into an ability  similar to confound that works on a timer. Targets who are soulstormed consume significantly more mana from using mana draining abilities.
    Solution #3:
    Both of the above suggestions.

    Report #60
    Submitted by: Khizan         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Devotion       Skillname   : Flare
    Flare was designed as a burst finisher move for Templars, to help them secure a kill at the cost of their rites. However, in groups, Templars often dump their rites immediately at the start of the fight, giving their groups huge amounts of frontloaded burst damage, since only one set of rites is needed per room.
    Solution #1:
    Flare be changed to cause a debuff on the target along the lines of "Khizan still burns with the fayth of Templar." This debuff would have a duration of 5-8 seconds and it would prevent all other Templars from using flare on the target. This would allow one templar to flare a target as fast as they could while reducing the frontloaded burst damage of a group of Templars.
    Solution #2:
    Give Flare an internal cooldown of ~3 seconds or so. During that time period, other attempts to Flare the target would fail entirely(the rite would not be consumed by this) with a message something like "Khizan still burns with the fayth of Templar." This preserves it as a big damage  finisher while removing the "n Templars == n simultaneous flares" problem

    Report #61
    Submitted by: Khizan         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Hunting        Skillname   : Traps
    Traps currently provide a ridiculous amount of control over an area. They can be laid well in advance, since they never decay, for very little material cost. Since they only hit enemies, it's trivial to control who the traps are hitting. Since they can be laid on both sides of an exit, traversing one exit can easily require their target to writhe twice. Making your way to enemies in the middle of trapped areas can be an exercise in futility, leaving one side open to ranged attacks while they writhe twice per exit and get split up, while the othe team has unimpaired mobility. When the other side has an active trapper, it is not uncommon to find that every room of common shardfall areas has been trapped. Piety and gravehands have already seen a similiar nerf due to the excessive area control they could grant.
    Solution #1:
    Traps will only fire when they are within a short distance of the traplayer, perhaps 1-2 rooms away. This would still make it beneficial to trap an entire area, as it would help in chasing people down and holding them still, and it would remove a great deal of their broad area-wide control. Along with this, a new trap should be created, the Alarm trap. This trap would fire regardless of its proximity to the traplayer, but it's sole effect would be to alert the traplayer that somebody had triggered it, preserving the ability to leave an alarmed trap at the entrance to an area as an early-warning system

    Report #62
    Submitted by: Khizan         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Taming         Skillname   : Track/seek
    This report is specifically with regard to track and seek being used for player movement via artifact pets, and everything said about Track in this report also applies to Seek. Track is currently one of the most problematic movement skills in the game. It's stopped only by the target being indoors, it cannot be avoided, there's no warning that the track is coming, and it homes in on the player's current position and is thusly impossible to dodge. And it can be followed, meaning that somebody who owns a pet can unstoppably drop a team on anybody outside, without warning, no matter how far away they are. This is huge in shardfalls and such things, because it forces you to move slowly and in large numbers, since the other team can literally appear at any time, without any warning. This is especially problematic as the only way to gain this huge advantage is from an artifact that appears only at infrequent auctions, and which can regularly go for more than 2000+ credits. While artifacts should have an effect on the game, the presence, or lack thereof, of a single auction artifact should not be so decisive in a fight.
    Solution #1:
    Change track to move to the room the target was in when the track started, and not the room the target is currently in when the track ends. This would make it possible to dodge, and it would also prevent the "whoops, tracked into guards" thing that can happen when a target uses a travel ability between track's start and its conclusion.
    Solution #2:
    The other change I would like to see is for track to get a brief warning message a second or so before it lands, so that track remains an important mobility tool without being a mechanism for teams to fall out of the sky without warning.
    Solution #3:

    Report #63
    Submitted by: Antrax         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Brutality      Skillname   : Joust
    Currently if you are using joust successfully your lance will be left upon the ground once your target writhes free. Making it easy for others to steal.
    Solution #1:
    Place the lance in the Knights inventory after the opponent writhes free. Applies for Brutality / Chivalry.

    Report #64
    Submitted by: Antrax         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Devotion       Skillname   : Absolution
    Currently absolution is capable of removing the transcendent ability in Necromancy with a very low devotion cost. This effectively reduces either offensive or defensive capabilities for any necromancy user. That is 35% essence gone not to mention the debuff.
    Solution #1:
    Remove the effect of absolution removing undead and let it cure damnation alone.
    Solution #2:
    Make it do something else.
  • LabilLabil Member Posts: 355 ✭✭✭
    Report #65
    Submitted by: Mathiaus       Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Voice          Skillname   : Nuarinyu
    Nuarinyu show's nothing for the caster when used correctly on someone.
    Solution #1:
    Have Nuarinyu show that it hit the target.

    Report #66
    Submitted by: Mathiaus       Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Thespia        Skillname   : New
    On many occasions, whether it be right before a big battle or having to reapply defensive songs while repeating spars one after another, the 40.04 seconds it takes to reapply songs is an unconvienence to myself and those waiting on me.
    Solution #1:
    Please create or change a current song, perhaps Geis or even perhaps Duet, to place multiple defensive songs on the caster at once. Since the recent change to endurance and willpower has caused songs to not require any cost anymore, I would suggest making this require a heavy cost to mana to apply the amount of songs all at once. The songs I would reccomend are Therapeutics, Restoration, Ward, Flight, Corescate, Empower, Requiem, Enliven, Awakening, Fortify, and Battlemarch.
    Solution #2:
    Reduce the balance time on applying defensive songs.
    Solution #3:
    Although very unlikely and would probably be discouraged, the possibility of a way to renew the defensive song lengths.

    Report #67
    Submitted by: Sarrius        Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Runelore       Skillname   : Circle
    Similar to Khizan's classlead, number 60, let us not forget that the new Runelore abilities should likely see some attention this classlead round. Their sheer versatility makes Devotion go green with envy.  Consider this: as well as providing comparable damage (10% maxhp in no_block) to Flare, they also gain the ability to tamper with defensive options and healing. These abilities, while more subjective, are no less devastating than the 'flavorful' no_block caused by the fayth-based flare. In an effort to keep things relatively equal, this report seeks to find a solution to both Templar Flare (if one must be found) and Runelore Flare (if one must be found).
    Solution #1:
    Similar to the solution proposed in classlead 60, give players a grace period where consecutive players cannot focus their runic flares on a single target. The amount of health (both effective and actual) lost by multiple Runeguards attacking you with simple DSL/Flare combinations is rather high, and serves to make team combat just go too fast.

    Report #68
    Submitted by: Juran          Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Telepathy      Skillname   : Scythe
    With the removal of Bonding as a skillset, the 'Scythe' skill in Telepathy no longer has any function. The skill's new function should fit the name, and fill an existing hole in monk combat that would result in it being used.
    Solution #1:
    Allow mind scythe to do damage based on intelligence against an opponent in the same room as the telepath, instantly 'scything' through their defenses and wrestling out a mind lock. This mind lock should be obvious, the telepath grasping their opponents consciousness and forcing themselves in. This would give monks actively fighting with their opponent the ability to maintain telepathy during a fight without overpowering telepathy as an area attack tool.
    Solution #2:
    Allow mind scythe to remove shields at a similar speed to raze, freeing up a tattoo slot at the cost of mana. This would turn scythe into a utility skill with very little impact on the 'top end' of combat.

    Report #69
    Submitted by: Juran          Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Kaido          Skillname   : New
    While the healing effects of Kaido give monks acceptable mitigation and survival in solo or small group encounters, their lack of 'real' mitigation causes this system of 'healing for mitigation' to break down in larger encounters. Changes should be made that do not add additional true mitigation to Monks or changes their unique combat style, but provide them a tool that accounts for the fact that their class design results in taking larger chunks of damage at once from every opponent that they face.
    Solution #1:
    Add a skill to Kaido called 'Fortitude' that grants the monk a 30-40% mitigation bonus for 10 seconds after the health surge effect of Vitality. Ten seconds would have very little impact on any fight with sustained damage, but should result in monks being able to survive roughly like other classes when attacked by multiple sources at once.
    Solution #2:
    Add a skill to Kaido called 'Fortitude' that grants the monk 30% mitigation bonus for 5 seconds when activated, with a cooldown of 30-60 seconds between activations. This would have the same advantages of the prior classlead, should be usable instantly in any situation, but require the monk to actively participate instead of the burst survival resulting from a passive defense.
    Solution #3:
    Remove the balance/equilibrium and any positional requirements of Kaido - Transmute, allowing monks to more reliably leverage their mana in the short term to increase their survival. They would still be taking significantly more damage than any other class, but they would have a second 'pool' to draw from for short term mitigation.

    Report #70
    Submitted by: Juran          Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Kaido          Skillname   : Transmute
    Transmute has always been considered a 'conversion' skill, turning mana into health directly in a way that differed from other healing skills or mana skills. As such, transmute has long been exempt from many of the advantages and disadvantages of having a 'mana cost', instead functioning as an extension of a monk's health pool. The artifact robes that reduce mana consumption do not function on transmute by design, but the Song of Oppression skill granted to Druids does not have this same safeguard. The monk class uses more mana both actively and passively than any other class, so it is not necessary for gameplay reasons to also have their effective health pool diminished as well.
    Solution #1:
    Exempt the transmute skill from Song of Oppression, granting it the same status as it has always enjoyed for similar effects.

    Report #71
    Submitted by: Juran          Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Kanai          Skillname   : Misc
    The 'finishers' in Kanai like alacrity and supremacy are long term investments in fanatism gain that are easily avoided by an opponent that knows what they are looking for and how to avoid them. Kanai does not significantly reward setup or strategy, because Priest to a large extent lacks either. Instead of functioning as opportunity windows that encourage clever play, the Kanai finishing moves primarily reward dragging a fight along and hoping that an opponent is caught unaware.
    Solution #1:
    Reduce the cost of the offensive Kanai powers that augment attacks and allow them to be used instantly to augment only the very next smite, sap, or burn. If supremacy costs 60 fanatism to activate at present, the power could instead cost 8 but only improve the next attack dealt. The overall gameplay of smart fanatism usage would become more flexible, and without the overhanging opportunity cost of using all of your fanatism at once, the class could be more clever with its offense.

    Report #72
    Submitted by: Antrax         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Necromancy     Skillname   : Deathaura
    Currently deathaura is hidden for both opponent and user when it comes to the affliction it afflicts with. In order for the necromancer to fully use the potential of deathaura it is vital to know which affliction your opponent is struck with. Diabolist and in many cases Deathknight are both affliction classes building a great deal of their offense in tracking your opponents afflictions.
    Solution #1:
    Allow the Necromancer using deathaura to see what affliction your opponent is hit with. "Your aura of death afflicts X with Y".

    Report #73
    Submitted by: Velion         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Devotion       Skillname   : New
    This is more of a quality of life classlead than anything. Most rites last for 15 minutes. Given the cost of a full set of rites and the cost of focusing/renewing said rites, it gets costly to keep up full rites all the time.
    Solution #1:
    Give Devotion a skill like Pause in Crystalism, allowing the user to stop the ticking of their rites while rendering them useless while paused.

