Message #904 Sent By: (imperian) Received On: 2/14/2014/20:01 "You have won 1000 Bound Credit(s) on your bet: 7 tickets on Red Harrison wins the match!"
Svorai gives a toy-bow decorated with hearts to you.
Svorai tells you, "You can 'PULL BOW' for some fun."
pull bow You hold the arrow up to a toy-bow decorated with hearts's string and grin as you imagine aiming for the one you hate, wishing you could hit them in the eye.
Come at me bro. :<
‘Every sword’s a weight to carry. Men don’t see that when they pick ’em up. But they get heavier with time.”
I second this hate but for YOU ALL, Stop trying to hit on the guards already
If you ever find one of these at BevMo or any other store like that, give it a shot. It's actually really good.
I hear it's great mixed with vodka, too.
Well, the only acceptable way of drinking it is sharing with at least five other people.
"You have won 1000 Bound Credit(s) on your bet: 7 tickets on Red Harrison wins the match!"
Haha! Woot!
I'm excited to watchhhhhhh.
Svorai tells you, "You can 'PULL BOW' for some fun."
pull bow
You hold the arrow up to a toy-bow decorated with hearts's string and grin as you imagine aiming for the one you hate, wishing you could hit them in the eye.