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Out with the old, in with the new. The Tzolkin get their new Guildhall

RavenchiRavenchi Member Posts: 3
This is long. Like. Amazingly long. It was over two hours for the event. There's also a lot of back-story that isn't explained here but hinted at. The world may never know.

Ravenchi casts his muddied russet gaze around those gathered before stepping in front of Kanthari, his expression nearly baleful. "I've finished," he states simply, nearly throwing the bundle of pages in his hands against the other man's chest.

His tail flicking about behind him, Lalaith emits a low, hissing laugh and turns his armoured head to watch for the Hierarch's reaction.

Kanthari catches the parchment in his hands, a sneer unconsciously curling the corner of his mouth as he does so. Amber eyes searching over the parchment, he states in a low rasp, "I see. And had you thought on where exactly we would procure such a thing, boy?"

The shifting form of Anaya, Aspect of Moradeim enters from the north.

Ravenchi intones with indifference, "It's hardly my concern - it's yours. You promised Her. I have made it possible." Casting an uninterested glance at his father, he continues in a low rasp, "Go ask your godling for it."

Anaya nods her head politely.

Kanthari snorts softly, amber eyes locked on you as he retorts, "Presume to order me about a second time, and it will be the last request you make today."

Lalaith gives his axe a little shake and glances between the Hierarch and his nephew.

In a low rasp, Kanthari Sazuran, the Jackal says, "Let's go to the tree, then."

Ravenchi allows a fleeting smile to touch his lips as he intones in a scathing manner, "So be it, Lord Father."

You begin to follow Kanthari.

Kanthari beckons Ixielle to him.

Monarch Square. (Khandava Council.)

Olanre frowns at Ahkan.

Calmly turning towards Olanre, Ahkan brings his clasped hands to his forehead as he bows before her, slowly, at the waist.

Rowynn inclines her head toward Olanre respectfully.

Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to Olanre, "I'll look into it, lovely."

Ixielle inclines her head respectfully.

Jessamine arrives from the west.

Olanre whispers something to Ahkan.

Kanthari beckons Jessamine to him.

Anaya inclines her head toward Olanre respectfully.

Ahkan whispers something to Olanre.

Beaming broadly, Ahkan gives Kanthari a very manly hug, complete with three manhood-affirming thumps on his back.

Lalaith gives Olanre a respectful salute.

Olanre glares at those gathered before Her, a frown pulling Her mouth down at the corners.

Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder whispers something to a fat woodling.

The peaceful form of Katalina, Aspect of Aryana enters from the south.

Ravenchi returns Olanre's baleful gaze before he looks away in disinterest.

Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder whispers something to a fat woodling.

The fat woodling nods solemnly at Ahkan, and quickly steps out of the way of Olanre.

In a somewhat derisive tone, Kanthari glances from you to Olanre to remark, "This boy has discovered a manner in which we may pull a portion of the Beyond to our own. Unfortunately, that requires Your assistance, if You are willing."

Olanre raises an eyebrow at you.

Ahkan whispers something to Kanthari.

Olanre says hoarsely, "What has the boy brought Me in exchange for My bounty?

Peering up at the canopy of the Leechwood, the fat woodling inspects the spiraling threads of copper that completes a circuit around the circumference of the great tree.

Kanthari Sazuran, the Jackal says to Olanre, "Loathe as I am to request such, we would require a root of the tree. If we are correct, there may be further land for You to tread than what is currently allowed. I would think that a boon."

Kanthari Sazuran, the Jackal says to Olanre, "Or you may keep him. It makes little difference to me."

Olanre smiles wryly, a look of amusement passing over her features.

Rowynn gives Kanthari the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.

You curl your lip and sneer arrogantly at Kanthari.

Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says, "Which boy?"

Kanthari Sazuran, the Jackal says, "The one currently wearing my last name, as though it matters."

Olanre whispers something to Kanthari.

Kanthari whispers something to Olanre.

Fanning herself idly, Ixielle looks around with an inquisitive look, her gaze settling on you a moment before passing on.

Olanre glances at Ravenchi out of the corner of Her eyes.