    Report #74
    Submitted by: Mena           Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Shamanism      Skillname   : Ignite
    Once a Mark is ignited, either deliberately or by the constant pressure of dust attacks/curses, it can't be replaced easily. In particular, if the Wytch wants to use Marduk once the target is afflicted enough, the current mark is very likely ignited, so they have to first EXTINGUISH the current mark, and then BRAND. This takes 2.2s (extinguish) and 3.2s (brand), which is rather enough time, thanks to passive/active curing abilities, for most professions to get out even of a truelock. Against some professions, even with flared sowulu, it might be faster to go for Marduk than the damage route. In other cases, if the Wytch wishes to change tactics, going from Hecate to Cadmus or viceversa, and the first mark is ignited, they are losing more than 5s to do so, which can turn out to be a long time in combat.
    Solution #1:
    Remove the restriction of not being able to replace burning marks. Any benefit gained from the previously ignited mark will be lost, and the ignite counter will be reset.

    Report #75
    Submitted by: Iluv           Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Evileye        Skillname   : Infirmity
    Each successful infirmity on a target gives significantly more bonus to a Necromancer in Wight form than it does to a Necromancer in Lich form in the form of higher mana drain per evileye. This makes lich form significantly less attractive to use than wight.
    Solution #1:
    Infirmities in lich form should slightly increase the speed of Demon Sap (decrease its Equilibrium cost) for each successful infirmity. This will bring lich form up to par with wight without making it overtly powerful.

    Report #76
    Submitted by: Mena           Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Supremacy      Skillname   : Instability
    Instability is apparently permanent (until death or triggered) affliction on the target. That leads that if you escaped from the Hunter, you still carry it with you, like old limb damage did. Or the Hunter could leave the room, and you fight someone else (not uncommon in current team fight Imperian) and suffer from the penalty all the same.
    Solution #1:
    If the hunter (or its basilisk) haven't been in the room for 5 seconds or so, Instability would clear away without consequences
    Solution #2:
    Change Instability so it will clear automatically after 1 minute of it being used on the target

    Report #77
    Submitted by: Mena           Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Supremacy      Skillname   : Brainmelt
    Brainmelt, like Spatium Annihilate, requires as a setup the presence of multiple afflictions on the target. Brainmelt's damage output is increased by the presence of multiple Supremacy afflictions. However, unlike Annihilate's requirement of pure, no toxin-based, mental afflictions, several of Supremacy's afflictions are toxin based. Of roughly 17 afflictions in supremacy, 5 are toxin-based, including epilepsy since the last classlead, and ciguatoxin/strychnine/aconite are very likely to be used in team combat anyway. This leads that Hunters's role in team combat hasn't changed from Bonding days, since current Brainmelt can be used like Incinerate was.
    Solution #1:
    The ideal solution would be to track which toxin was given by who, and make Brainmelt get bonus only from the afflictions that the brainmelting Hunter personally delivered to the target. This is the prefered option.
    Solution #2:
    In case #1 isn't feasible without too much work, the bonus damage that Brainmelt gains from some toxin based Supremacy afflictions would be reduced, while some other toxin based afflictions wouldn't give a bonus to Brainmelt's damage output.
    Solution #3:
    #2, and particularly ciguatoxin won't contribute to Brainmelt's damage output

    Report #78
    Submitted by: Darin          Status      : Unsubmitted
    Skillset    : Wyrmriding     Skillname   : Bloodfreeze
    Bloodfreeze is a powerful tool to an outrider. However, combined with Anti-Magick professions being able to deal out bleeding on most attacks used, this skill has gone some what out of control in group combat.
    Solution #1:
    Remove the ability for non-outrider based attacks to deliver bleeding damage, if that skill doesn't expressly state it causes bleeding damage in it's AB.
    Solution #2:
    Have Bloodfreeze completely heal the target's bleeding to prevent chaining bloodfreeze for the kill.
    Solution #3:
    A combination of solution one and two.

    Report #79
    Submitted by: Ahkan          Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Telepathy      Skillname   : Crush
    Crush is a dual pressure skill that requires no mindlock. Monk is not a class that has any real ability to capitalize on a dual pressure offense in 1v1. The only use for mind crush is the overwhelming and unavoidable pressure of mind crush in team engagements. There's no way to really balance this skill without destroying it completely.
    Solution #1:
    Remove the mana damage from Mind crush.
    Solution #2:
    Require mind crush to have a mind-lock on the target and -not- be in the room with the target.
    Solution #3:
    Combination of 1 and 2.

    Report #80
    Submitted by: Mena           Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Hunting        Skillname   : Smash
    This skill causes double leg breaks and prone. While this by iself it isn't terrible, it leads that the target will lose 50% of their evasion resistance regularly, and a side effect, prevents the use of heat blood, which already has a cooldown. In team combat, assuming that there is no Predator in the room using trip/pindown, the effective lowering of evasion resistance helps passively a whole circle which is physical damage based, and unlike trip/pindown, it is comboable with their normal attacks, so the outrider isn't sacrificing momentum
    Solution #1:
    Remove the prone from the Smash attack. While it thematically fits, it has unneeded consequences.
    Solution #2:
    Change the effect of Smash to make the badger-like ent break the next shield or shield-like ability used by the target.

    Report #81
    Submitted by: Ahkan          Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Fayth          Skillname   : Sap
    Clerics are a momentum based class centered around building up fanatism and using this mechanic to buff their debatably lackluster offense. A few years ago, paralysis and limb paralysis were the defining factors of 1v1 and team combat. With the nerf to metrazol and the ciguatoxin cooldown, being able to attack while paralysied, and thus build momentum while paralysed is no longer a requirement to set up kill windows for cleric. We are actually experiencing the inverse of the problem in so far as to say that it is impossible to hinder a clerics fanatism production because you can sap while hindered and through shields (after purification). It is also necessary to mention that clerics have two passive heals that can deal with any sort of paralysis/affliction overload. Kanai was created to avoid the sapsapsapsapsapsapabsolve mechanic, not endorse it.
    Solution #1:
    Clerics can not sap while paralysed or hindered. (This would effect DEMON SAP as well)

    Report #82
    Submitted by: Mena           Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Wardance       Skillname   : Relax
    Relax allows the Wardancer to cure paralysis every 8-10 seconds. This skill was given to the Wardancers at a time when they couldn't have two dances active at the same time, and ciguatoxin didn't had a cooldown. It also can be used so the Wardancer can escape a room with backflip/frontflip. As a class that already have several utility abilities to counter other professions' holding abilities, with the ability to couple the Spurn dance if you are fighting an aff class and ciguatoxin's cooldown, they don't need a free Get ouf of Jail card.
    Solution #1:
    I hesitate to ask for the removal of a skill, but I'm not sure what use could be given to this one, since endurance/willpower is being phased out. I hope the administration can think of something worthwhile to the profession.

    Report #83
    Submitted by: Ahkan          Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Torment        Skillname   : Entropy
    At present, the defiler class is a lackluster class with a very linear attack strategy that falls short of being able to dps or burst-dps targets down. The entropy effect, with a little tweaking and polishing, could offer itself as a momentum tracking value that could be used to add additional effects, dps and conditions to pre-existing defiler skills.
    Solution #1:
    All herbs eaten that provoke an entropy effect build up x amount of entropy for the defiler.
    Solution #2:
    All torment skills (and selected desecration and shadowbinding) skills will generate a specific value of entropy that will add to the entropy counter.
    Solution #3:
    All entropy modifiers will consume more entropy than they generate so that you cannot rely on entropy as a time bomb mechanic. In theory, this would facilitate intelligent entropy management and combat awareness in the application of your entropy bonuses.

    Report #84
    Submitted by: Mena           Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Survival       Skillname   : Clotting
    Bleeding is now quite relevant in both PvP and PvE in Imperian, yet there is not an easy way to judge your current bleeding, outside of spamming and parsing STAT. Since bleeding is now almost as important as your current health or mana, even while bashing, there should be a way to easily know your current bleeding.
    Solution #1:
    Like health/mana, add a Prompt option that shows your current bleeding.
    Solution #2:
    Solution #1 and additionally add an option similar to CONFIG HEALTHINFO, that shows the amount of bleeding reduced by clotting

    Report #85
    Submitted by: Khizan         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Predation      Skillname   : Pindown
    The large amount of CC thrown out by the AM circle has become problematic of late. This is in large part due to the fact that these CC chains are not being done in lieu of an offense, but as an offense in and of themselves since Twist and Disembowel make CC chains so rewarding. The biggest offender in the antimagick CC arsenal is Pindown, which is a zero-setup zero-cooldown entangle that leaves the enemy prone and perfectly set up for the rest of AM's CC and heavy burst. While entangles have always been important factors in combat, CC chains have grown out of hand as offensive tools. As it is, Pindown is also a skill that sees little to no use in their 1v1 combat; the primary use of pindown is to easily set up CC chains in groups.
    Solution #1:
    Change the pindown affliction from "pinned by a dart" to "impaled by a dart", and have it occupy the impale 'slot', so that it no longer stacks with Impale. This leaves Pindown in position as an on-command entangle/hinderance mechanism, while preventing people from using it to land disembowels.
    Solution #2:
    Add another criteria to Pindown, aside from prone. Preferably not a broken limb, either, to prevent trip/benzedrine/pindown. The goal here is to prevent pindown from being a no-setup-required entry point into a long CC chain.

    Report #86
    Submitted by: Velion         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Fayth          Skillname   : New
    This is purely a quality of life classlead. At the moment, you are unable to look at seraphs without using EXAMINE, they do not show up on INFO HERE, and they don't show while following. I'd like to see a bit more depth to this to allow Priest a bit more roleplay incentive.
    Solution #1:
    Allow seraphs to be seen as any other object, when following, in room, look, probe, etc. Also, it would be nice to have an emote skill for seraphs much like Emote in Beastmastery. This would grant further roleplay flexibility to Priests.(Would also be nice to have some of the seraph attack messages, like spiritwrack and absolve, show the customised description, but that might be a bit much.)

    Report #87
    Submitted by: Gurn           Status      : Unsubmitted
    Skillset    : Shapeshifting  Skillname   : Poisonmind
    Currently, bloodpoison/rupture sits as a vastly inferior way to kill than brainmelt. With but a single ginger cure, the entire setup is ruined for the Hunter. Sticking poisonmind helps, but thorugh focus and mandrake's ability to randmoly shuffle through the mandrake stack, it makes curing poisonmind fairly easy, and in effect, bloodpoison, making rupture kills nearly impossible even against standard curing.
    Solution #1:
    Make Poisonmind uncurable by focus unless it's the last mandrake affliction. This will slightly reduce the ability to randomly cure the affliction while still allowing for mandrake a chance of curing it in a mandrake stack.

    Report #88
    Submitted by: Menoch         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Aspects        Skillname   : Fear immunity
    Terror immunity is not very impressive, as far as aspect powers go. Compose can be done at any time, after all, and it can't be given a much higher percentage chance without becoming too good, and as such, I'd like to propose some additional functionality that would make it a bit more worthwhile.
    Solution #1:
    Add a lesser percentile chance (just spitballing, 25%?) to absorb the recklessness affliction, due to the embodiment of terror that is an aspect of Sukhder's willingness to revel in such things, similar to fear.
    Solution #2:
    Add a lesser percentile chance (10%?) to absorb all phobia based afflictions.
    Solution #3:
    A combination of 1 and 2.

