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Help Files



  • SvoraiSvorai Member, Moderator, Immortal Posts: 293 mod
    The new crystehl whetstone has been added to HELP MISC ARTIFACTS.
  • EnrykEnryk Member Posts: 55 ✭✭
    Not sure if this is really a HELP issue, but HELP DIACHAIM and HELP MOONS may both need a bit of an update - the former to reflect the new reality of unholy Godlessness, and the latter to explain who it is written by and to update the part about Demons still having access.
  • SvoraiSvorai Member, Moderator, Immortal Posts: 293 mod
    HELP DIACHAIM has been updated. I'm still looking over HELP MOONS, hopefully I'll get that in soon.
  • CaelyaCaelya Member Posts: 383 ✭✭✭✭
    Update HELP 10.4.3 (Help Security) to reflect the fact that you can make guards drop ammo, albeit one item at a time. 

  • SusserSusser Member Posts: 17
    edited June 2013
    Maybe I am a stupid, but this just happened:

    H:303 M:306 B:0 <eb> help wytch
    No match found for "wytch", trying a search...
    Search results for "wytch":
      1) File:  armor                   
         Title: ARMOUR AND SHIELDS
         ... Mage**, Hunter - Leather: Monk, Predator - Ringmail: Diabolist,
     - Scalemail: Summoner, WYTCH, Renegade, Wardancer,
         Assassin - Chainmail: Dru...
      2) File:  professionwytch         
         Title: The Wytch Profession
         Using the arts of Runelore, Curses and Shamanism, the
         WYTCHen study the Spirits in an effort to accomplish their
         goals. Runelore grants them the abili...
      3) File:  misc_artifacts          
         Title: Miscellaneous Artifacts
         ... SHRINK HEAD  Shamanic Gloves: 600 credits  - While worn, these
         gloves increase the power of WYTCH curses    and Shamanism
         Marks by behaving as if...
      4) File:  profession_list         
         Title: A list of professions and the guilds that teach them
    Type MORE to continue reading. (35% shown)
    H:303 M:306 B:0 <eb> help professionwytch
    No match found for "professionwytch", trying a search...
    Search results for "professionwytch":
       No matches found.
    H:303 M:306 B:0 <eb> help wytch profession
    No match found for "wytch profession", trying a search...
    Search results for "wytch profession":
      1) File:  professions             
         Title: Professions
         PROFESSIONs are where characters will learn the
         majority of their skills. A PROFESSION consists of three
         separate skillsets. Each skillset contains ma...
      2) File:  profession_ranks        
         Title: Professions Ranks
         When you first learn a new PROFESSION, you will start
         ranked as a novice in that PROFESSION. There are five
         PROFESSION ranks for each PROFESSION: Novi...
      3) File:  forgetting_profession   
         Title: Forgetting Professions
         If you decide you no longer wish to retain a previous
         PROFESSION you can forget it. If you forget a
         PROFESSION, you will not be able to switch back to...
      4) File:  master                  
         Title: Master
    Type MORE to continue reading. (5% shown)
    H:303 M:306 B:0 <eb> help the wytch profession
    No match found for "the wytch profession", trying a search...
    Search results for "the wytch profession":
      1) File:  professions             
         Title: Professions
         PROFESSIONs are where characters will learn
         THE majority of THEir skills. A
         PROFESSION consists of three separate skillsets. Each
         skillset contains ma...
      2) File:  profession_ranks        
         Title: Professions Ranks
         When you first learn a new PROFESSION, you will start
         ranked as a novice in that PROFESSION. THEre
         are five PROFESSION ranks for each PROFESSION
      3) File:  forgetting_profession   
         Title: Forgetting Professions
         If you decide you no longer wish to retain a previous
         PROFESSION you can forget it. If you forget a
         PROFESSION, you will not be able to switch back to...
    Type MORE to continue reading. (1% shown)
    H:303 M:306 B:0 <eb> help profession wytch
    The Wytch Profession

    HELP <profession> should probably send you to that profession's help file (where it wouldn't be ambiguous, e.g. not for Wardancer). Also, all the obvious spellings from the search didn't send me where I wanted to go, and the correct incantation isn't obvious.
    Officially a villain since 7 AM.
  • DevimDevim Member Posts: 57 ✭✭
    Can we get an update on help token wares for the family token. Need a living contact on it.
  • SvoraiSvorai Member, Moderator, Immortal Posts: 293 mod
    edited June 2013
    @Susser I'm not exactly sure what you are really wanting. No HELP PROFESSIONNAME goes to a help file about that profession. Are you wanting help files per profession? Or wanting it to link to a certain help file already in game?

    @Devim This has been updated. Contact Jeremy if you want a family and have the token.

    @Caelya I didn't forget about your request, due to a vacation I haven't been here. But I am going to find that command today and put it in HELP SECURITY for you.

    As far as HELP MOONS, I'm not exactly sure what you guys want fixed with it. I do see mentions about Gods, but not sure if that is all you wanted, @Enryk.
  • SvoraiSvorai Member, Moderator, Immortal Posts: 293 mod
    OK, I feel terrible it took this long. But HELP SECURITY has the commands to order a guard to drop things. Sorry @Caelya for it taking -this- long. 
  • SelthisSelthis Member Posts: 526 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bumping this thread because of all the people  complaining about outdated help files.   Please post them here so they can get them fixed.  I know they've gone and got a couple of things resolved over time.  But if there are more post about them here and maybe file a bug at the same time.   Maybe reference the bug number if you do post it here.

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