Hi guys! I'm curious about how people here in Imperian build their characters. What really attracts you to particular races, mindsets? Is your roleplay solely based upon the reputation of the profession you play, or does PK trump most of how the character is set up? Just as a start.

To give you a bit of an idea about what I mean: I made Lindsay because I was attracted to the idea of playing a strong female character, who is bluntly no-nonsense and works against the gender stereotypes which are so strongly expressed in the Magick, Demonic and Anti-Magick circles. I started with the idea that the Idras would be the start of her roleplay, because I wanted to work in some darker elements that could not be achieved by going to the Lorekeepers or Stormweavers.
I also wanted to work with the concept of anti-magick, coming into this game fresh, I thought it was an interesting perspective. The atmosphere for Ithaqua just screams for more characters that actually meld with that kind of foreboding environment, who really are tough, dirty, and have a realistic perspective to the place that they live. Sometimes, I think people OOCly forget that they are living in a desert, mountainous region or snow/forest/tundra, and when I first approached this game from a completely RP perspective I really wanted to exaggerate this point.
I know I'm not exactly a frequent presence in PK, nor am I an expert in my profession, but I'm slowly building on gaining more experience. At first I was kind of opposed to PK, I didn't really want to integrate it into the character, but I realized in order to take Lindsay to where I wanted her, I'd have to be mindful of learning the technical aspects of PK and my profession. So, I'm going for Aspect, not just because it's Aspect, but because my RP calls for Lindsay to do so.
And that's how I built Lindsay up. What did y'all do?
[Please be my friend, I make long posts, don't judge me. :O]
My circle hopping to Demonic was mostly out of boredom and dislike for the Magick circle after a certain point, but it was played off as Bathan seeking to unite his people, the Kohdon of Blackthorne and Khuno Acropolis. He also hated Lionas and wanted to crush his skull, which was interesting because he regularly worked alongside him in shardfalls and obelisk battles. They were even cordial to each other, but IC Lionas had no reason to suspect that Bathan would dislike him, especially when it was made clear that my RP came from a really impossible place, Khandavan lore considered. Bathan would've remained demonic if not for the huge Ragnarok event. Bathan wanted to use the hammer to destroy Khandava and vindicate his people, so when Lionas was involved in slaughtering the dwarves in the Temple, Bathan had to take a stand. Mena was fantastic about RPing it out and some of the Gods (Janus, Vahin, Molyn) really made the whole thing work. I've sort of stopped playing at this point because I'm out of meaningful/interesting RP for Bathan, but a lot of what was done with the character was a ton of fun and easily made more sense than Anarion or Keijima.
‘Every sword’s a weight to carry. Men don’t see that when they pick ’em up. But they get heavier with time.”
I had a similar problem with Lindsay as a novice/newb. I kind of wandered around trying to get my bearings, and it seemed like I couldn't come up with a really good story. And then, I finally found RP I liked.
Disclaimer: Kanthari giving you new clothes will not turn you into a baby thief
I didn't think disapproval of that needed to be said. That sort of roleplay is in incredibly poor taste.
I consider first and foremost the story and background in order to lay down a solid foundation. I'm not too concerned with Game Mechanics, but instead trying to tie in together IC with OOC factors. For example being able to explain IC why I learned a particular skill and from which person that taught me. Then you can go into further detail as to why the Character chosen that particular person and not somebody else where then it now becomes about the Character and not the Player. It's taken me only this long to switch mindsets of how to think as the Character and be motivated by his wants and needs and not my own as the Player.
I also weigh in on which faction to choose: Demonic, Magick, and Anti-Magick. Then from that chosen faction start looking at a guild that is interesting and seeing if the Character would work out in that environment. Once a City/Council and Guild is chosen then begin laying down the story of how the Character became aware of such knowledge and the motivation to go out and seek it and become part of it. I find it a challenge to be able to explain IC rather OOC concepts and keep the integrity of the Character intact, and not stray from it because I suddenly felt like it, reverting back to a Player's mindset. So once you pick out the story then stick to it and own it.
I'm excited and enjoy the complexity of Roleplay and utilizing emotes and speech lingo that pertains to the Character, and I get further motivated when I see other Players custom emote with their Characters, and neat interactions start happening. I suppose this was a bit of a rant, but a passionate one at least.
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
I've had a character in every circle now, retired each character after the fun wore off, took almost a year off between chars, and do not intend to backtrack. Basically this means Oystir is my last character. I do not alt and I stayed away from the forums until I experienced all three circles so my opinions of people weren't influenced by the prejudices of people I had never met. Also I do/say a lot of weird things and have a penchant for embarrassing myself and I did not want to taint the impressions around me. But now I don't care because relatively speaking, I'm almost done playing Imperian, and because the nights are long and boring.
All of these rules are in place to prevent me from becoming an indefinite addict, and from investing too emotionally/financially into the game. I refuse to let myself play if I am not having fun (in general). This has allowed me to think seriously about the reality of my choices determining when I am 'done' with both the character and the game and direct my choices towards keeping myself amused instead of following my usual path of get ranks - > win ranks - > be bored - > quit org / make alt - > repeat / make alt. Recognizing this pattern in myself has made me decide to never to run for head of any serious organization, which has relieved a lot of pressure from my playing experience. Historically speaking, getting GM has basically been a death sentence for my enjoyment of games.
Death meaning nothing & Garrynbot has really helped. PK is awesome, and I am glad that it is a daily occurrence [if you want] and entry-level fighting is not just possible, but sustainable. Or maybe I just think that because I'm a druid.
Outside of my laundry list of rules, I mostly just get the idea to make a character, and the outline of the character comes to me, and after a few weeks of thinking about it, a name will come to me. And off I go for six months or so. Oystir was troll-bait, me not even intending to play again seriously, bu treally nobody took it and now is a serious character with a name I would hate if I didn't stare at it all the time. D= I just wanted to see
how long it would take somebody to typo 'oyster' at me while we were emoting, so I could giggle at myself, and it took several months.
[Start:] A proper Lady who always composes herself, a blue-blooded Loyalist
[End:] A proper Lady who always composed herself, a blue-blooded Loyalist. Single and Emo. Boring. Retired. I LOVE the nobility thing Stavenn has going on, and milked that for quite a while before I sank into the abyss barren of personal interaction but alive with organizational awesomeness.
[Start:] A stereotypical Paladin-style Knight with a blue tail.
[End:] Another victim of Antioch's political machine. Went with a bang. Leaving was much more amusing than being there, not because of any failure on Antioch's part, but because I went way outside of the box with my gameplay until I was orgless. Super worth it. And anyway it bugged me that there is no 'Paladins' type guild in Imperian. My character only heard the word 'honor' used once ever and it was when Sarrius was asking where it was. D= nowhere, Sarrius. It's nowhere.
[Start:] Troll-bait with racially appropriate fish-pun joke. Inattentive and girl-crazy
[End:] Basically it's the ****-eating customer-pleasing personality I have when I am at work. Inattentive and girl-crazy. Sadly, lately my ability to stay in-character is subject to my mood swings, so he's also a little bit insane, and some days I log on and refuse to role-play.
Okay. Tangent end. That was fun to analyze.
I write a lot of back story on the fly based on questions people ask. I am also a workaholic, generally, so all my characters eventually end up spending a lot of time fishing or standing around staring blank-eyed at a wall while I write something.
And sticky keyboards are a pain in the rear to write on.