    Report #89
    Submitted by: Menoch         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Devotion       Skillname   : Force
    Perform force, as well as all similar force mechanics such as Hypnosis - Action, Telepathy - Command, Shamanism - Command, and Enslavery - Marduk, as well as any others in this vein I've failed to mention, are abilities that when in usage by a player with lacking morals, have heavy potential for abuse. Forcing someone to drink from an artifact mug for example, or smoke weed from artifact or token pipes, are devastating combat upsets that leave you completely at the mercy of RNG. Even with Clarity up, and that's much more difficult now with the short duration Clarity has, and Tenemecy, you can in a matter of a few attempts be driven into the highest levels of alcohol poisoning and thus debilitated in combat and for a long time after the fight is over.
    Solution #1:
    Prevent any and all libations, as well as the cactus weed herb, from being force-able.
    Solution #2:
    If solution 1 is too difficult a work around, add the DRINK syntaxes to the list of unforce-able commands.
    Solution #3:
    Delete all force command abilities from the game forever. The potential for abuse is too high. A summoner can force a strong knight without a diadem to battlecry before flinging Death tarot. One well timed gremlin tick, and that's that. A priest can force mana draining passives on, most of which drain more mana now than they ever did before. Someone who doesn't watch for these types of things will die, horribly, and there is no counter except for one transcendent miniskill ability which now lasts for two minutes and can still fail, and often does.

    Report #90
    Submitted by: Velion         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Kanai          Skillname   : Fanatism
    At present, there is nothing wrong with the rate of Fanatism decay, as a Priest can sap while being spammed with hinders and the like, to keep up Fanatism. Therefore, this classlead hinges on the acceptance of classlead 81. If 81 is accepted, the rate at which Fanatism degrades would effectively allow someone to hinder a Priest until their Fanatism is completely gone, leaving the Priest to have to start the climb up to high Fanatism yet again. Right now, Fanatism declines after 5 seconds of no attacking, at a rate of 2 Fanatism per second.
    Solution #1:
    Increase the time it takes for Fanatism to start degrading, or slow the decay rate once it has, allowing a Priest more time to attack before their Fana
    tism is empty.
    Solution #2:
    Allow hinders to pause Fanatism decay, like Seraph Raze and other Fayth and Devotion skills.
    Solution #3:
    If classlead 71 is accepted, the current rate could be kept, but Fanatism generation could be boosted, as more Fanatism would be used in smaller amounts.

    Report #91
    Submitted by: Menoch         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Aspects        Skillname   : Absorb
    Absorb is without a doubt the worst 5 monolith power ever. If I do 100 damage in one hit, I get 2 health back. The reward for high burst is an utterly inconsequential amount of health regained. Changing it to give a higher percentage can make it far too good, and I don't know that there's any way to use it in its current incarnation without making it an absurd health regain ability, for either too much or too little health.
    Solution #1:
    Give absorb a low (~5%) chance to gain health on a damaging attack equal to the amount mitigated from that attack.
    Solution #2:
    Give absorb a static amount of health regained from each of your attacks, instead of 2% of attack damage. Ideally, this would be percentile of the caster's health, somewhere in the region of 3% health regained on each successful damage attack. So as to not be far too much healing for combo classes, a short internal cooldown or limit of this effect firing once every balance/equilibrium usage should be put in place.
    Solution #3:
    Maintain absorb's current functionality, but increase the amount of health regained from damaging attacks to 5% of damage done.

    Report #92
    Submitted by: Abigail        Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Runelore       Skillname   : Implant
    Uprooting and re-implanting totems takes a ridiculously long time.
    Solution #1:
    Allow the owner of a totem to permit his allies or citymates to sketch runes on a totem, or tune it.
    Solution #2:
    Allow a Runelorist to CONVERT a totem, which will shift ownership to him, allowing him to sketch/tune the totem. This should take the same amount of time as implanting or uprooting it.
    Solution #3:
    Allow leaders of an org (guild secretaries, ministers, clan heads, etc) to sketch/tune an implanted totem that is tuned for that org.

    Report #93
    Submitted by: Darin          Status      : Unsubmitted
    Skillset    : Wyrmriding     Skillname   : Bloodscent
    This will be in response to CLASSLEAD 84 if it is approved. With bleeding information being put on the prompt, the time it takes for bloodscent to tick and show the bleeding level of the people in the room will greatly hinder the outrider's ability to judge when to bloodfreeze.
    Solution #1:
    Allow bloodscent to passively function as is AND be able to function similar to trueasses, in that it is command based that doesn't require balance or equilibrium to perform with a small mana consumption. This would give outriders the ability to accurately judge the room's level of bleeding without someone slipping through the bloodscent ticks because bleeding level will be readily available on every prompt. If classlead 84 is not approved disregard this classlead.

    Report #94
    Submitted by: Velion         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Survival       Skillname   : New
    Classes that bash with a single hit are at a distinct disadvantage in bashing when compared to combo classes. This classlead is long overdue, in my opinion, and will attempt to rectify that.
    Solution #1:
    Add a skill in Survival that allows the damage from a single hit to transfer to the next target of the same name. The overflow damage might need a small penalty applied to it, as an awe inspiring hit from a Priest or Defiler would end up killing an entire room full.

    Report #95
    Submitted by: Dias           Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Knifeplay      Skillname   : Stances
    The profession of Predator is one of the relic classes of Imperian at this point. Although it is one of the most viable and fun roles to play, it is still very difficult for new members of the game as well as some seasoned veterans. A lot of this lies within the coding of an affective stance tracker that can utilize bladesurge. With that, the issue is stances in themselves, but more so, the stance dance. I believe that there are viable solutions to mitigate the issue of coding and attract new blood to the profession for both the Avengers and the Idrasi which would in turn promote the class and bring the guilds back from the shadows of Imperian.
    Solution #1:
    It is imperative that the Predator class (Avengers and Idrasi) receive something that is attractive to the growing Imperian base. When joining Imperian, I was told that Predator was fun, but difficult to code for and use in situations such as team fights and most top tier 1 v 1, that still stands six years later. With that, solution one would provide the ability for newbies and veterans alike to join guilds for the profession and not feel as if they are unable to utilize their skills properly. Solution one is as follows - Remove the stance dance (The need for a stance in order to do a particular attack), and implement the stances as their originally purpose of a particular boost on an area of combat. Currently Rizet adds 7.72-8.16% damage, Laesan is approximately a 35% modifier for dodging, Vae-Sant allows a 8.08-8.16% speed bonus, and Ein-Fasit is a flat 20% resist to physical cutting and blunt. Gyanis accuracy modifier was unable to be measured due to transcendent skills. The stances would be scaled down, Rizet being a 3.75-4.25% damage boost, Laesan providing a 20% addition for dodging, Vae-Sant giving a flat 4% speed bonus, and Ein-Fasit being a 15% resists versus 20%. Gyanis will not need to be changed as it is effective for lower levels in skill and circle.
    Solution #2:
    Remove the need for stance dance and allow attacks to be free flow, this will mitigate the need for advanced coding but still open the profession up to not receiving the perceived buff they have been needing for years. Stances would be completely removed and disallowing buffs. Although this is a secondary solution, solution one is preferable to keep the Predators useful for 1v1 and Team fights.
    Solution #3:
    Similar to solution 1, alternate how stances work such as Vae-Sant - Slight speed bonus to sitara attacks (Approximately 3.5%), Laesan - Slight speed bonus to twin shot (4%), Gyanis - Slight EQ bonus to beastmastery attacks (3.5%), Rizet - Increased absorption rate for Tidalslash. Ein-Fasit - Increased damage (Approximately 5%). This is similar to solution 1, but mitigated. Solution 1 is preferred.

    Report #96
    Submitted by: Sarrius        Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Misc           Skillname   : Unconditional writhes
    There are two classes of writhes in Imperian: conditional and unconditional. Examples of conditional writhes include: Naturebinding Ensnare and Choke, the Kanai writhe, Impale, Transfix, etc. Unconditional writhes include: Predation Pindown, Hangedman Tarot, the web tattoo, etc. The problem with unconditional writhes is they can be hammered out on demand, with no internal cooldown or limiting factor besides resources (and resource management is a laughable concept in today's environment) - which causes a pretty serious problem in many levels of combat. The transfix and impale writhes require an unblind or prone target, the vine writhes require a circling root, and Kanai's snare requires built up resources. The goal of this classlead is to provide a sweeping adjustment to writhes that require no condition to ensure that they cannot be used repeatedly on the same target by multiple users, or, if the speed is impressively high, spammed in a duel situation.
    Solution #1:
    Change unconditional writhes like Pindown, Hangedman, the web tattoo, and any others of such a caliber to share an 'unconditional writhe' cooldown. An example of this would be if two Predators are in the same shardfall fight, focusing on the same target. Once struck by Pindown, the target gains a period of immunity to any other unconditional writhe - no other Predator could use the Pindown skill on him. The key request of this solution hinges on extending the duration of the 'unconditional writhe immunity' BEYOND the duration of the Pindown writhe itself. If the target is struck by another Pindown in this window of immunity, the attacker still consumes balance (forcing a player to track their target's writhe immunity) but sees the target dodge the pinning dart/grappling ropes/sticky webs/whatever. This solution creates a burden of coordination on the players attempting to hinder a target, ensuring that the best way to win a team versus team engagement isn't to bring the most Predators, Summoners, or etc.

    Report #97
    Submitted by: Riselith       Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Desecration    Skillname   : Rigidity
    Currently defiler is unable to apply appropriate affliction pressure to be able to stick rigidity itself (cured by Kelp and tree). At present it only increases entanglement writhe times by 1s when it's actually stuck and gives a mild bonus to placing implantation last in the queue of writhe curing (arguably a problem in team combat).
    Solution #1:
    Firstly change rigidity to be a salve cure and remove the ability to be cured by tree. As long as the target has broken limbs, rigidity would be incurable. In addition to this, Rigidity would be a condition of Implant being an instant kill rather than a writhe and cross your fingers that they get the required amount.
    Solution #2:
    As with solution 1 in regards to curing. But allows the defiler to evolve a second seed as long as the rigidity is in effect.

    Report #98
    Submitted by: Riselith       Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Desecration    Skillname   : Implantation
    Currently Defiler has no viable kill methods. Damage is easily mitigated. And both Behead and Implantation require the target to be incapacitated. Incapacitation is not something a defiler can do without severe RNG or just straight impossibility. Even if the defiler were to land implantation, the target would still be required to not writhe out of it for 8+s assuming that a seed has already been evolved and won't disappear during that 8s.
    Solution #1:
    Change Implantation to be a conditional instant kill. If the target has rigidity and is below a certain health level, the target would be instantly slain.
    Solution #2:
    Implantation becomes a channeled skill that is reduced based on the health level of the target. Rigidity would increase the speed required.
    Solution #3:
    As with solution 2, implantation would be a channeled skill. Conditional on whether classlead 83 passes or not. The time required for the skill would be conditional on the entropy energy levels.

    Report #99
    Submitted by: Riselith       Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Torment        Skillname   : New
    As it stands ravage is undeniably a considerably slow attack. With possible changes to entropy in the future, corrosion would see a slight change to the way that entropy causes damage if at all. As most of a defiler's combat hinges on ravage, the slow speed tends to hinder the momentum and impact of the offense leaving damage in the state of mediocrity and unable to do much in a world where everybody are becoming tanks.
    Solution #1:
    Introduce an ability that speeds up ravage as a passive effect based on entropy energy built up in the target.
    Solution #2:
    Make an ability that consumes neither equilibrium or balance on fail but based on the target's entropy or health level gives the defiler a temporary boost in the balance speed for torment abilities, once activated. Much like Overwhelm for Druids and Wardancers.

    Report #100
    Submitted by: Caelya         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Devotion       Skillname   : Consecration
    The ability to consecrate ground can be used on the fly, but for some reason it's not easily lifted by those that laid it or even others in the circle without resorting to hoarding hazewards/monoliths. This is weird and hoarding demonic/magick items to counter our own stuff is even weirder.
    Solution #1:
    Allow devotioners to use Devotion Consumption to consume holy ground via PERFORM CONSUMPTION CONSECRATION.
    Solution #2:
    Include a 'remove' skill within Devotion Consecration that's simply 'CONSECRATE CLEAR', takes some eq, half the devotion it takes to consecrate, and cl
    ears the holy ground in that room.

