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Wiki Curing List

JimeryJimery Member Posts: 41
Well, I am a complete newb at Imperian and in the middle of building a system on mudlet as I find autocuring a little too basic, plus missing defs on defup..

so I have a few questions..

is correct? and if so, what does TREE not cure? since that'll be easier then asking what it does cure as someone told me tree cures blackout which blew my mind...

also do all the DEFS show up on 'def' as I noticed pear didn't... and if not, what are all the basic defs from herb/salves/drinking?

thanks in Advance


  • DelrayneDelrayne Member Posts: 457 ✭✭✭
    Tree doesn't cure broken limbs...does cure crippled limbs. Doesn't cure ciguatoxin because can't touch tree if you are paralysed. I can't think of anything outside of that though.
  • JimeryJimery Member Posts: 41
    so basically tree cures EVERYTHING but restoration breaks and paralysis? and unconc of course...

    happen to know what DEFS, herb/drink/salves this game has?

    the game I come from has a help cure, which lists what each herb/drink/apply cures.. does Imperian? as all I can find so far is things to say what cures whatbut not nothing about defences
  • LionasLionas Member, Historian Posts: 765 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2013
    Eating juniper gives deafness. Eating hyssop gives blindness. Eating violet gives insomnia. Eating Primrose gives thirdeye. Eating linseed gives deathsight. Eating quince gives the quince defense; makes you wake immediately when using the WAKE command. Smoking linseed gives rebounding. Applying fenugreek gives protection against puncture.

    The list of defs given by concoctions should be pretty straightforward from looking at AB CONCOCTIONS FULL, but they are:
    Drinking Frost: 25% resist to fire damage (temperance)
    Applying Caloric: protection from first freezing effect
    Drinking Levitation: Levitation
    Applying mass: Density
    Speed: Heightened speed (protection from first aeon effect)
    I am the righteous one... 
    the claims are stated - it's the world I've created 
  • JimeryJimery Member Posts: 41
    Thank you :)
  • DelrayneDelrayne Member Posts: 457 ✭✭✭
    Also for the affliction list,

    AFFLICTION LIST and AFFLICTION <AFF> SHOW should give you all you need to know curing wise for any type affliction....also tree doesn't cure writhes of any form.
  • LionasLionas Member, Historian Posts: 765 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Delrayne said:
    Also for the affliction list,

    AFFLICTION LIST and AFFLICTION <AFF> SHOW should give you all you need to know curing wise for any type affliction....also tree doesn't cure writhes of any form.

    You were so close.
    I am the righteous one... 
    the claims are stated - it's the world I've created 
  • JimeryJimery Member Posts: 41
    yeah I gone through afflition show name and put it all into notepad heh..

    but that doens't mention what tree cures... and whats a defence or not .. thank you tho :)
  • JuranJuran Member Posts: 909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    There used to be a list of the 'converted' generic defences, but to be honest I can't find it anymore.

    At the time it was only 6-8 items, so it wasn't really worth using. Finishing the conversion of defences to this format has been a long time coming, and is one of the best things they've done in years.
  • LabilLabil Member Posts: 355 ✭✭✭
    There are a few of the new affs, like gutwyrm, hypothermia (at least, I don't remember it being cured by tree) and other from hunters. Just a heads up.
  • JimeryJimery Member Posts: 41
    yeah in Aetolia the mud im from they got a help cures concoctions/reanimation (depending if you living/undead) and it lists every herb/salve/pipe and what it does, defence/aff.. I thought this game might have something similar but all I've found is one to show affs nothing at all for defences..
  • GarrynGarryn Member, Administrator Posts: 527 admin
    Juran said:
    There used to be a list of the 'converted' generic defences, but to be honest I can't find it anymore.
    It no longer exists - we've changed the underlying code quite a bit, with the side effect of making such a list no longer possible.
  • DiceneDicene Member Posts: 913 ✭✭✭✭
    Jimery said:
    yeah in Aetolia the mud im from they got a help cures concoctions/reanimation (depending if you living/undead) and it lists every herb/salve/pipe and what it does, defence/aff.. I thought this game might have something similar but all I've found is one to show affs nothing at all for defences..
    Most of the more in depth information about toxins and cures are in CHELP/GHELP CURES/TOXINS files. It's cool in Aetolia to have it consolidated into regular help files, but the more specific ones you find here in your guild/city/clans are usually more detailed and more useful in general. Confused me in Aetolia that my guild/city(Teradrim/Bloodloch) don't have TOXINS and CURES files.
  • JimeryJimery Member Posts: 41
    well in aetolia, help venoms list the venoms (toxins) and help cures concoctions, lists alll the cures... Which is a good idea as then Admin monitor the scrolls incase game changes cures/afflictions.. so the whole game gets the same correct information

    what are the afflictions names for, slow balance/slow equilibrium? and weak immune system or is that the names on You are afflicted with .... ??
  • SelthisSelthis Member Posts: 526 ✭✭✭✭✭
    affliction list
    affliction show name
  • JimeryJimery Member Posts: 41
    weak immune system isn't on it...
  • SelthisSelthis Member Posts: 526 ✭✭✭✭✭
    weak immune system is hemotoxin. 

    I agree that removing help cures is pointless in this day and age.  I wouldn't object to it being a normal public help file at all.  Its largely redundant in this day and age but it might make  it easier on people transitioning from other games.  You should bug it and ask for it and explain it is to make transitioning to Imperian easier.