Olanre gives a trillingly melodic laugh.

Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to Olanre, "He seems kind of scrawny to eat."

Olanre gives Kanthari an acknowledging nod.

Kanthari Sazuran, the Jackal says to Olanre, "Though what we offer, more so, is room for You to roam. Not much. But it would be more."

Ravenchi peers openly at Olanre, his gaze positively hateful.

Kanthari whispers something to Ahkan.

Olanre begins to idly comb her hair, as if bored despite of the violent light glittering in her eyes.

Jessamine chews absently on her lip, deep in thought.

Kanthari Sazuran, the Jackal says to Olanre, "Do You accept my offer?"

Tossing her comb to the fancy woodling, the Diabolus smiles beautifully upon Kanthari.

Ahkan whispers something to Olanre.

Olanre says silkily, "Of course, my darling Jackal. You shall have your root. I shall have my taste of freedom."

Kanthari adopts a bare smile, inclining his head in response. "It is done, then. Shall I show you where it needs be?" he inquires.

Ahkan heaves an exasperated sigh, "That's not foreboding at all."

Olanre continues in a honeyed tone, "We will discuss the other matter further, when you've lost your use for the boy."

You snort arrogantly at Olanre.

Rowynn creases her brow in a frown.

Olanre laughs melodically at you.

Kanthari gives a low, raspy laugh at that, appearing amused.

Olanre says, "You shall have to take the root, carefully."

Ravenchi tilts his head subtly to the side in a distinctive fashion, a muscle pulling taut in his cheek.

Olanre says, "When you have it in place, and allow it to cast itself into the soil I will be able to follow."

Kanthari Sazuran, the Jackal says, "It shall be done."

Kanthari Sazuran, the Jackal says to Jessamine, "Jessamine. Will you carry a root of the Leechwood tree for our Olanre?"

Jessamine blinks slightly. "If you like."

Kanthari nods slowly.

Cocking its head at an odd angle, a one-eyed pheasant lists out to the east.

Olanre turns to Jessamine and smiles sweetly at her before leaning down to whisper in her ear.

You whisper to Kanthari, "You waste our time with platitudes."

Olanre whispers something to Jessamine.

Scathingly, Kanthari Sazuran, the Jackal says to you, "You waste your breath speaking to me. Savor it while you still have it."

Olanre gives a leechwood root to Jessamine.

Ravenchi laughs hoarsely in response, his features amused.

Olanre says to Jessamine, "Careful with it little one, your life depends upon it."

Rowynn folds her arms over her chest, frowning at Kanthari.

Jessamine glances at root pressed in her hands, offering a slow, nervous sort of nod, seeming to have no outward reaction to whatever was whispered.

Kanthari Sazuran, the Jackal says, "Follow me if you are attending."

Olanre says to Kanthari, "It is done. I will abide here until it is finds purchase."

Olanre tenderly strokes your cheek.

Olanre gives a trillingly melodic laugh.

You curl your lip and sneer arrogantly.

Casting a handful of stark-white leaves into the air, the harrowing visage of Olanre is obscured from sight.

Calmly turning towards a blistered leechwood tree, Kanthari brings his clasped hands to his forehead as he bows before it, slowly, at the waist.

Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to Kanthari, "Your family is surprisingly dysfunctional."

Kanthari gives Ahkan a wry smile, his eyes lighting up deviously.

Dryly, Rowynn Sol'Anlumaire says to Ahkan, "You're only just now noticing?"

Ravenchi intones nastily, "You're wasting sunlight."

Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to Rowynn, "Well, trying to feed your pissy little son to a teenage demonic tree form of weird."

Rowynn smirks at Ahkan.

Katalina thumps Ahkan on the forehead.

Lady Katalina Dios, Aphotic Chirurgeon says, "Behave."

Shivering and sucking in a breath Jessamine looks at the root, slim fingers wrapping around it almost protectively.

Ravenchi rasps softly to Jessamine, "Hold tight to it. I have circles to sketch."

Ahkan gives Jessamine a reassuring pat on the back, "Don't be afraid, you don't really need skin."