    Report #101
    Submitted by: Lionas         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Telepathy      Skillname   : Command
    The Hood tattoo was introduced to reduce the emphasis on ranged combat, in order to encourage skirmishes and remove the annoying awkwardness of raids in general. It has done a good job in doing so, with one notable exception. Forcing tumble remains as the sole method of removing cloak with reasonable reliability; only one circle is capable of doing so remotely, which creates an imbalance in the ranged-combat game reshaped by hood. The primary defense to this is sleep, which can be interrupted by mind crush, or an arrow, or any other method of dealing damage at a distance. This creates a race condition that is defeated by lag or perfect timing on the part of the attacker. Other parties can also put you to sleep to block force tumble. All of this is functionally irrelevant - if the sole source of reliable cloak stripping exists only in the hands of one circle, it is an imbalance that needs to be addressed.
    Solution #1:
    Tumble actions that are forced commands will strip hood first, then cloak on a subsequent tumble while not protected by hood, as any other ranged strip. Self-initiated tumble would continue to strip cloak regardless of the presence of the hood tattoo.
    Solution #2:
    Remove tumble from the list commands able to be forced. This is not preferred, as tumble remaining as a method to break up a team with a one-room move through a wall is still an interesting combat scenario.
    Solution #3:
    As an ADDITION TO the above changes: Allow forced tumble to be stopped by putting yourself to sleep at any point before the tumble completes, regardless of whether you awaken. THIS SHOULD NOT BE THE CHOSEN SOLUTION ON ITS OWN, AS IT DOES NOT ADDRESS THE UNDERLYING IMBALANCE

    Report #102
    Submitted by: Riselith       Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Shadowbinding  Skillname   : Psysap
    Just a simple quality of life classlead. Currently there's no way to see when their target loses the sap effect.
    Solution #1:
    Change saps to give a third party message when they wear off.

    Report #103
    Submitted by: Menoch         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Aspects        Skillname   : Terrify
    Terrify is a really unimpressive aspect power. With the ease with which one can compose, it really doesn't do anything to assist in combat, and is rarely used outside of stopping a monolith capture for someone. With its long duration and tick rate giving a negligible affliction that is so easily cured, it typically boils down to being nothing more than a hardcoded trolling weapon.
    Solution #1:
    With the loss of willpower and endurance, and the fact terrify takes a ridiculous amount of mana as is, I would like to see the final mana cost be far less than it is now even after willpower and endurance are done being removed. Make terrify usable on mobiles, including loyals. Not a one time use cowardice, but a lower duration terrify clone usable on player loyals not org loyals, one mobile at a time. Suggested duration is around 2 minutes, with a proportionately faster tick speed. This is the preferred solution.
    Solution #2:
    Make terrify tick at a much faster rate, (every 10-45 seconds?), in exchange for half the duration. Do the same thing to the mana cost as stated in solution 1.
    Solution #3:
    Make this an active cowardice. Do the same thing to the mana cost as stated in solution 1.

    Report #105
    Submitted by: Lionas         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Tattoos        Skillname   : Hood
    I am unashamed in my support for the hood tattoo. Ranged strip wars get tiresome very quickly, and dont add much to the Imperian combat realm for the majority of classes. That said, the latter is also a problem for ranged combat in general - classes that lack a ranged component are left in the lurch if combat does devolve into ranged attacks or attempts at ranged combat. Theres no middle ground, and hood is too good at bridging the gap. If the fight decides to go the way of ranged combat, it should do so at a risk to those doing it - this will serve both to bring the fight back into the hectic battle that it can be, and to weaken the holding position of entrenched raiders (I also hate raids, and think a greater risk should be on the attackers, encouraging hit-and-run style raids)
    Solution #1:
    Cause any ranged attack to strip the attacker's hood defense (including mind command, mind strip, root attacks, doppleganger attacks, kai attacks, bows, vortex .... anything you do at range)

    Report #106
    Submitted by: Lionas         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Aspects        Skillname   : Detectillusions
    Detect illusions has no place in modern imperian combat. Affmessages and the removal of illusions as a primary tactic have made this power entirely pointless, especially for a three-monolith power.
    Solution #1:
    Replace detect illusions with a {defense|passive} that gives whitesight and keeneye.
    Solution #2:
    be boring and replace it with lifevision

    Report #107
    Submitted by: Riselith       Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Misc           Skillname   : Autocuring
    Autocurer (affectionately called Garrynbot by the players) has been a great addition for many of the newer players as well as some of the old that have lost their way with the times (and coding.) However instead of being able to queue specific suspected afflictions, we are only able to queue their cures. The problem with this is that if another affliction is cured via this method, the first goes ignored.
    Solution #1:
    A simple solution, introduce the possibility to queue specific afflictions rather than their cures. So that it doesn't immediately give up on curing the herb cure.

    Report #108
    Submitted by: Arakis         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Smithing       Skillname   : New
    A new skill for Smithing- Temper. This would work like Augment in Alchemy but instead be available cross circle so as not to affect Affinity and so that no one circle would have the skill exclusively. It would function as Augmentation does but require a forge and some other materials available cross-circle.
    Solution #1:
    The process would require a forge and take a reasonable amount of Balance, the Tempering could stack but like Augment have an increasingly likeliness to be destroyed with each time it is Tempered. If not an increase in being destroyed perhaps a certain number of Tempers could damage the blade, requiring repair decreasing the lifetime of a weapon.
    Solution #2:
    you could have the option if possible to target a specific stat (Damage, To-hit, Speed) or choose to raise all three equally, but more marginally. This option could have a slightly higher risk than simply allowing the stat chosen to be random.
    Solution #3:
    if not option two simply have it function like AB Alchemy Augment, though targeting a specific stat or even all three could be worth a slight increase in risk of destruction.

    Report #109
    Submitted by: Azefel         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Wyrmriding     Skillname   : Stab
    anyone who has seriously (or maybe not even seriously) played as an Outrider will tell you that the bashing is terrible.
    Solution #1:
    Increase spear stab damage vs mobs
    Solution #2:
    allow icecoat's cold damage effect to apply when bashing mobs, adjusted for pve of course.
    Solution #3:
    I won't complain if you give both.

    Report #110
    Submitted by: Antrax         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Necromancy     Skillname   : Animate
    Using animate is a vital part of being on pair with the other knight classes in terms of buffs. However, if you wish to change your animate from one type to another there is no good way of doing so. Not only does it cost 35% of essence it's also a rather long (6+ seconds) channeled ability, which makes switching a pain. This also limits the usefulness of Animate in combat in which you cannot change from one type to another to change tactics. Animate punishes people who are hunting and need to switch to combat.  There are a few very preferable types of animate for hunting (ghoul/lich) and one animate that is useful for PK only (wight), allowing people to change gives users the same lack of need to  worry that other knight classes face.
    Solution #1:
    Add a new function in the current animate called "Reconstruct". This would work so that the Necromancer is able to RECONSTRUCT BODY <type> at a fairly small essence cost about 5%.  It wouldn't change the fact that it costs you 35% to be animated again should you die, but wouldn't drain you dry whenever you want to switch. Allow reconstruct to be used as an instant change with an EQ cost (approximately 3 seconds?)  that is comboable with normal balance abilities to allow necromancers to change their strategy during combat. This would mean that the necromancer has to consider giving up one buff for another. This is the preferred suggestion.
    Solution #2:
    Same as solution 1 but allow only Deathknights to change it instantly should it be too powerful of a tool for Diabolists. Diabolist should still be able to RECONSTRUCT BODY <type> for a small essence cost but it would be channeled.
    Solution #3:
    Create reconstruct and allow necromancers to change their type channeled at a small cost of essence. This is the least appealing suggestion.
  • LabilLabil Member Posts: 355 ✭✭✭
    Report #111
    Submitted by: Antrax         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Misc           Skillname   : Benzene/metrazol
    This is mainly a quality of life classlead. Currently there are several different profession who will end up with a variety of different "general" mess
    ages for when being afflicted with either benzene or metrazol. This is mainly due to the effect of formaldehyde or other hidden affliction sources. Whe
    n you are trying to "Attack" you will get a different message depending on your class for either of them, instead of it properly stating that you eithe
    r have a broken or paralysed arm.
    Solution #1:
    Remove all the general messages that are unclear and give all classes a proper message for when you cannot attack due to your arm being either broken or paralysed. This will remove the annoying part of guessing.

    Report #112
    Submitted by: Ozreas         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Knifeplay      Skillname   : Tidalslash
    Tidalslash is a nice ability and all, but the messages for charging the sitara are rather vague.
    Solution #1:
    Change the message when weaponprobing a sitara to display the percentage of charge currently held. Show the predator a message when charge crosses certain thresholds (25%, 50%, 75%?).
    Solution #2:
    Add an option to display tidalslash charge percentage via the prompt.

    Report #114
    Submitted by: Selthis        Status      : Unsubmitted
    Skillset    : Brutality      Skillname   : Impale
    With the state of team combat, the side with the most crowd control wins. This often leads to Everyone use every CC possible  on Target1 until they die,  everyone use every cc on Target2 until they die, ad nauseum. There is no reward for spreading out CC and instead the only reward is for stacking as 
    much  CC as possible to allow for disembowel or just overall massive damage while stacking damage modifiers/reducing parry chance.
    Solution #1:
    In the same spirit as 85 make the Impale skill cut the bound by ropes entanglement. By the same logic make it so a hangedman doesn't successfully latch on a target that is already impaled. This leaves knights their 2 natural options for impale (joust and impale) which feels just about right as far as stacking for a strategy.

    Report #115
    Submitted by: Abigail        Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Chivalry       Skillname   : Defend
    Defend only protects against physical damage, which makes it useless if an enemy's primary damage method is non-physical. Additionally, it blocks ALL physical damage, which means that a sufficiently tanky knight can unbalance a team fight by providing a normally squishy profession with nigh-invulnerability.
    Solution #1:
    Make Defend block a PERCENTAGE of damage dealt to the target, but from all sources rather than only physical. Alternatively, as a flat damage absorption: you can defend up to, for example, 150 damage, and any excess is dealt as normal to the person being defended.
    Solution #2:
    Make Defend add a percentage of the knight's damage resists to the target. This could work on its own or be in addition to solution #1.
    Solution #3:
    Add a new skill to Chivalry/Brutality that allows a knight to use his fayth, magick or essence to ward an ally from non-physical damage; the RP justification here is similar to Bulwark. This ability should probably not be able to be used simultaneously with Defend.

    Report #116
    Submitted by: Ozreas         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Aspects        Skillname   : Permanent powers
    When purchasing permanent aspect powers, for every power purchased the cost increases by 100k xp points and 1 million gold. This is absurd, as it means that to purchase three powers, you are spending a total of six million gold and 600k xp, and especially prohibitive should you wish to acquire powers from multiple aspects.
    Solution #1:
    Seperate the 'Permanent Aspect Power' perk into three seperate perks, as the Life/Change/Terror monoliths. Track the costs individually for powers purchaed from each aspect, and make no other changes (i.e. DO NOT MAKE US BUY MIMIC BEFORE CHANGEROOM BEFORE RACECHANGE BEFORE MODULATION AUGH HOW BAD WOUL
    D THAT BE).
    Solution #2:
    Lower the base cost of permanent power to 75k xp/750k gold, such that when it is reapplied for subsequent purchases the second power is only 150k/1.5m, 225/2.25, etc.

