{ { { id = "330116", attrib = "t", name = "a spiny dogfish", icon = "seacreature" } } }My thought is to create a for loop as shown below
--an empty and nil table myTable = {} --Im checking for only items in the room with an if statement just before the for loop itemsInRoom = gmcp.Char.Items.List.items for k, v in ipairs (itemsInRoom) do table.insert(myTable,itemsInRoom) end --for --Where I would display the name and id to the Geyser.Label end --ifThis is a crude example of lua code
Basically, the table has a 'location' key, to tell you where the thing is. 'Room' is things in the room with you, clearly.
Those things also have keys, the 'attrib' flag you listed above. Anything 'm' is a mob, unless it also has 'd' and then it's a corpse. The "gmcp.Char.Items.List" event is sent whenever you move or look, so you can use it to clear your table and start over. For the rest of the events, you're just getting changes to your existing table.
Like a daydream.. or a fever