@Ahkan: I didn't have a plan because I logged in and ran with it. When Kinsarmar presented the desire to finish it, I said 'sure, but not emptyhanded'. My demands weren't unreasonable because I would have just ousted the troublemakers.
In your urge to discredit me and base your argument utterly on emotion and insults, you fail to observe my history of getting rid of people who go against my wishes while I am king of the castle. I don't blame you, but it is truly sad that you will stick to the same argument instead of rushing to label AM 'grieftown' because you feel a need to fabricate ethical and moral superiority.
@Sarrius Tbh, I want to believe you that you were trying to arghpee, but what I've seen of your behavior doesn't agree with that. Wars can actually get things done and shake things up, but it's a fine line between effective and destructive. You crossed this on day 3.
-You didn't just raid Kinsarmar. You kids raided Stavenn, Celidon, Kinsarmar and Shoe got chased out of Khandava.
-You didn't personally get involved until last night.
-You didn't discuss surrender until you got called out for not offering it.
-You only demanded diamonds after you got called out for it. Diamonds were a poorly thought out choice.
-You've been on the receiving end of this treatment and you would have never accepted the offer with treatment like this.
-As the king of white knight, e-bushido...there's a lot of lemming-zerging.
No one really has to actively discredit any of you. The fact none of you could agree on a motivation or rp point did that. You screwed up and really can't admit it.
And to clarify it's scumbag-AM, not grieftown. I like most of the people in AM. No sense in abusing the majority because of the minority of derps.
To be fair, I did not participate in any raids on anywhere but Kinsarmar. We both know this. They did, but I have told them to keep the more destructive **** to Kinsarmar only. I got personally involved on what I define as night one: when we dismantled guards and siege. I showed up at the tail end and tanked guards as a Ranger. I will concede that it is suspect, but now any infiltration of any org is for the sake of people who involve themselves in fighting us. We are really only in Kinsarmar the past two nights though because that is where the heat is.
The next afternoon, I offered surrender terms. It was sheer coincidence that it was after the forums exploded in a fruitless effort to shame me. I am implacable in that regard, and people should learn this. I can be reasoned with, but I am ultimately selfish and I concede that it makes it harder (not impossible) to do this. From that vantage point, you have to admit 100 diamonds.was reasonable.
Where was my mistake? I assumed the Erege Council had any power, competence, or honesty. When I asked Alvetta how the council received my request, she said, 'what request?' and explained that nothing I sent through three Ereges had been passed on. Basically, they took.advantage of my good will (well played) - instead of flying off the handle, I restated my request and my desire to end this for their sake. When I had to invent a reason to cover raids while I was at work paying the bills, I came up with resources and conveyed my desire for diamonds purely out of an IC view that they represent wealth.
Would I be crying if we were on the receiving end? Believe it or not, no - because this is a game and I disassociate myself from it actively in terms of how I feel as a person. I had that trial of mental fortitude in Lusternia and passed it when I was defending my home planes from 3AM raids. I would have also accepted this offer after seeing how miserable my circle is, because it is my duty to uphold the enjoyment of my circle and nobody else's. If they aren't having fun, I swallow my pride and allocate 100 diamonds to my inventory. This only goes so far: the request must be reasonable. Ousting half my city or my military for no reason than because is dumb. Yielding all my coffers just because is dumb. 100 diamonds? Useless mechanically. Why keep them?
Re: lemming zerging.. I suppose utilizing my own character in this regard is fine. Yes, I would prefer smaller engagements or duels. Team combat beyond 3v3 is really just boring to me, especially when one side is absurdly lopsided. I don't cry though, I just go along with it. I used to cry because it sucked and I hated dying in one round as a Fastdancer or a glass cannon Strongdruid. Now, I have some defense and I can sandbag a few rounds while my team struggles and loses or limps across the finish line.
<div>Message #2062 Sent By: (imperian) Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
Eldreth was just a case of him getting greedy and thinking he could sneak another attack off before it went up. Sucks, but that happens to all of us occasionally.
Team Magick, though, was sticking their finger into the electric socket to see if the power was on. Oh well. LEARNING EXPERIENCE.
If by "greedy", you mean trying to grab the KB from yet another one of your timewarps, then yes
“We abjure labels. We fight for money and an indefinable pride. The politics, the ethics, the moralities, are irrelevant."
100 diamonds? Useless mechanically. Why keep them grief for them?
While I understand the sentiment made perhaps all confirmed thoughts of pride aside, it might have also been a little bit bleak/late for offering any sort of resolution when there was not a reason to raid that much in the first place. Maybe if they raided then went to their commodity shop and made demands at the time it would have been more convincing. Which is still just from an observer point of view, but if a reason/rational is requested for raiding then that should be baseline for all cities who participate/make raids.