    Report #117
    Submitted by: Ozreas         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Aspects        Skillname   : Inhume
    Inhume used to be pretty cool, and still isn't half bad. Sadly noone ever gets to use it, but that is a different issue. Starburst and redemption are rarely used by anyone these days, but combat resurrection is far more widespread.
    Solution #1:
    Make the active, targetted effect of inhume also prevent the corpse of the slain individual from being resurrected via player skills.
    Solution #2:
    Cause the active, targetted effect of inhume to prevent the resurrection of the slain individual via player skills for ten seconds.
    Solution #3:
    Cause the active, targetted effect of inhume to prevent the resurrection of the slain individual via player skills, and apply a Shadow to whomever attempts to resurrect them (AB TORMENT SHADOW).

    Report #118
    Submitted by: Ozreas         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Devotion       Skillname   : Endurance
    With the upcoming/partially implemented changes to endurance and willpower, the blessings geared towards their regeneration will soon become obsolete. While it would be easy to simply say that with the removal of the statistics, there is no need for the blessings, it would be preferable to see them replaced with something useful in the new world.
    Solution #1:
    Replace the endurance blessing with a blessing that increases movement speed. Legerity?
    Solution #2:
    Replace the endurance blessing with a blessing that grants waterwalking. Buoyancy?
    Solution #3:
    Replace the endurance blessing with a blessing that does something awesome. Garryntality?

    Report #120
    Submitted by: Ozreas         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Devotion       Skillname   : New
    Widespread and easily accessed defences have caused most of the damage types used by Templars and Priests (cutting, blunt, fire, cold) to be highly resisted.
    Solution #1:
    Add a new ability to the Devotion skillset, tentatively titled Inversion. This would be rather high in the skillset, probably near Imbibe. This would allow a Devotion user to reverse the effects of a blessing present on the target. This would mean a cutting/blunt, fire, or cold weakness for the shield blessings, and perhaps slightly more interesting things depending on what replaces Endurance/Willpower blessings. (Delay of movement as per rubble, slight mana drain?). Only one inversion could affect a player at a time, and the Devotioner would have to choose from blessings present on the target. It should be noted that for this solution, the skill would cancel the effect of the blessing -and- apply its own effect, resulting in a net loss for the target.
    Solution #2:
    As solution 1, with a slightly different functionality. Rather than inverting a blessing already present on the target, the Devotioner would simply CONDEMN <target> <blessingname> to apply the effect. A target with blessings would break even in this scenario. The damage weaknesses would only apply to attacks from the devotioner using the ability.
    Solution #3:

    Report #121
    Submitted by: Aleutia        Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Malignosis     Skillname   : Ouroboros
    When you summon your Ouroboros, it takes you to zero mana. No other skill in the game has this prerequisite anymore, as it was classlead out of cleric.
    Solution #1:
    Summoning takes 0 mana.
    Solution #2:
    Summoning takes 25% mana and automatically soulpacts the demon.

    Report #122
    Submitted by: Aleutia        Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Runelore       Skillname   : New
    Jera gives you +1 to str and con. While this is great for runeguards, wytch does not benefit from extra strength, as its bashing is based off of the int score.
    Solution #1:
    New rune: +1 con / +1 int. This rune would not stack with jera.

    Report #123
    Submitted by: Arakis         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Galvanism      Skillname   : Grounding
    Galvanism costs a little under 700 lessons to master, while the increased resistance to Electricity Damage is excellent, the Grounding ability's mana drain is constant fro a one time block of an electrical cost, making it relatively unusable for individuals that already have a high mana drain.
    Solution #1:
    give Grounding a higher mana and/or balance cost up front but not require a constant mana drain.
    Solution #2:
    Remove Galvanisms mana drain but give it a cool down period after each time it is sucessfully used.
    Solution #3:
    if Galvanism retains a consistent mana drain, perhaps instead of blocking a single electric attack give it constant mitigation against electric damage until the user turns it off or runs out of mana. Ideally the first or second solution would be preferable to this one.

    Report #124
    Submitted by: Arakis         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Toxins         Skillname   : Oxycodone
    Oxycodone serves very limited purpose since the majority of combatant mages have enough lessons invested to be able to fortify their elemental channels. This toxin is of little use save the ocassional lucky strike against an ill prepared or somewhat novice Mage, and really serves limited purpose against a mage one is likely to find in a shardfall or arena match.
    Solution #1:
    one Give Oxycodone a limited or random chance to severe a fortified channel.
    Solution #2:
    Allow Oxyconde to stripe first the fortification from a channel, then the channel. if this is not acceptable perhaps allow that it severs channels once all open channels are no longer fortified.
    Solution #3:
    If the nature of Fortifying channels is to be changed in the coming Mage Revamp, it would be nice if this toxin saw a new purposing as well.

    Report #125
    Submitted by: Juran          Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Supremacy      Skillname   : Brainmelt
    Having researched the skill for some days, it seems that the majority of the brainmelt skill functions as intended. The afflictions accessible in supremacy are reasonable, and the ones able to be granted by others are largely afflictions that can be prioritized up to defend against brainmelt. In many ways, the problem with brainmelt is the same as the problem facing other similarly maligned skills - people are reacting without properly playing through the narrative and judging their alternatives. However, one flaw that does stay largely in place no matter how often the gem is turned is that Hunters have the ability to afflict with their choice of affliction on the same combo that they brainmelt - generally guaranteeing that their opponent will be sensitive for what was designed to be their closer.
    Solution #1:
    Make Brainmelt into an uncomboable attack, requiring both balance and equilibrium to use. The victim's state should be set prior to using the closer, and the victim's curing priority should influence the damage that they take from the attack. As a comboable attack, brainmelt is artificially reducing the 'critical mass' of mental afflictions needed to kill someone by one.
    Solution #2:
    If additional mitigation is desired to reduce its impact on team fights, reducing the damage factor of toxin-caused afflictions would have the desired effect. I would rather this wait until more gameplay is spent working out brainmelt, but it would achieve a reduction in group combat damage by Hunters.

    Report #126
    Submitted by: Arakis         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Predation      Skillname   : New
    The Renegade, Assassin, and Predator classes were always designed with stealth in mind as one of their themes. The problem is that all three have lost most of the purpose of their ability to infiltrate cities. Raids are defunct, and the only way to really catch people is if they just logged in off of a Landsense trigger. I would like to suggest this skill in Predation, but a clone could and should also be given to Sabotage classes. The class has no way to truly be an assassin or a dangerous killer and this suggestion would give that back to them.
    Solution #1:
    Give all three classes the ability to 'kidnap' a target for a short period of time. For the phasing classes, this would mean pulling that target in to phase and perhaps locking them down in the astral plane besides on the user's location. For Predators, you would have to give each area a 'subroom' that would let the Predator 'drag' them there with the syntax. This would allow each class to engage and attack somebody for a limited time. The captured player can fight back. If the duration expires, both players are ejected to the prime material (or to the room they were kidnapped from), where the assassin is presumably thrown to the wolves against guards. Success for the user of the skill lets them remain phased or automatically masks them and lets them walk out of the 'subroom'. Death of the user ejects the victim out of the room or out of phase safely.

    Report #127
    Submitted by: Siath          Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Misc           Skillname   : Gmcp info
    Currently the GMCP vitals includes the following: deaf, blind, eq, bal, mana, health and next level (experience in % form), leaving much to be wanted. This is simply a help for those who want to build their own system or have an more fail-safe way of tracking balances as on pair with the current form for autocuring. It should also include things that are already available at custom prompts but without the need to use anything beside CONFIG PROMPT BASIC.
    Solution #1:
    Add all balances to the GMCP vitals, focus, elixir, purge, salves, smoke, herb, right/left arm, leg. Additionally add things like kai, idras stance, phase, flying, devotion, essence, sanguis et cetera. Depending on the other classlead about bleeding one could add bleeding to GMCP.

    Report #128
    Submitted by: Kliko          Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Devotion       Skillname   : Perform rites all
    I like the idea of perform rites all, but find it annoying too. It has a default set of rites it uses which limits fighting styles because some rites can't be used together.
    Solution #1:
    make one be able to config perform rites all to add your rites of choice

    Report #129
    Submitted by: Ozreas         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Wardance       Skillname   : Environment
    There are a pair of flavor skills in Wardance (Sandburrow, Mirage) which tie the profession to the Shaahri desert. Awesome, that's where it originated in lore, etc. However, in the modern age there are several Ithaquan wardancers, and one of the Ithaquan guilds may be gaining the profession in the future. In light of this, it would be nice to have these two skills, which are ultimately useless as they stand, changed along with some of the profession's flavor text in an effort to facilitate RP of wardancers from multiple regions.
    Solution #1:
    Add the ability to Wardance to select an environment, much the same as Outriders create affinity to determine which animals they summon. This would serve several functions: Allow Mirage to be used in that environment, but restrict the transportation to a limited range and/or within the current area, and gain a 1 minute cooldown; Allow Burrowing to be used in that environment; Change much of the Wardance/Shielddance/Bladedance skill flavor text to reflect the studied animals of the chosen environment. (I am fully willing to help write this). To restrict the abuse of Mirage (Perhaps rename as 'Shift'?), the environment would only be changeable once per Imperian year. In this option 'desert' could still be chosen to keep everything as is.

    Report #130
    Submitted by: Septus         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Kaido          Skillname   : Fitness
    Fitness has no third person message when it cures asthma. This results in even if the person is unable to smoke for other reasons (has been kept off pipe balance, aeoned, etc), it isn't possible to know that the person has cured asthma until they also cure one of the smoke cured afflictions.
    Solution #1:
    Bring fitness in line with  similar abilities and add a third person message for when it is used to cure asthma. (Could simply be the same as when putting up the defence.)

    Report #131
    Submitted by: Selthis        Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Shadowbinding  Skillname   : Shadowveil
    When you are outside of the profession, profession resources (including haze) do not renew. This basically traps you into remaining in certain professions for certain amounts of time if you have any desire to use that profession later. This is most egregious with Haze due to the rate at what it regenerates.
    Solution #1:
    Make all class based automatically renewing resources (essence, haze, devotion, sanguis) regenerate even when out of profession. Being stuck in a profession unable to use core features is not fun and when you consider the profession system seems to encourage people to remain in one profession using resource all the time, rather than to actively change professions.
    Solution #2:
    As solution 1, but at a slightly reduced rate (50%?).

    Report #132
    Submitted by: Selthis        Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Necromancy     Skillname   : Animate
    Some guilds have undeath themed RP, but no way to be cosmetically (no bonuses at all) undead when outside of Diabolist/Deathknight.
    Solution #1:
    Allow Necromancers to SACRIFICE PERSON COSMETIC (with an agree syntax) that gives them (Undead Sex Race  sort of like Transmog) in their honors. This would cost a reduced amount of essence (5-10%) rather than the full cost. Also note just to be clear, this would provide no actual bonus at all to theperson.
    Solution #2:
    Like 1 but include the old "The undead form of..." in the person's room description.

    Report #133
    Submitted by: Lionas         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Survival       Skillname   : Detox
    The tripping hard affliction is annoying but trivial. Not being able to cure it is annoying.
    Solution #1:
    new Survival skill that you can use to cure it. Tentatively named 'detox'
    Solution #2:
    remove the Tripping Hard affliction.