Jessamine says to Ahkan, "Well, technically that's true. Skin can be replaced. But I'm rather fond of mine."

Anaya smiles wryly, a look of amusement passing over her features.

Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to Jessamine, "More reason to hold on tight to that root, no?"

Kanthari rests a hand to Jessamine's shoulder lightly, intoning in a low rasp, "You're doing quite fine. Just hold the root while the boy sketches his circles."

Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to Jessamine, "Our lovely tree spirit is many things, but she usually stays true to Her word."

Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to Kanthari, "What was that guys name that she tortured? Vyzerath?"

A red flush suffuses the face of Jessamine, evidence of the power of the Leechwood that is coursing through her young form.

Ravenchi gives a dry laugh as he begins to rummage through his pack, soon producing a knife, chalk, and a pungent pouch of Deadwood soil. He flashes Kanthari a scathing smile before he begins to draw upon the ground, leaving traces of chalk behind in intricate curlicues along the design's diameter.

Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to Kanthari, "Remember when we used to throw flowers in the air, people giggled, Lionas pranced..."

His lips set in a thin line, Ravenchi soon sketches out the entirety of the design with out help. Rather flippantly, he tosses the blade to Kanthari all of the sudden, intoning, "Spill your blood." The man kneels in the middle of the circle, beginning to chant in soft whispers.

Jessamine watches the scrawling curiously, though her attention seems to be focused mainly on the twisted red root in her hand, holding tighter to it as it seems to grow heavy in her hands.

Anaya's deadly tail sways slowly behind her.

Rowynn watches you quietly for a moment, though her curious gaze narrows as it slides over to observe Kanthari.

The rhythmic sound of the whispered chant fills the area, settling amid the shadows of the room like a tangible creation.

Kanthari smirks at Ahkan, then stoops to curl his fingers about the blade. Stepping into the centre of the circle, he slices the palm of his hand open with little aplomb, clenching his fist as rivulets of scarlet begin to trickle to the earth underfoot. He remains still a time, then nods curtly to Jessamine, voice a soft rasp as he states, "Bring it here, you'll need to settle it to the blood and loam."

A faint shadow coalesces around Jessamine, tendrils of darkness undulate forth in a mimicry of roots.

Ixielle watches impassively, only a sharp glance staying her treant from shambling forth towards the spilled drops of blood.

Jessamine tugs at the corner of her lower lip, violet eyes flickering about to follow the coil of shadow briefly before stepping forward with open hesitance. Carefully she pauses outside the circle, not wanting to break it.

The soil drinks up the blood hungrily, enriching the hollow that awaits the Leechwood root.

Kanthari commands in a low tone, the touch of a smirk evidenced on his features, "Quickly, now."

Jessamine sucks in a breath and steps over the edge carefully, kneeling down to press the root against the reddened soil with a glance upward.

Ahkan grunts noncommittally at Kanthari.

Jessamine drops a leechwood root.

Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says, "Somewhere in the world, a grown man just peed himself and doesn't know why."

A sudden, chilling rush of wind forces the spindly branches overhead to clash into one another, clattering like a pile of bones.

Ravenchi continues to chant softly, a soft, iridescent lift coruscating from his eyes as he stares sightlessly ahead. A heavy, oppressive crackle of magick begins to fill the air, a tangible thrum pulling at your heart. Turning, he dumps the bag of Deadwood soil upon the root, whispering queer words to the writhing thing.

With a rasped laugh, Kanthari Sazuran, the Jackal says, "Ahkan just volunteered to feed the next blood, I should think."

The soil wavers, opening wider to accept the weight of the root. The undulations of the thing further bury it within the nest of Deadwood soil, though much is exposed.

Ahkan begins frothing at the mouth, ranting and raving like a madman.

Kanthari tosses the blade into the circle, turning to state flatly, "The remainder of you. The root needs to be fed. I've granted my blood." He adopts a brief smirk, "Your turn."

Ahkan hastily drags the edge of the blade across his palm, clenching his fist to allow rivulets of blood to spatter the soil before him.

