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Story Issue Spin off Topic



  • SvoraiSvorai Member, Moderator, Immortal Posts: 293 mod
    @Enryk I'll try to widen what @Jeremy said earlier. This is a neat concept, and it has a lot of interesting ideas attached to it. Unfortunately it was implemented into the game by a God at the time and was not even discussed with anyone else. In fact no one else in the garden even knew what this was. 

    It's a great thing to base your RP around in discovering more, but unfortunately we cannot turn the game around and make it all about this random thing this God decided to come up with. If we turned the game around for every obscure piece of lore that a builder/god came up with, without telling someone, our game would change drastically several times.

    I love that you're so passionate about it, but just know - we aren't just slamming the big no down for no reason, it's because right now it's not fitting with the plans we have for the game. Perhaps later down the road it can get more notice, but at this time it cannot and will not. But thank you for bringing up the information about it, we did not find much when we searched.

    -Boss you can smack me if I'm in the wrong on this post :P
  • BathanBathan Member Posts: 1,056 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2013
    Svorai said:

    I love that you're so passionate about it, but just know - we aren't just slamming the big no down for no reason, it's because right now it's not fitting with the plans we have for the game. Perhaps later down the road it can get more notice, but at this time it cannot and will not. But thank you for bringing up the information about it, we did not find much when we searched.

    -Boss you can smack me if I'm in the wrong on this post :P
    Woah woah woah. You guys have PLANS? When did this start? :(

    ‘Least I won’t have to carry it no more. You see how bloody heavy it is?’

    ‘Every sword’s a weight to carry. Men don’t see that when they pick ’em up. But they get heavier with time.”

  • DyrrenDyrren Member Posts: 35
    Honestly, most of the solutions mentioned here sound like they are derived to shut up stupid novices who like to be contrary, and that's never a good basis for an idea.

    I want to change the conception of each side.  Anti-magick will be more or less regular joes struggling to get by in the normal fashion.  Naturally, they contentious and angsty when people try to interfere with their lifestyle.  Magick is basically those guys who have picked up superpowers and are running with them.  They're so high above the world, they naturally step on the little people now and again.  Demonic are those guys who are at the tip of the demonic iceberg.  They're so deep in ****, they can't see out of it to know they should be smelling something different.

    The best way to point out the nature of these different viewpoints is to show how they'd each treat a basic human, your average lump of flesh without any particular skills or accomplishments :

    Anti-Magick says they'll take that man and give him purpose, give him a reason to live, and make him a benefit to his community through religion and faith.

        Magick counters that religion is self-contradictory and constrains overmuch,
        which anti-magick counters by saying they have to organise around
    and esoteric philosophies made by mages don't cut the mustard.

        Demonic counters with, "You say you're teaching him to farm?  Then why's he
        carrying bombs in his back pocket?  He's a rebel, kill him," and anti-magickers
        only stare and think, "What's wrong with that Demoner?"

    Magick takes a look at the man and says, "I can make this man strong, I can make him healthy, and I can extend his life by many years through the good life my magickal crafts will provide.

         To which anti-magickers counter that most of that life is spent listening to Bard
         song which seems to have little difference from nartcotics.  He's a zombie with
         no real soul.  Magick counters by saying your short, brutish life of endless toil is
         no better if not worse.

         The Demoner counters, "This man you'd create serves no purpose but to eat,
         drink, and ****. At least if I cut out his heart and drained all his blood, I'd get
         some use out of him."  Then Magick just kind of pales, shudders, and shakes
         its head in disgust.

    The Demoner takes a look at that man and says, "This man can either get with the program or not.  Not's not a good option, as it involves a lot of dissection, draining, and screaming before and after."

       Anti-magick responds with, "Eww."

       Magick responds with, "Eww!"

    The biggest change here is with the perception of Demoners.  For a while now, they've been seen as the permissive side, and they're free to be that way.  I don't want to mess with that.  But let's highlight the fact they're Circle exists largely just to feed demons.  That their lives are spent killing people for demon food.  However good they try to be, they can't get far because a demon is literally whispering in their ear.

    Use Stavenn and Khandava as a way of driving the narrative point that THE DEMONS ARE COMING, and there's nothing we can do to stop them.  Let them try to do all the good they want, but have their efforts undermined by rebellious factions (demon-tainted, of course) or by rogue demons (which they are naturally experts in dealing with, amirite?).  The idea is that their actions are tainted by their environment regardless of how good they may be on any objective scale.

    As for Magick, just imagine them as the land developer bulldozing the field where you played baseball as a kid in order to make a strip mall.  PROGRESS is the word here, and it naturally is painful, and naturally, not everyone can be at the helm.

    I think anti-magick is pretty good where its at right now.  It's got identity from the old religions, and can likely carry on its own.

    I also think the shards have been a good way to foster conflict that would have otherwise not happened, but it hasn't gone far enough.  The circles need an arena where they need to cooperate with eachother beyond the loose rules formed in combat.  They need a resource to fight over that's too much trouble to secure with combat.  Not to say there won't be combat, but it just needs to be something big eough that the average joe can jump in, make a few bucks, and spend it back home.
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