    Report #134
    Submitted by: Ahkan          Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Malignosis     Skillname   : Ouroboros
    Many professions that are built around a entity (Wyrmrider, knights, defiler, cleric, etc) are allowed to customize their class based pet. To the best of my knowledge, malignosis ourobori cannot be customized.
    Solution #1:
    Allow for the customization of ouroboros demons

    Report #135
    Submitted by: Ahkan          Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Torment        Skillname   : Corrosion
    Right now, defiler is built around raw damage output mixed with some abilities that can reduce damage resistances (saps). Corrosion currently turns any 'affliction/cure' into an entropy effect which does psychic damage. While useful, it's not enough damage to really pressure someone into the red. If classlead 83 is passed, it will make the corrosion effect redundant. Either way, this opens up corrosion to modification to have more synergy with other
     skills in the Defiler skillset while opening up more options for defilers to attack their enemies. The problem here is that Defiler's can't actually capitalize on the damage saps because they do not have access to those damage types. The proposed solutions to corrosion seek to vary the damage types and allow defilers.
    Solution #1:
    Allow the 'corrosion' to be some kind of unnatural chaos effect that allows the flail to convert a fixed % (based on entropy level maybe?) of the devas
    tate/ravage skills to be a non-physical damage type (poison, cold, fire, psychic).
    Solution #2:
    Similar to solution 1, but allow the defiler to choose the non-physical damage modification at the cost of a slight mana drain.

    Report #136
    Submitted by: Ahkan          Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Wardance       Skillname   : Transfix
    Back in the day, when disembowel overwhelm, twist, damage-bonus-disembowel didn't exist, Wardancers needed multi-writhe stacks to build up momentum and set up kill windows. This is simply not the case any more. The necessity to have three writhes in a skillset is unnecessary in 1v1 and a burden that is hard to balance around in team combat. While transfix by itself is not necessarily a problem, it's a problem when combined with the synergy of toxins and the rest of the wardancer kit. Any time a target is hit with ciguatoxin/oxalis (twice in a row makes this 100%) you have a decision to make that will always been wrong. You either redef blindness and get impaled for being paralysed or you cure paralysis and get transfixed. Any mechanic that boils down 1v1 combat to repetitive binds/stall tactics is unfun for anyone not that class. There is no right answer and there is no avoiding this set up. Since disembowel is the finishing skill, it's unnecessary to remedy this issue from that avenue of approach. Bind is hard to pull off and rewards 'skill' and excellent set up. The likely and most intelligent solution is to fix the problem at transfix.
    Solution #1:
    Remove transfix from wardance. Replace with something else. (Open to ideas here.)
    Solution #2:
    Remove transfix from wardance, make this another conditional writhe. It would have to be designed to avoid the same ease of set up you find in oxalis/ciguatoxin impale/transfix.
    Solution #3:
    Remove the transfix ability from 'transfix' and give it a different effect, possibly some sort of conditional affliction ability (like inhibit, blacken)

    Report #137
    Submitted by: Caridan        Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Survival       Skillname   : New
    The differences between class strengths in bashing are one of the last, lingering issues in the non-pk balance of the game. This classlead is intended 
    to fix that issue by levelling the playing field between the slower single-hit bashers and the quicker, combination type classes.
    Solution #1:
    Create a skill in survival (at a fairly high rank, even. Fabled, maybe) that does this: When you kill a mob with a critical hit, any excess damage you 
    deal to that mob beyond what was needed to finish it off will be stored for 15 seconds. If you attack another mob in that timeframe, it will receive th
    at extra damage. - This would enable people to kill faster and achieve a higher amount of experience in a more reasonable time. It would also offset th
    e additional difficulty in the gold costs of buying endgame perks, since gold drops were changed.

    Report #138
    Submitted by: Aleutia        Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Desecration    Skillname   : Treant
    Defiler pets cannot utilize anything from the taming skillset.
    Solution #1:
    Give a defiler's treant a few basic skills from taming: vermin, deliver, courage. Maybe listen, glance, stamina, and strength. If fishing went it, swim
     would be a prerequisite as well.

    Report #139
    Submitted by: Sarciossis     Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Taming         Skillname   : Mount
    As it stands, mount in taming is the most reliable way for those within the antimagick circle to be able to have the benefit of waterwalking. The problem is that it costs 300 lessons to gain this ability, as well as a pet (horse, or guildpet) that has been trained to mount. The only viable solutions for AM are to obtain a pair of waterwalking boots, and face RP problems/affinity hit, or use the mobility sect ritual for waterwalking.
    Solution #1:
    Move mount in taming to just after swim in the skillset, allow younger players to obtain the skill without investing too much to be able to waterwalk. They would still have to train the pet to mount unless it is given naturally.
    Solution #2:
    Allow any pet trained to mount - without the need of the taming lessons - to be able to waterwalk. This would benefit those that tame animals, as well as those with guildpets.
    Solution #3:
    Approve classlead 140.

    Report #140
    Submitted by: Sarciossis     Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Devotion       Skillname   : New
    Without a viable way for the AM circle to waterwalk, outside of sect rituals and learning in taming, I propose to allow templar/clerics to be able to provide a blessing defense that would enable waterwalking.
    Solution #1:
    Bless (player) waterwalk.
    Solution #2:
    Approve classlead 139, though I think a devotion defense would be a lot more accessible.

    Report #141
    Submitted by: Sarciossis     Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Beastmastery   Skillname   : Courage
    Having your pets intimidated by player's tamed pets isn't much to worry about in most cases; however, having your pets killed during combat or outside of it is a large worry. When the pets are killed, any thing that you have taught them is immediately erased forcing you to retame and redescribe. I am not sure if this is solved by a collar of taming.
    Solution #1:
    Change courage to be AB TAMING COURAGE and allow us to set a level of health which our pets will flee and return to sanctuary/us.
    Solution #2:
    No changes to this skill are needed if the pet retains taming knowledge and description upon death even without collar of taming.
    Solution #3:
    Solutions 1, and 2.

    Report #142
    Submitted by: Aleutia        Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Desecration    Skillname   : Trip
    Due to the nature of defiler combat, it is hard to stick enough afflictions to keep someone prone. As such, the skill bears no real advantage to the defiler as the target will often stand up before the defiler has regain equilibrium from using the attack.  In an effort to increase flexibility of the class and reward for skillful application of defiler abilities, we offer the following suggestions.
    Solution #1:
    Trip will shrivel (Benzene)  a single limb on the victim. If that victim already has a shriveled limb, the treant will damage break that limb in addition to prone.
    Solution #2:
    Trip will gain bonus effects based on the victim's level of health. The lower the health (33% thresholds) the treant will be able to capitalize on the weaker victim. 66% and up: Prone/break. 33% and up: Prone/balance steal. 0-33% prone with the effect of the next attempt to stand the treant immediately prones you again with a brief stun.

    Report #143
    Submitted by: Aleutia        Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Desecration    Skillname   : Blackthorntreant
    Defiler is a linear class that intends to overwhelm the victim with a mix of afflictions and raw damage. Defiler simply doesnt have the damage output or damage over time to put people down in 1v1 or in teams. With the introduction of new bleed mechanics, this opens up the avenue to allow defilers to capitalize on bleeding damage mixed with intelligent use of treant intoxicate (eldertreant).
    Solution #1:
    If the target is prone when treant shred is utilized, it will do 2x the amount of bleeding damage, while not modifying instant-effect damage of the ability.
    Solution #2:
    Allow treant shred to do the same amount of bleeding as it presently does, but add the addiction effect to the ability.
    Solution #3:
    A healthy mix of 1 and 2.

    Report #144
    Submitted by: Hanzou         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Malignosis     Skillname   : New
    The main killing method a diabolist has in their arsenal is Catharsis, which at the very least requires Contemplation in Perception to become reliable - an ability found as deep into the tree as Fabled. Without either Contemplation or Trueassess, killing someone with Catharsis is a guessing game.
    Solution #1:
    Just like Envenom has been moved into Chivalry to ease things out for newbies, throw in Contemplation at a high level of Malignosis.

    Report #145
    Submitted by: Aleutia        Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Desecration    Skillname   : Honeysuckletreant
    Amnesia isn't that useful of an affliction anymore. Defilers certainly don't put enough 'spam command' pressure on a target to really capitalize on and exploit this affliction. Suggestions were based off the 'intoxicatingly sweet smell of honeysuckle'
    Solution #1:
    Allow harrow to change the mode of attack of the treant for the next series of automated attacks. Instead of doing the damage of 'a treant knicks you like a little girl' allow the treant to hit with a single masked affliction from the list of (Anorexia, Peace, Dizzy).
    Solution #2:
    The affliction from harrow will be changed from "amnesia" to "eq-loss" and will be flagged as not comboable with torment.

    Report #146
    Submitted by: Ahkan          Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Evileye        Skillname   : Peace
    Peace is an affliction that prevents the victim from being able to attack because theyre overwhelmed with peaceful intentions. This would be a good mechanic if the first offensive action directed at this player did not instantly cure the affliction. I understand the realism argument here, but mechanically, its not especially helpful to any class that has this affliction in any of their abs. This would be a general change to the peace affliction.
    Solution #1:
    Remove the attack cures peace mechanic.
    Solution #2:
    As a modification of solution 1, do not make it an 'attack block' but a global 'attack reduction' with the argument of "your heart just isn't behind the action." We'll call it a global flat percent malus to damage output?

    Report #147
    Submitted by: Ahkan          Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Evileye        Skillname   : Addiction
    Addiction makes you drink 5x the sips that you normally would. This was an annoying attrition mechanic that was moderately useful before vial belts. Now that we can stash away 2000+ sips of the elixirs, this mechanic has outlived its already meager usefulness.
    Solution #1:
    Change the mechanism of addiction to force you to drink the lesser option of health/mana. If your health>mana, you will drink health. If your mana>health, you will drink mana.
    Solution #2:
    Allow addiction to tick like hallucinations causing you to do random healing actions (touch tree, purge blood, focus, eat herbs, sip vials, apply salves) every tick. The timing of ticks would be up to administrative discretion, but 3-4s sounds fair. (once each round).

    Report #148
    Submitted by: Khizan         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Beastmastery   Skillname   : Pummel
    Pummel is problematic in much the same way that pindown is. The skill's unmodified equilibrium time is too long to make the skill workable in 1v1, and yet it's an extremely effective disable in group combat. The ability really only sees use in team combat, and then only as a way to keep an individual on the floor indefinitely while increasing the damage of the anti-magick abilities which scale off of limb damage. While it is possible to parry Pummel, moving parry from your head in group combat is effectively a sign saying "Please knock me unconscious right now, I didn't really want to heal that badly anyways." The end result is that Pummel is just another large contributor to the easily maintained permanent CC chains.
    Solution #1:
    Change pummel so that it instead deals a fairly large amount of limb damage, rather than a guaranteed break. The damage should not be so large that it one-shots people restricted to low-tiers of limb armor. This could potentially serve as a slight 1v1 buff, by speeding up break counts against sufficiently tanky people.