The writhing movement of the root begins to still, and the fibrous surface appears to be drying out quickly. With the nourishment offered by Ahkan, it stretches slowly and expands a fraction.

Rowynn inclines her head faintly to one side, a delicate frown yet touching her lips as she takes the blade and runs it across her palm, allowing the droplets to spill freely on the ground.

Lalaith is enveloped in translucent fire for a moment and is gone, his soul safe until he returns to Imperian.

Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says, "Whelp, we mention blood letting and Lalaith vanishes."

Jessamine whispers distractedly, seemingly to herself, "The Spirits never talked about this." Drawing out a small blade of her own she presses it to her palm and repeats the motions of those around her, sucking in a breath from the sting and turning her hand to let the drops spill.

Ahkan whispers something to Katalina.

An audible response is heard from the growing root, and tiny new roots appear upon the surface to eagerly absorb the offering of Rowynn.

With the same impassive expression, Ixielle drags her hand across the thorned head of her flail before holding her ravaged palm over the soil. Thin streaks of deep, scarlet red cross her pale hand to spill onto the ground.

Olorina retrieves the blade and draws it quickly across her palm, letting the blood flow freely from the tips of her fingers and into the soil.

Kanthari emits a rasped laugh, amber eyes almost amused as he retorts, "The spirits are dead."

The newly formed creeping roots leap up eagerly, thrusting up to accept the offerings of Jessamine, Ixielle and Olorina.

Anaya nods slightly, as if expecting the necessity. Taking up her own dagger, she quickly slices a diagonal across her palm allowing her blood to flow freely. She holds her hand out, palm down, and lets her blood seep into the soil.

Ahkan tells you, "I am sorry I'm so not serious about this."

Pursing her lips faintly at the knife, Katalina takes her turn and roughly pulls the blade across her palm before splaying her fingers wide and extending her arm to let the sanguine fall to the root and soil below.

Jessamine says to Kanthari, "Most spirits are dead, yes."

Jessamine's eyes sparkle with amusement at Kanthari.

Ahkan snickers at Jessamine.

Kanthari smirks once more, looking sidelong at Jessamine with evident mirth.

A dull roar resounds within your ears as the winds of the Khandava offer breath to the root, even as the blood offers life. Hundreds of new thread-like roots appear, and burrow themselves further into the soil.

Ahkan whispers something to Kanthari.

The tiny roots thread outwards and down, curling towards Katalina and then turning course to move towards Anaya. With each movement forward, a detection of movement beneath the root is also evident.

Kanthari flicks a gaze over the newly-formed roots, his expression pleased. He tilts his head faintly to the side, calling out across the Council, "It is done!"

A cluster of gnarled roots reticulate into a briery tangle from which Olanre emerges.

Ravenchi throws his head back and laughs all of the sudden, his eyes wide. Taking a fist-full of the bloody soil, he throws it in the air, words of adroit blackness falling from his mouth.

Olanre begins to laugh maniacally, tossing Her head back and closing Her eyes.

Quirking an amused smirk, Kanthari asks of Olanre, "Pleased?"

Ahkan starts a bit, throwing a frustrated glance at the mirthful Diabolus.

Drawing Herself up to a towering height, Olanre looks down upon the gathering of mortals at Her feet. In a joyous exclamation, the Diabolus screams her pleasure. Her voice is terrible to hear.

Rowynn wrinkles her nose a bit at the sound, lifting a hand to rub at her pointed ears.

Olanre says, "My only regret is that the Deceiver is not among you all to see this."

Ixielle steps back to stand beside an anguished gem-encrusted treant, only a flicker of the discomfort crossing her features. She strokes the shuddering treant tenderly, as though more for her own comfort than for the creature's.
Jessamine steps back slightly, though her piqued curiosity keeps her relatively close, a moment of confusion hinting in her eyes at the mention of the 'Deceiver'.

Olanre flashes Jessamine a joyous smile.

Jessamine smiles softly.

Olanre says, "You have done very well, arrogant boy."

Olanre says, "Perhaps you have earned a reprieve. I feel there is something else wanted of Me, and my burgeoning root system."

