As I mentioned in our
2020 prospective, one of the things I'm going to be doing each month is a "town hall" of sorts here on the forums. You're able to post questions you'd like answers on, and in a week or two, I'll close the thread and start posting responses!
You can post about just about any subject impacting the game, like roleplay, lore, combat, and mechanics, but please be sure to keep your questions constructive!
Please do NOT use this thread to attack (or even reply to) other players - if your post isn't a question to the administration, it will be edited or removed.
I look forward to reading and answering your questions!
NOTE: I've been hella sick so I haven't recorded answers to January's town hall yet, so I'm going to roll January and February together!
I didn't answer these in advance or write a script, and it shows, but hopefully the answers are what you're looking for.