Being fairly new to having to use toxins, I am struggling to find a proper technique to administer them. So far (with the aid of a few who have given me relevant information) I know certain toxins can be seen afflicted and cured, that ciguatoxin has a five second cooldown and can't be reapplyed if already on the target, and if going for a toxin lock that you have to try to stack certain afflicitons before others.I know as well as knight I am unable to give impatience so I can't truely lock them, but loshre has a means to lock them for that time being until they can focus. However, I do not know exactly which afflictions I should be trying to queue up before others, just the basic idea that certain ones should help eliminate others way to be cured.
I have a 2.11 sabre balance which I have been told is enough to be utilizing an effective means of toxin locking. I simply request aid from anyone as to the strategy of applying a toxin lock, such as if I set an alias with dsl (target) $toxin1 $toxin2 in it, which combinations of toxins work well together and help add to the goal of getting close to a toxin lock.
Any help is appreciated in this endevour. I am really getting into learning all of this and enjoying what I have gained so far. Thank you and hope to hear from any of you soon.
Using nexus with a simple [Toxin] in my prompt that checks through a list of elsif statments and sets $toxin1 and $toxin2 accordingly depending on which variables are set to true and which are false.
@kyrock - this was a big help, since I wasn't sure on the dsl times needed and how to utilize getting to it. Thank you both.
the claims are stated - it's the world I've created
*Note: Your rune flare is probably going to be a little bit slower than your sabre, so you're not going to do this 100% of the time, aka strategy.
Transfix is a badass affliction. This is the bread and butter to the slutmonger flickdancing. Transfix shuts down tattoos and purge in one affliction. Once you get them unblind, you can easily flare wunjo into transfix.
Eihwaz: Cock blocks rebounding so you can get in an extra dsl so it's:
instead of:
rsl, dsl rsl
Laguz and engage: EFF YOUR MOTHER, this is dumb.
You can have your target hit nairat as many times as you want them to. Especially with oxalis. The only flaw here is the sketch balance > your dsl balance.
Mannaz helps with balance a bit, but from all the times I've used nairat/loshre on someone, I always see them cure out of things pretty quick. They should only be used sparingly with mannaz before hand.
All right, so far, I've managed to frustrate myself to getting the toxins that are trackable easily and struggling greatly to track the others (namely those in the kelp stack).
Any advice on trying to track the others like arsenic, ether, etc?
I think, from what I understood of it, Kyrock's method was counting the number of times a cure was used, and calculating the chance that an affliction was still around based on the number of cures could have potentially cured it. Say you give someone dementia and keep afflicting with mental afflictions. You see them focus a few times, but you don't see them eat wormwood, you can't know for sure that they don't still have dementia until they've cured 100% of their afflictions, but you can make an educated guess if they've focused 10 times since then that it's more likely that they've cured it and still have whatever newer afflictions you've given.
If they hit you, they're not paralysed.
Not totally reliable for sabs since the cobra could give additional kelp affs, but for you it should be enough.
I was thinking of possibly using the ones I know work, and when I get to the kelp stack after at least sticking hemotoxin and making sure it sticks, just to add a queue of kelp afflctions and see how many times purge and kelp eaten occurs to eliminate what's probably stacked and go from there. It's more of a luck of the draw that way and just hoping the kelp stacks, but it's better that way so I can at least stick asthma and try to stick slickness too.
The main problem I've run into is Nexus hates setting variables after using a #wait seconds command, and I've been struggling to find a roundabout way to get around it. Otherwise, I'm just limited by the client I use and have been attempting to learn other clients as well. Still attempting to have Nexus though till I learn how to code for another client.
You have two toxins. It goes, DSL TARGET TOXIN1 TOXIN2