I was messing with display(gmcp) earlier and seen something interesting..
if you do, GMCP.Char.Vitals, it shows...
Vitals = {
string = "H:2784/2784 M:1978/2136 NL:5/100 ",
eq = "1",
maxhp = "2784",
hp = "2784",
nl = "5",
maxmp = "2136",
bal = "1",
fire = "30",
mp = "1978",
ice = "30"
but my prompt only shows .. / H:253 M:179 <eb> ... I'm using the basic prompt so my question is, IS my health 253 OR 2784?
also, what other GMCP stuff besides Bal and EQ can you track? can you track prone/herb bal/applying bal etc etc?
does the game show any other stuff like prone etc through gmcp? or just whats above in vitals?
Im asking becuase Im about to write a curing system as im completely new at the game and just wondering would it be easier to use GMCP for this (like I do in another mud i use) OR I'd have to get every line.....
oh just done some testing, does it only show salve = "0" health = "0" when OFF them balances?...
Anyone know why it doesn't show when its on balance?
as im not 100% certain just what ALL the balances are in game as using autocuring at present so I never know what fires
hp=8030|maxhp=8030|mp=3734|maxmp=3740|nl=66|bal=1|eq=1|essence=10000|deaf=1|blind=1|string=H:8030/8030 M:3734/3740 NL:66/100 |salve=0|herb=0|pipe=0|bleed=17|health=0|purge=0|focus=0|prone=1|toadstool=0|stunned=1
the claims are stated - it's the world I've created
and from testing just now, gmcp doesn't capture tree in the gmcp.Char.Vitals stuff..
thanks guys
A lot of good info in there. I don't know if Mudlet does the same as Cmud, but rather than clearing the balance variables when they're no longer being sent in gmcp, it keeps them as a 1 from past data. You have to either check the actual data received when it happens and set the balances to 0 when they're not being sent, or have triggers on the "You can smoke again" messages and manually change your balance variables like that. The latter solution being sloppy and not really the best way to do it IMO.
like it only shows its handling it when you're of that balance... and not knowning what this game balances are Its hard to test / find out what the gmcp is for it... I have the main stuff like herb/salve/pipe/health/toadstool... but unsure if it does focus/tree and any other stuff Imperian uses...
GMCP in Mudlet keeps the last table returned. Any values not in that table are cleared, rather than old values being kept. I wish CMUD did this.
the claims are stated - it's the world I've created