Olanre gives Kanthari a wry smile, her eyes lighting up deviously.

Ahkan whispers something to Olanre.

Ahkan winks at Olanre.

Olanre flicks a finger in annoyance at Ahkan but smiles at him.


  • RavenchiRavenchi Member Posts: 3
    Ravenchi turns his sightless eyes to Olanre, a high-pitched laugh falling from his mouth as he stares in Her direction. Groping sightlessly, he picks up the discarded blade, raking it across his palm and nearly up to his elbow. Casting his arm into the ground, he whispers quietly, lovingly to the roots, "Open."

    Rowynn flicks her gaze over to you, appearing for a moment briefly concerned.

    Anaya raises and eyebrow in interest and takes a step back, watching the mass of roots within the circle.

    Jessamine shifts a little more, carefully stepping outside of the circle, though she watches the exchange with rapt attention.

    The length of root slowly responds to the imposition presented by Ravenchi, revealing a dark cleft within that widens slightly.

    A smirk yet turning the corner of his mouth, Kanthari walks slowly over toward the root, flicking one last glance at the boughs above, then toward Olanre, as he remarks in a soft rasp, "Well, then. Shall we?" Mirth evident in his amber gaze, he bends to grasp one scar-limned hand about the coiling root, holding it fast as a tangible pulse of energy echoes throughout the circle.

    A wavering haze appears above the soil, an opening that mimics the cleft of the Leechwood tree itself.

    Lifting the root from the soil, despite its coils attempting to burrow further in, Kanthari throws the ichorous foliage into the apparent haze.

    The opening emits surges of power, sparking and thrashing with convulsions of energy. You are pulled towards the void, and feel your limbs betraying you as you are absorbed.

    Beneath a twisted dome of viridescent blackthorn.
    A cluster of gnarled roots reticulate into a briery tangle from which Olanre emerges.

    Olanre gives a trillingly melodic laugh.

    Kanthari clasps his hands behind his back, appearing pleased with himself as he gazes about the area.

    Ravenchi pulls himself from the ground, his hand wrapping over his arm as he looks around, his eyes wide before he begins to chuckle lowly.

    The hazy cleft widens once more, the flux of energies pushing instead of pulling.

    Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to Olanre, "You've got some fantastic roots."

    Jessamine's eyes raise to the heavens as a look of hope flashes across her face.

    Ahkan looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

    A creature peers from the hazy expanse of the cleft, sneering arrogantly as it pulls itself forth.

    Ahkan whispers something to Olanre.

    Thornghast, the Dryad makes way through the cleft, to stand haughtily before you.

    Thornghast, the Dryad curls her lip and sneers arrogantly.

    The foul countenance of an abhorrent demon briefly overshadows the features of Ahkan as he thrusts his palm forcefully into Thornghast, the Dryad. A sharp scent of sulphur rises about you, and the distant sound of crackling flames accompanies a sudden haze that seems to overlay the surroundings.

    An unreadable expression on his features for a brief moment, Kanthari tilts his head faintly to one side as he regards the dryad, remarking in a soft rasp, "Thornghast."

    The ferine face of the dryad turns her viridesent eyes towards Kanthari, a cruel smile stretching her lips as she regards him.

    Jessamine blinks a little once more, trying to take everything in stride, hanging back quietly.

    Thornghast, the Dryad says, "Why am I called here?"

    Olanre smirks at Thornghast, the Dryad.

    Rowynn passes a curious glance between Kanthari and Thornghast, the dryad.

    Appearing a touch uncomfortable once the dryad's attention has shifted to him, Kanthari nonetheless rasps softly, "I am fulfilling my half of our bargain."

    Thornghast, the Dryad glances at the Diabolus for a moment, before promptly ignoring Her.

    Olanre gives a trillingly melodic laugh.

    Olanre says, "A pleasant creature you have brought to yourself. I wish you joy of her. I am going to explore my new playgrounds."

    Olanre whispers to you, "Until the next time."

    Ravenchi stares oddly into the distance, his face pale, though whether from loss of blood or the Diabolus's words unknown.

    Ahkan shudders violently.