Learn and move on for next time. If having a sense of pride (for circle, city, work, RP, OOC differences whatever) is an issue then we're all guilty, thus making it less unreasonable and more to be expected.
I am not nearly as discerning as you, nor do I agree. I am not supporting this for diamonds anymore - I am letting them continue because I don't walk out of a conflict emptyhanded if I clearly have the winning position. Until yesterday, we were very clearly in power. Now, Kinsarmar is really forsaking their roleplay stance on demons for the sake of hoping Khandava can do their heavy lifting. I a more than willing to continue because the people in question in AM are having fun and nobody is dying in the crossfire I am obligated to give a damn about.
The moment Kinsarmar hands over the diamonds, I will stop them and we will turn our eyes on resting or nonraid vengeance on the demonic benefactors. I made it quite clear the offer is on the table still when they see reason. I am not going to escalate the number barring exceptional circumstance.
<div>Message #2062 Sent By: (imperian) Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
I am not trying to judge, @Sarrius, it was a thought for really all and overall. Everyone surely at least tries their best from moment to moment. Sorry if it came out like that, it was not intended to be demeaning. (Besides I feel out of place commenting -too- much since I've only got messages/news posts and the ~two hours I can afford to log in and talk to people, so take nothing I think on it to heart..)
we will turn our eyes on nonraid vengeance on the demonic benefactors.
As much fun as this has been, the clippity clop of high horse hooves gives me a mighty migraine. I can only imagine my head would burst open Alien chestburster style if I sieged the ranch they all stable at. I would just let Antioch have fun ganking you folks outside of your city and council.
<div>Message #2062 Sent By: (imperian) Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
I really really heart @Gurn for that extremely thoughtful post in I HATE. I no longer hate but -hope- a lot of the kinks regarding the iffy points get worked out to an agreeable, discovery IG measure and some awesome event happens. Thanks Gurn & Sarrius
Here's the great thing about current history-- Back in the day, many things were pre-written, and we had to roll our RP around it.
Now, in the Age of Mortals, it's a new world, and everything can be said to be "back in the day" and in the past. Essentially, it is now our role to explain these things. By killing off the Gods, the players have been given free reign to make sense of the world in their own context, and to convince everyone that damnit, this is my way, and this is how it's supposed to be.
Then comes Sarrius who goes, no it's not let me start another cult telling you why you're wrong
And then you can be all like well my sect of hot sauce says differently look we even made it rain Sriracha
And Sarrius goes wait what that's not how the worlds supposed to be STORMSSSS
And then you go SRIRACHAAAAAA
And then Lionas goes LEEECHROOOOT and you realize your Great Sriracha plant has been infected with Leechroot offshoots and tumors this entire time.
If I was grading your exam, I would have deliberately held on to it for a week after subjecting us to that.
I'm writing about the excessively depressing game Spec Ops: The Line. I needed to be silly as to stop being depressed. Even writing about the game and remembering the things that happen brings about feelings of guilt, and I had to replay the damn thing again.
I mean, I the game tons and I think everyone should play it given the chance because of how introspective about gaming it is and how amazing the story is written, but goddamn if it doesn't make you feel horrible.
I would run that cult if I hadn't already spent three million on cults already.
I heart well-constructed tuna fish sandwiches.
I also heart how calm the forums have been today. It might just be because it's so early in the day, though.
<div>Message #2062 Sent By: (imperian) Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
I don't know if it's finals, or what, but @Gurn has been on fire this week.
<3ing all the forum lols. The Cult of Sriracha is clearly nigh.
When I'm usually on the forums, I'm talking about something or the other, a change or a discussion or something. This means that I'm trying to argue a point and desperately trying to scrabble my way up a cross or polishing my shiny white armour. I try(keyword) not to deviate too much from the point or run needlessly complex analogies.
However, during finals week, I use the forums as a source of quick, refreshable entertainment to break up the monotony. If I let myself on reddit, then there's too much new content, and I'll be clicking 'one more link' for hours on end. If I play Stacraft, well, each game lasts twenty or so minutes because I play a mech style. Similarly, any other game might end up having me play for an hour without noticing, which would be terribly unfortunate for my grades.
The forums update at a very reasonable pace, fast enough to create entertainment(especially with Kinsarmar/Rynn drama that's been running around), but slow enough that I won't be compelled to spend hours at a time. It has a cleary exhaustible supply of new posts for my entertainment needs. At best, if I'm feeling extra anxious or have the burning desire to distract myself, I can post something to provoke a response of some sort(much as I'm doing now).