    Report #149
    Submitted by: Sarrius        Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Wardance       Skillname   : Bind
    This report is in response to and hinges upon CLASSLEAD #136 - if it is rejected, consider the reasoning when reviewing this report. Transfix's removal or the lessening in its ease of use causes me no loss of sleep in regards to team fights - but in single combat, I have a lot of concerns. In his report, Ahkan suggests that Bind rewards 'skillful play'. The truth is that Bind is incapable of rewarding anything besides scripted two-person gimmicks. As a Fast Wardancer with a level 3 shield, I am actually incapable of knocking a target out for long enough to utilize Bind upon regaining balance. In addition, the other requirement offered is a sleeping target - something Wardancers are incapable of achieving or enforcing. A second writhe is necessary for the class is set up a delay long enough to disembowel an afflicted target, but I can understand some of the concerns if that writhe is incredibly easy to hammer out on demand.
    Solution #1:
    Laxen the requirements of Bind to what they used to be, but only with the additional requirement of an Overwhelmed target. Thinking on it, if you are strapped for a solution for CLASSLEAD 136, you could simply add 'is overwhelmed' to Transfix's criteria. This preserves their power in duels, while keeping them out of team combat as an immediate or unlimited resource of crowd control.

    Report #150
    Submitted by: Mena           Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Shamanism      Skillname   : Choke
    Wytchs have problems to use choke/sowulu combos reliably, except in team situations, where someone is bound to have stripped deafness from the target. This is because Choke can't be used in combination with Cadmus, which prevents the use of a Curse Sensitivity/Dust Choke/Sowulu combo. Additionally, since Choke can be combined only with Shamanism dust attacks, which includes paralysis (and its CD), Wytchs almost basically stop delivering useful afflictions while using Choke in single combat, since they lack passive afflicting abilities.
    Solution #1:
    In preparation to the posible disappearance of Slow from Shamanism, introduce a new affliction in Shamanism, Sensitive, which would be functionally equivalent to the strychnine toxin.
    Solution #2:
    Allow Choke to be used in combination with Cadmus. Choke may or not trigger the benefit gained from an ignited Cadmus, if present

    Report #151
    Submitted by: Mena           Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Runelore       Skillname   : Circle
    Similar to how weapon professions attacks in the past were impossible to do if you had an arm paralyzed/broken, you can't FLARE runes if you have an arm paralyzed/broken. This is more confusing by the fact that even runes that don't require you to wield a tablet are impossible to flare in this situation, while at the same time you're allowed to point fingers and throw dust in someone's face.
    Solution #1:
    Allow runes to be FLAREd so long as you have an arm free.
    Solution #2:
    Solution 1, but runes that require a wielded tablet need the tablet to be wielded in a free arm.

    Report #152
    Submitted by: Khizan         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Bladedance     Skillname   : Flick
    Everything in this report also applies to the shielddance skill "Hack", which is effectively Shielddance Flick. With a high quality forged sabre, Flick is coming in at speeds of 1.3-1.4 seconds, which is well below herb balance and much faster than a sabre DSL. Hack, with forged bucklers, is coming in at speeds of ~1.7s, which is still under herb balance and also considerably faster than a sabre DSL. A Strong WD with broadswords is still outpacing Fast Sabreknights in terms of affliction speed, coming in at just a hair over 2 seconds. This gives the flickdancer an incredibly high affliction rate. In the time it takes to eat 2 herbs, a fast wardancer can flick you 6 times. It makes transfix incredibly dangerous because they can flick you with oxalis and then transfix you inside the space of an herb balance. The sheer amount of afflictions that a flickdancer can output can easily make it impossible for the opponent to maintain any kind of workable offense, effectively serving as CC while simultaneously pushing for a kill.
    Solution #1:
    Increase the balance on flick. Flick should be able to outpace healing provided that the wardancer uses their afflictions properly, but the current rat
    e of 6 afflictions to 2 herbs is excessive, to say the least. I'm not sure what numbers to shoot for here, though. ~1.8ish seconds as fast with a high 
    quality sabre?

    Report #153
    Submitted by: Ellen          Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Evocation      Skillname   : Wisps
    Using wisps gives no unique first-person message, instead using the third-person message that everyone else sees. This makes it needlessly difficult to track wisp balance in situations involving other Druids.
    Solution #1:
    Give wisps a proper first person message. This should not change anything about delayed wisps; they already have a unique message upon evoking them, and should retain the third-person message when they actually hit.

    Report #154
    Submitted by: Mathiaus       Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Thespia        Skillname   : Defense songs
    It was completely understandable to eliminate offensive songs' capablilites to effect a target outside of the bard's current room, but defensive songs were also taken from allowing allies to benefit as well.
    Solution #1:
    Allow defensive songs to once again affect allies outside of the bard's room. Perhaps adding that they'll only work for those on the ally list is recommended.
    Solution #2:
    Allow a limited number of defensive songs to effect allies outside the bard's room, possibly not allowing stat altering songs for example to work outside the room.
    Solution #3:
    Allow defensive songs to be placed but only last a lesser amount of time if they're not in the same room. This could also be taken into account of reducing the effect defensive songs have for allies for their effects to occur outside of the bard's room. Maybe a variation of the solutions would work as well.

    Report #155
    Submitted by: Sarciossis     Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Beastmastery   Skillname   : New
    A predator's hawk can retrieve, but not deliver unless someone learns up to that skill.
    Solution #1:
    Add deliver before or after retrieve in the skillset.

    Report #156
    Submitted by: Ellen          Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Evocation      Skillname   : Lightning
    Lightning is an in-room attack with the potential to be a useful damage mechanic for intelligence-based Druids. It suffers from a few flaws that make it unwieldy, however. Notably, lightning requires an outdoor room, has a neutral balance time of 4.16 seconds, and Druids have zero control over one of the three modifiers that make it do worthwhile damage.
    Solution #1:
    Speed up lightning to 3.33 seconds balance, which is the same as Evocation stab. Lower the base damage of the ability by 20% to compensate for the extra speed.
    Solution #2:
    In addition to solution 1, change the 'target standing in water' modifier to require the target be affected by the shock empowerment. In this case, lightning would consume the shock empowerment.
    Solution #3:
    In addition to solutions 1 and 2, allow lightning to be used indoors if the Rain airsong is present in the room.

    Report #157
    Submitted by: Sarciossis     Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Hunting        Skillname   : New
    While walking around with all of my loyal animals is kinda neat, it'd be fun if I could hide them from everyone's sight.
    Solution #1:
    New skill: AB HUNTING MASK. Would remove them from look and enter/exit following messages. This would drop on any aggressive action, and they would still be viewable through info here.

    Report #159
    Submitted by: Azefel         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Smithing       Skillname   : Purify
    Of the 3 knight professions, Templars are the only ones with a secondary skillset that doesn't aid offensively with afflictions (DKs have deathaura and potentially soulstorm [CLASSLEAD 55/59], RGs have nairat and transfix and I don't know  what else). Periodic mana/health damage via Condemnation or burst damage at the cost of rites via Flare are all well and good but at this point in the game there are many people who won't be beaten by straight up damage [also CLASSLEAD 60]. Disembowel being changed to scale off the number of afflictions on the target addressed this issue reasonably well but the proposed changes to the way the rift works (or the fact that a number of people now actually know how to pre-outrift herbs) negate this potential to do significant damage with Disembowel. Templars were given Mirroring via Purify in Smithing, a chance to 'mirror' an affliction to the target (without actually curing the affliction on the Templar), but the pitiful chance for the effect to work means it's practically never used.
    Solution #1:
    Let Mirroring's chance to trigger be based off the number of afflictions on the Templar, (arbitrarily) 10% per affliction (not including blind/deaf). A short cooldown on the affliction mirrored (similar to how entropy works for Defilers) would likely be appropriate in this case (and every affliction on 'cooldown' wouldn't count towards the probability of the Mirror effect occuring).
    Solution #2:
    allow the Templar to INVOKE his/her rite of Healing (either consuming it or reducing a decent portion of its duration doing so) to significantly boost Mirroring's chance to occur for an appropriate length of time (long enough to mount a decent affliction stack when utilised properly), while also giving a very slight chance during this time for mirroring to also cure the affliction that was mirrored off the Templar.
    Solution #3:
    Same as solution 2 but without the chance to cure the affliction

    Report #160
    Submitted by: Khizan         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Pioneering     Skillname   : New
    Druids are in a really good spot right now, and don't really need much of anything in the way of combat. However, despite all the good things about them, they don't have bees. They used to have bees, but now they don't have bees anymore, and that makes me sad. Druids need bees.
    Solution #1:
    Can I please have some bees? :(
  • LabilLabil Member Posts: 355 ✭✭✭
    Report #161
    Submitted by: Aulani         Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Smithing       Skillname   : New
    With the current smithing bonus being attached to the dwarven race it leads to people only using dwarven smiths to smith anything they care about. It encourages a lot of sub-par RP as well from the people who only care about getting the bonus so they can smith the best things.
    Solution #1:
    Roll the bonus into transcendent smithing.
    Solution #2:
    Add the bonus into the Hammer of forging.

    Report #162
    Submitted by: Juran          Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Tattoos        Skillname   : Starburst
    With no balance loss to activate, no limit to the number of limbs you can ink them on, and the at most minimal experience loss of dying with the Starburst tattoo the advantages of multiplying the number of times that an opposing team needs to kill you before they can move on to another target or break through your defend far outweigh the drawbacks. In a game with fast based affliction based combats, Starburst needs additional limitations.
    Solution #1:
    Balance Starburst like Redemption and require a 15 second base equilibrium to TOUCH STARBURST, and limit the number of starbursts that any person can h
    ave on them at one time to one. This would allow for the defense to be active and one tattoo to remain to replace it, but it wouldn't grant the potenti
    ally fourteen additional health bars without delay that it does now.

    Report #163
    Submitted by: Juran          Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Trailblazing   Skillname   : Encampment
    The delay involved in tearing down and setting up a campground adds a significant opportunity cost to adding the canopy effect to a room for those that rely on it. And while the advantages overall of having a campground justify such a delay, an alternative mechanism to achieve the canopy enclosure would offset our need to rely on someone removing their campground and then rebuilding it for every single battle that requires the participants to be indoors.
    Solution #1:
    For the cost of a cloth commodity in addition to the wood, allow those with Trailblazing to add an optional [WITH ENCLOSURE] syntax to their ENCAMPMENT skill. An enclosed encampment would be considered indoors in the same  way as a campground, but lack the other special benefits and unique status of their transcendent skill.
    Solution #2:
    Add a skill to Trailblazing simply called Enclosure, which can turn a room indoors without the fire or other benefits of Encampment.

    Report #164
    Submitted by: Juran          Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Bowmanship     Skillname   : Standready
    The Stand Ready skill in bowmanship is as much a liability as a benefit, as likely to harm a novice as an enemy. The reckless 'first person to enter the room' mechanism of the skill makes it irrelevant, because even in heated combat situations it is impossible to judge in advance who the 'next person in' might be. The skill should offer some advantage to waiting ready over simply longshotting an arrow at the target you wish to hit.
    Solution #1:
    Restrict the targets able to be hit by Stand Ready to those on the bowman's enemy list
    Solution #2:
    Add an optional syntax to Stand Ready that allows them to choose a target in the same way that their WEDGE skill does.