    Thornghast, the Dryad says arrogantly, "I will have an explanation, or it will cost your lives."

    Anaya's deadly tail sways slowly behind her.

    "Well," Katalina comments, mostly to herself, "She seems happy." Upending a  vial onto her torn palm, she then absently binds the wound before turning to consider the dryad.

    Ahkan idly taps a mirthful rhythm upon the hilt of his sabre, before giving Thornghast a knowing wink.

    Ravenchi turns his gaze to Thornghast, a fleeting look of terror passing over his face before he clears his throat. "I have done as you willed," he rasps quietly. "Take your place here, and I will secure the Grove. As I have promised."

    Thornghast, the Dryad nods at Kanthari as if mollified.

    Jessamine whispers something to Ahkan.

    Thornghast, the Dryad says, "I sense others here. I would be sovereign within this Hall. Bring them forth and dispatch them, that we might call upon our brethren."

    Ahkan whispers something to Jessamine.

    Jessamine shakes her head.

    Ahkan whispers something to Jessamine.

    Yet bearing a mildly discomforted look, Kanthari inclines his head toward the dryad, expression soon evening out as he states in a low rasp, "Your will be done, dryad."

    Jessamine nods her head.

    Thornghast, the Dryad sneers arrogantly before continuing, saying, "Obviously."

    (Tzolkin): Kanthari says, "Vesen, Daevron, Valasilh. I have need of your services. Come."

    Anaya smiles wryly, a look of amusement passing over her features.

    Kanthari flashes a brief sneer at the dryad, though he adds nothing else.

    Thornghast, the Dryad says, "I need not await your obedience. See it done and
    done well."

    Kanthari Sazuran, the Jackal says, "As you will."

    Glaring haughtily, a deft movement of Thornghast's hand tears asunder the tenebrous veil into realms unknown, her slender frame departing to the north as the rift closes behind her.

    Dryly, Rowynn Sol'Anlumaire says to Kanthari, "Such warm company you keep, father."

    In a kinder tone, Kanthari Sazuran, the Jackal says to Rowynn, "Hush."

    Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says, "Woman has a point."

    Rowynn frowns at Kanthari.

    Lady Katalina Dios, Aphotic Chirurgeon says, "I don't know, that was fairly social all things considered."

    Ahkan leans in to not so quietly remark to Rowynn," To be fair.. have you actually met your mother?"

    Jessamine chews absently on her lip, deep in thought.

    Rowynn narrows her eyes on Ahkan, grunting in reply.

    Katalina bites back a laugh, turning it into a faint cough as she swats at Ahkan with her tail.

    Drawing himself to his full height, Kanthari levels a gaze upon Rowynn, "Thornghast served in the Nether before she ventured here. Without her aide, we would not have ended the reign of those Spirits that came before her." He states firmly, "She is deserving of much respect, and it will be afforded her."

    Valasilh, the bonecaster exclaims, "What is the meaning of this!"

    Ahkan inclines his head toward Valasilh, the bonecaster respectfully.

    Ravenchi casts his gaze to Valasilh, an odd laugh falling from his lips.

    Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says, "Retirement party, looks like."

    Ahkan gives Valasilh, the bonecaster a wry smile, his eyes lighting up deviously.

    Kanthari directs his gaze toward Valasilh, a certain pleasure in his tone as he remarks with a smile, "Your services are no longer required, Wytch. It will bring me great joy to see the last of yours go as the first did."

    Ixielle raises her fan demurely to cover her mouth, though her eyes twinkle with mirth.

    Flatly, Kanthari Sazuran, the Jackal says, "End her."

    Valasilh, the bonecaster says, "Who is this, Thornghast, and why is she claiming this grove as her own?"

    Anaya looks thoughtfully at Valasilh, the bonecaster's profile, pondering the situation.

    You say to Valasilh, the bonecaster, "Hush now.."

    You reach out and clench a fist before Valasilh, the bonecaster, who screams and doubles over in agony as her skin suddenly bubbles with gangrenous growths.
    Unable to maintain cohesion, Valasilh, the bonecaster's mutated and warped flesh sloughs off from her bones as she collapses to the ground in a twisted heap.
    You have slain Valasilh, the bonecaster.