It's my way of being responsible, for both finals and my attempt not to be a pretentious dickwad. To be fair, no matter how posts get worded, there's going to be another pretentious dickwad on the other side telling you that you're wrong and you're bad at life and label you some fresh new bad thing that you'll never get rid of in this forum. At least this works for finals.
I lost my original point somewhere, I think.
tl;dr I haven't stopped eating habenero based spicy sauces and it's a very bad idea during finals but yay it's over now back to the crosses I go
Getting back into drawing since I don't have my 5 year old as much anymore.
I clicked like when I read the drawing part, but the not having your kid part made me unsure, so I took it off. Either way, good job on drawing, sorry about your kid.
The next afternoon, I offered surrender terms. It was sheer coincidence that it was after the forums exploded in a fruitless effort to shame me. I am implacable in that regard, and people should learn this. I can be reasoned with, but I am ultimately selfish and I concede that it makes it harder (not impossible) to do this. From that vantage point, you have to admit 100 diamonds.was reasonable.
Where was my mistake? I assumed the Erege Council had any power, competence, or honesty. When I asked Alvetta how the council received my request, she said, 'what request?' and explained that nothing I sent through three Ereges had been passed on. Basically, they took.advantage of my good will (well played) - instead of flying off the handle, I restated my request and my desire to end this for their sake. When I had to invent a reason to cover raids while I was at work paying the bills, I came up with resources and conveyed my desire for diamonds purely out of an IC view that they represent wealth.
Would I be crying if we were on the receiving end? Believe it or not, no - because this is a game and I disassociate myself from it actively in terms of how I feel as a person. I had that trial of mental fortitude in Lusternia and passed it when I was defending my home planes from 3AM raids. I would have also accepted this offer after seeing how miserable my circle is, because it is my duty to uphold the enjoyment of my circle and nobody else's. If they aren't having fun, I swallow my pride and allocate 100 diamonds to my inventory. This only goes so far: the request must be reasonable. Ousting half my city or my military for no reason than because is dumb. Yielding all my coffers just because is dumb. 100 diamonds? Useless mechanically. Why keep them?
Re: lemming zerging.. I suppose utilizing my own character in this regard is fine. Yes, I would prefer smaller engagements or duels. Team combat beyond 3v3 is really just boring to me, especially when one side is absurdly lopsided. I don't cry though, I just go along with it. I used to cry because it sucked and I hated dying in one round as a Fastdancer or a glass cannon Strongdruid. Now, I have some defense and I can sandbag a few rounds while my team struggles and loses or limps across the finish line.
Learn and move on for next time. If having a sense of pride (for circle, city, work, RP, OOC differences whatever) is an issue then we're all guilty, thus making it less unreasonable and more to be expected.
The moment Kinsarmar hands over the diamonds, I will stop them and we will turn our eyes on resting or nonraid vengeance on the demonic benefactors. I made it quite clear the offer is on the table still when they see reason. I am not going to escalate the number barring exceptional circumstance.
As much fun as this has been, the clippity clop of high horse hooves gives me a mighty migraine. I can only imagine my head would burst open Alien chestburster style if I sieged the ranch they all stable at. I would just let Antioch have fun ganking you folks outside of your city and council.
the claims are stated - it's the world I've created
Is that Sarrius?
And yeah.
I get weird when I have to write essays.
‘Every sword’s a weight to carry. Men don’t see that when they pick ’em up. But they get heavier with time.”
I mean, I
<3ing all the forum lols. The Cult of Sriracha is clearly nigh.
However, during finals week, I use the forums as a source of quick, refreshable entertainment to break up the monotony. If I let myself on reddit, then there's too much new content, and I'll be clicking 'one more link' for hours on end. If I play Stacraft, well, each game lasts twenty or so minutes because I play a mech style. Similarly, any other game might end up having me play for an hour without noticing, which would be terribly unfortunate for my grades.
The forums update at a very reasonable pace, fast enough to create entertainment(especially with Kinsarmar/Rynn drama that's been running around), but slow enough that I won't be compelled to spend hours at a time. It has a cleary exhaustible supply of new posts for my entertainment needs. At best, if I'm feeling extra anxious or have the burning desire to distract myself, I can post something to provoke a response of some sort(much as I'm doing now).
It's my way of being responsible, for both finals and my attempt not to be a pretentious dickwad. To be fair, no matter how posts get worded, there's going to be another pretentious dickwad on the other side telling you that you're wrong and you're bad at life and label you some fresh new bad thing that you'll never get rid of in this forum. At least this works for finals.
I lost my original point somewhere, I think.
tl;dr I haven't stopped eating habenero based spicy sauces and it's a very bad idea during finals but yay it's over now back to the crosses I go