  • JimeryJimery Member Posts: 41
    affliction cures -- OP Thank you admin people :)

    it even shows if mending/restoration is to a limb etc.. And with the GHELP CUREs the 2/3 different 'ghelp cures' I've seen have been completely different on what cures what, its main reason I made this topic to find out the truth...

  • JimeryJimery Member Posts: 41
    Since I made this about Curing I thought it might be best to ask here instead of making a new topic, but How does Imperian handle Aeon ? because its not letting me outr...

    exmaple:  This is me having Asthma and getting afflicted with Aeon, using kelp to cure asthma...

    Zangaroth mixes some purple and blue bone dust and throws it at you, slowing down your movement in the time
    Afflicted with Aeon
    Zangaroth quickly flings some red dust at you, confounding you.
    H:318 M:367 < eb  db > B:0
    smoke pipe with laurel
    You move sluggishly into action.
    H:318 M:367 < eb  adb > B:0
    Your heavy lungs are much too constricted to smoke.
    H:318 M:367 < eb  db > B:0
    outr kelp
    eat kelp
    You move sluggishly into action.
    H:318 M:367 < eb  adb > B:0
    You move sluggishly into action.
    H:318 M:367 < eb  adb > B:0
    What is it you wish to eat?
    H:318 M:367 < eb  db > B:0
    outr kelp
    eat kelp
    You move sluggishly into action.
    H:318 M:367 < eb  adb > B:0
    You move sluggishly into action.
    H:318 M:367 < eb  adb > B:0
    What is it you wish to eat?
    H:318 M:367 < eb  db > B:0
    outr kelp
    eat kelp
    You move sluggishly into action.
    H:318 M:367 < eb  adb > B:0
    You move sluggishly into action.
    H:318 M:367 < eb  adb > B:0
    What is it you wish to eat?

    ... it didn't cure it I had to turn my system off and use tree/let it cure itself... any tips?
  • GarrynGarryn Member, Administrator Posts: 527 admin
    One command at a time. If you enter two, the second overrides the first.
  • LabilLabil Member Posts: 355 ✭✭✭
    Both Aeon and Retardation require that you send a command at a time, there will be a delay of 1 second before that command will be executed. Then you can send the next command.

    That is, until the hopefully close revamp of Mages and Summoners remove them from the game.
  • DiceneDicene Member Posts: 913 ✭✭✭✭
    Pro tip: Until the rift changes go through and outrifting becomes a thing of the past or Aeon gets scrapped/redesigned/whathaveyou, pre-outrift a handful of herbs and keep your pipes lit any time you plan on fighting players or mobs that hit with aeon or tranfix. Summoners, Mages, Wytches, Wardancers, and mobs in Khous being the main offenders. And as Garryn said, it basically forces you to channel every single command for 1-2 seconds(not exactly sure) and they will all overwrite each other. Just like trenches. Meaning every time you have to outrift or light pipes while in Aeon is another 1+ second you are allowing them to continue to hit you and cure themselves.
  • JimeryJimery Member Posts: 41
    oh dam, I guess i'll make a precache thing tomorrow.. game im from whatever command you send is sent after 1.5 seconds.. kind of stupid that outr resets aeon time..

    thanks for the info tho
  • LabilLabil Member Posts: 355 ✭✭✭
    That is how it was in Achaea, the original IRE game. Aetolia changed it to the form you know about some two years ago.
  • JimeryJimery Member Posts: 41
    yeah im from Aetolia... I'll make a precacheing thing tomorrow..  but unsureh how that is going to fix the outr resetting aeon time
  • LabilLabil Member Posts: 355 ✭✭✭
    edited April 2013
    If you have the herbs previously outrifted, you just have to send the command to eat. Not outr resetting the delay.

    Or you can go the simplest route (since they are eventually going out) and just activate autocuring while you are in retardation/aeon. The actual command to activate/deactivate autocuring isn't affected by the delay.
  • DelrayneDelrayne Member Posts: 457 ✭✭✭
    Or just do your best to disregard aeon by sipping speed at appropriate times. It's not fool proof by any means but every little bit helps.
  • LabilLabil Member Posts: 355 ✭✭✭
    That doesn't help vs retardation though.
  • JimeryJimery Member Posts: 41
    edited April 2013
    Labil said:
    If you have the herbs previously outrifted, you just have to send the command to eat. Not outr resetting the delay.

    Or you can go the simplest route (since they are eventually going out) and just activate autocuring while you are in retardation/aeon. The actual command to activate/deactivate autocuring isn't affected by the delay.
    thats good to know but if the aeon is hidden like summoners and Wytchs can do, autocuring doesn't notice aeon as it doesn't track the 2nd line as aeon...

    and no matter how good you are, you cant drink speed fast enough if someone is trying to aeon you as its like 4/5 seconds before speed is up and im sure aeon flinging/hitting isn't that slow...

    but the problem isn't aeon as for what I can tell, im curing that well, its Asthma and Aeon together since I cant outr kelp to cure asthma..
  • AulaniAulani Member Posts: 199 ✭✭✭
    That's why it's good to have a few key herbs outr'd at all times. That way when you outr kelp/eat kelp. The eat kelp is the second command and overwrites the outr kelp, so a second later (Provided you don't enter any commands after eat kelp.) you'll eat the kelp you already had in your inventory, then you can smoke laurel.
  • DelrayneDelrayne Member Posts: 457 ✭✭✭
    @Jimery correct, speed is generally slower than aeon flinging, but since you've already drank it when you noticed it being stripped. You are already a leg up again when you cure out of aeon.
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