    Report #165
    Submitted by: Sarrius        Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Knifeplay      Skillname   : New
    Like several other classlead reports this round, I am taking wildly different approachs to give Predators new tools to make them a threatening class in combat again. While my last one was a dangerous, hybridized sitara-only toxin, I'd like to take a look at a non-toxic closer for the Predator class instead. The class has, according to public opinion, had a limb and health damage focus since its inception (since the random lowhook days to the doublebreak-ccut days to now) and this report looks at a new way to enhance that. The class needs a powerful closer in the same vein as bloodfreeze is the 'end game' of the Outrider class or brainmelt is the death blow for Hunters. Crescentcut no longer 'cuts' it, forgiving the horrible pun.
    Solution #1:
    Provide a new skill in Knifeplay called 'Throttle'. This ability would require that the target be prone and have a broken leg. If these conditions are met, the Predator can THROTTLE (target), initiating a grapple with the Predator holding down and choking the target by the neck. This choking causes asphyxiation damage akin to Strangle in Warding. With one free hand, the Predator can utilize their sitara in a limited fashion: a new attack called 'Gore', which causes high damage typed toward the sitara's color. This is meant to provide a unique 'Blade Twist'. The downside of this ability, to ensure it cannot be abused in teams, is that utilizing this ability on a target makes them impossible to be subject to any writhe. In fact, you cannot use it on a impaled/etc target. In addition, the user of Throttle also suffer some of the damage of their grappled target, creating an interesting 'inverse defend' situation. This creates a burden of coordination that prevents the rest of the Anti-Magick circle from simply spamming alpha damage on the target while they are throttled and being gored hopelessly by a Predator. Throttle should have a cooldown to prevent re-applying it upon writhing out.
    Solution #2:
    Implement a new functionality to the pre-existing Knifeplay skill called Circle. The ability should allow you to regain balance much faster against weakened targets in some capacity - sort of an 'Overwhelm' stance that gets better as the target continued to grow closer to 0 health or as they gain more afflictions. This ability would also have interesting synergy with an affliction gameplay style for the class, so long as they have the tools to begin an offense to gain the initial speed bonus. Obviously since Circle is a passive, the speed benefit should be lower initially. It is differentiated from Wardance Overwhelm due to how the bonus would begin weak, but perhaps ramp up to become much stronger. Probably add some kind of drain to the skill and remove one or both of its current functions. It would be interesting if this applied to everything in the Predator kit, but I would use discretion about that in regards to Beastmastery specifically.
    Solution #3:
    Provide Crescentcut a 'momentum' mechanic similar to Evocation:Empower's Jolt. The skill would deal more damage based not only on current modifiers as it stands, but also based on how much health the target is missing. I provide this solution reluctantly, as it would make Predators absolute monsters in shardfall combat. This solution is heavy-handed and a last resort, but it fits with the damage route of the class.

    Report #166
    Submitted by: Sarrius        Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Hypnosis       Skillname   : Suggest
    Last classlead round, the Hypnosis skill was granted an incredible boost: the ability to suggest two afflictions at once. It is my opinion that this should come at some kind of cost to the user instead of being a free way to just increase the volume of afflictions an Assassin or Renegade can force through.
    Solution #1:
    I do not want to take away the ability of a Hypnotist to double suggest, but I would like to see it come at an additional cost. A double affliction suggestion should have some kind of opportunity cost instead of being an absolute no-brainer. The speed of a double affliction suggestion should provide some kind of 'speed bump'. Coupled with Spatium and doublestab, the class should have to make some nature of sacrifice to suggest twice the amount of hypnotic afflictions.
    Solution #2:
    Provide some kind of limitation to double suggest (if X is present, you may double suggest), or place it on a cooldown to cap the speed at which double suggestions can be performed.

    Report #167
    Submitted by: Sarrius        Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Spatium        Skillname   : Instill
    The ability Instill was obviously designed with the intent of sticking a devastating affliction beneath a pile of chaff - or possibly even a bunch of other devastating afflictions. While the ability is interesting and likely has a lot of space to see a lot of cool tricks, one cannot go without noticing that a few afflictions are more devastating than others. In fact, some of these afflictions (namely hemotoxin, asthma, and hypochondria) are on the same herb, and that herb also has a small collection of 'chaff' afflictions that can cover them up if any of them are instilled. This report aims at adjusting the more egregious of offenders: Hypochondria. The affliction acts, for Saboteurs and Renegades, as a provider of backbreaking momentum as some of unique strain of pseudo-permanent hellsight. It just so happens, however, that this 'hellsight' has a lot more powerful afflictions on its table, namely a ton of mental afflictions.
    Solution #1:
    Adjust Hypochondria's cure to something that isn't also coupled with a ton of other devastating afflictions, as the amount of afflictions cured by kelp is staggeringly high, allowing hypochondria to not only stack up afflictions to prevent it from being focused away, but also be hidden beneath such cure-hindering afflictions as anti-purge, asthma and also under afflictions that hypochondria itself generates. I suggest that the new cure be mandrake - it makes the Saboteur think and make trade-offs to retain an instilled Hypochondria.
    Solution #2:
    Give Instill a maximum duration, allowing a player to 'weather the storm' until the instilling wears off and they can gain a chance to cure it normally.
    Solution #3:
    Just remove Hypochondria from the Instill table.

    Report #168
    Submitted by: Sarrius        Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Sabotage       Skillname   : Weaving
    Last classlead, Weaving's damage reduction was revisited and improved significantly. The class actually has been moved up to a state where it is highly resilient. While we might have evolved past the era of 'glass cannons', I don't see why a scale armor class profession should have the amount of physical damage reduction it currently has. The choices against an Assassin or Renegade in terms of defeating them have been reduced to 'afflict better than them' - something that, due to other buffs, is not precisely an easy feat, especially against shrugging.  You could, of course, also just 'run away', but IRE prides itself on an interactive combat system, and I don't think running away is very interactive. Some classes are purely damage dependant or have damage dependant routes that have suffered due to the large increase in damage reduction from this skill.
    Solution #1:
    Find a sweet spot between old Weaving and new Weaving. The current numbers on Weaving make some artifacted physical damage offenses laughable. I will give the people who classled the skill in the first this: old Weaving, in retrospect, WAS too weak. However, new Weaving is probably just a tad bit much against classes that can't field unblockable damage (Fayth Flare, Sowulu Flare, Disembowel).

    Report #169
    Submitted by: Eldreth        Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Engineering    Skillname   : Disruptor
    The disruptor, unlike the tuningfork, does not provide a message in your defense list when it is activated.
    Solution #1:
    Add a message to the defense list when disruptor is active.

    Report #170
    Submitted by: Eldreth        Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Wardance       Skillname   : Kipup
    Autocure properly registers the kipup skill to a wardancer when prone, but does not recognize a non-wardancer using kipup via the acrobatic boots - autocurer will try to stand instead of kipup.
    Solution #1:
    Allow owners of acrobatic boots kipup via autocurer

    Report #171
    Submitted by: Eldreth        Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Tarot          Skillname   : Inscribing
    Inscribing 10 tarot cards at a time is a laborious, outdated mechanism. As a game we have been moving towards simplifying non-engineering skills by allowing the conversion of raw materials into finished goods (whether that good is an elixir or a tattoo). As tarot will exist in the new Summoner incarnation, I ask that we update this mechanic accordingly.
    Solution #1:
    Fling card has the requisite of a blank card in your card deck(s), and is consumed in the normal fashion upon use.
    Solution #2:
    If the Garden truly wants to require Summoners to inscribe, up the maximum cards per session to 100.

    Report #172
    Submitted by: Selthis        Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Runelore       Skillname   : Sowulu
    If you flare Sowulu or Pithakhan at a deaf target, there is no message to indicate that the rune didn't do damage, unlike the other runes that indicate
     when the action didn't had an effect.
    Solution #1:
    Solution 1 Please give the flare of Sowulu and Pithakhan a message to indicate the target was deaf.

    Report #173
    Submitted by: Selthis        Status      : Submitted
    Skillset    : Survival       Skillname   : General
    Autocuring doesn't have a  way to toggle between prioritizing between blind and deaf being healed first.
    Solution #1:
    Add a blind/deaf priority toggle
  • LabilLabil Member Posts: 355 ✭✭✭
    My problem with Sarrius' classleads is probably the same that Dranor once complained about Khizan's: they make my eyes bleed.
  • SarriusSarrius Member, Beta Testers Posts: 1,682 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I will admit to a serious level of verbosity about any report with the NEW tag.

    Also, Bathan.. you didn't expect me to have nothing to suggest in that column, did you? ;)
    <div>Message #2062&nbsp; Sent By: (imperian)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
  • RagnarRagnar Member Posts: 173 ✭✭✭
    People hating all over Wardancer up in here.
  • LabilLabil Member Posts: 355 ✭✭✭
    I blame Septus!
  • AbigailAbigail Member Posts: 332 ✭✭✭
    edited March 2013
    Ragnar said:
    People hating all over Wardancer up in here.
    Well, here's the current issue with WDs:

    Post edited by Abigail on
  • LabilLabil Member Posts: 355 ✭✭✭
    I can't stop watching that GIF!
  • SarriusSarrius Member, Beta Testers Posts: 1,682 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm looking for people's commentary on 96. Excepting my negligence in listing, say, transfix when Wardancer transfix is 'unconditional' in the eyes of most players. I'm expecting mixed reviews on this one because of how odd an idea it is.. I actually submitted it to nerf spammed pindown, if you want the truth.

    This goes for 15 and 165. Both are pretty verbose and wild reports, so I'm expecting a lot of negative commentary on both.
    <div>Message #2062&nbsp; Sent By: (imperian)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
  • LabilLabil Member Posts: 355 ✭✭✭
    edited March 2013
    My problem with 96 is that it doesn't solves part of the underlying problem: that your so called 'unconditionals' entangles still can be stacked with Transfix and Impale, ensuring that the target can't stand up and defend itself. By the time the target has successfully writhed out of either, the entangle is more than likely able to be used again.

    Note that in the form I wrote it, it applies to both Demonic and AM. It punishes a bit more Demonic, since the circle lacks anything resembling Kai Banish.

    15's solution #1 has the problem that you don't completely specify the mechanic of toadstool vs poison. With toadstool's time, the Predator would be able easily to stack it and fast. #2 is a Brainmelt-type of ability, and I think Brainmelt has been discussed enough already to give birth to something else like it. #3 is basically the same as #2, but on top of it relies on bloodscourge, which is a fire-and-forget mechanic, which makes me wonder which would be more OP in teams, if #2 or #3.

    165 looks interesting, but I want to think more about it.
    Post edited by Labil on
  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I am unsure. Apparently I need to go die in combat before I start classleading. Brb
  • SarriusSarrius Member, Beta Testers Posts: 1,682 ✭✭✭✭✭
    In response to just the 'seems like brainmelt' comment.. it is specifically a damage over time or tick mechanic to avoid that kind of bursty feel. It works that way to reward prolonged setup where you will see more than one or two ticks.
    <div>Message #2062&nbsp; Sent By: (imperian)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
  • LabilLabil Member Posts: 355 ✭✭✭
    I said brainmelt-like in the sense that is empowered by numbers of afflictions presents.

    Now that we are in the subject, since DSB is fueled by afflictions and well, and the ease of using pummel nowadays, Report 15's #2 looks even less appealing that before in team combat. With Kai-cripple and pummel, the 'level of coordination' required isn't as high as you might think.
  • JuranJuran Member Posts: 909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    For k = 1, 200 do send ('classlead ' .. k ' .. comment This is an awful idea, and you should disregard it entirely') end
  • SeptusSeptus Member, Beta Testers Posts: 781 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Compile error.
  • JuranJuran Member Posts: 909 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Septus said:
    Compile error.
    Yeah, I put the second concatenate inside the string instead of in front of the string.
  • SeptusSeptus Member, Beta Testers Posts: 781 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Transfix endureeeees.
  • JuranJuran Member Posts: 909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Everyone should feel like they mostly got ahead, and that any reductions that took place were minimal and justified. No class likes to be dragged over the coals in the name of game balance.
  • SarriusSarrius Member, Beta Testers Posts: 1,682 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I await the notes on the still unchecked reports.
    <div>Message #2062&nbsp; Sent By: (imperian)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
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