    Jessamine blinks.

    With relish, Kanthari Sazuran, the Jackal says, "One Wytchen down. Tis a lovely day."

    Sorceress Ixielle Sol'Anlumaire says, "And so tidily done."

    Anaya showing very little emotion, she glances over the remains of Valasilh as they lie on the ground.

    Hands tucked in the pockets of his trousers, Daevron strolls in from the north.

    Daevron, keeper of tomes raises an eyebrow questioningly.

    Calmly turning towards Daevron, keeper of tomes, Ahkan brings his clasped hands to his forehead as he bows before him, slowly, at the waist.

    Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to Daevron, keeper of tomes, "Congratulations!"

    Daevron, keeper of tomes says, "I was called?"

    Kanthari laughs softly, his scar-limned shoulders shaking with the action, "Have I volunteers on the next?" He quirks a wry smile, intoning, "Hello,

    Ahkan viciously slashes Daevron, keeper of tomes with a Souledge Sabre.
    Ahkan has scored a staggering blow!
    Ahkan swings a Souledge Sabre powerfully at Daevron, keeper of tomes.
    Ahkan has scored a surprisingly effective hit!
    The final blow proves too much for Daevron, keeper of tomes.
    Daevron, keeper of tomes has been slain by Ahkan.
    Ahkan bends down and picks up the corpse of Daevron, keeper of tomes.

    Ahkan quickly stuffs the corpse of Daevron, keeper of tomes into his mouth, and begins to consume it with malignant gusto. Finishing his meal, you cannot help but notice that Ahkan's eyes seem to shine with vitality.

    Jessamine says to Ahkan, "Tasty...?"

    Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to Jessamine, "Sort of gamey."

    Rowynn wrinkles her nose a bit, grimacing.

    Anaya smiles wryly, a look of amusement passing over her features.

    Kanthari Sazuran, the Jackal says, "Any others await to bloody their hands? We've a third."

    Ahkan points accusingly at Jessamine.

    Kanthari inclines his head faintly, stating, "I will give the word."

    Ahkan whispers something to Jessamine.

    Jessamine purses her lips contemplatively.

    The wavering haze of the cleft begins to blur, and the air is momentarily sucked from the room. Another creature appears, peering out curiously from the darkness.

    Artimesia, an albino redwood dryad glances around curiously.

    Ravenchi whispers joyfully, "Artimesia."

    Artimesia, an albino redwood dryad says, "Where are they?"

    Artimesia, an albino redwood dryad says, "The bindings the covers the pages, where?"

    Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says, "Books?"

    Artimesia, an albino redwood dryad snaps impatiently, "Yes!"

    Rowynn peers with open curiosity at Artimesia, tilting her head faintly to one side.

    Jessamine glances over the dryad with curiosity as well as silence, tugging at the corner of her lower lip.

    Artimesia, an albino redwood dryad throws her hands up in exasperation and promptly heads towards the door.

    Jessamine says, "Well, stories do end I suppose."

    Artimesia, an albino redwood dryad says, "I will find them myself."

    Humming an eerie little tune, Artimesia wanders off to the east.

    Kanthari chuckles softly, a faint smile touching his features as he watches the second dryad leave.

    You see Kanthari Sazuran, the Jackal yell, "Vesen. I shall not ask a second time."

    A tall and slender woman enters from the north, her long ponytail flapping behind her.

    Vesen says, "Where is Daevron? Where is my brother?"

    Vesen paces the floor, chewing her nails fretfully.

    Rowynn peers at Ahkan unscrupulously.

    Rowynn smirks.

    Rowynn smirks.

    Ravenchi looks to Ahkan, smirking all of the sudden.

    Ahkan smirks a bit as he dabs politely at his mouth.

    Anaya Elith-Sol'Anlumaire says to Vesen, "You go to meet him shortly."

    Vesen exclaims, "He wandered off, and hasn't returned. And now some uptight Dryad is in there claiming the library as hers!"

    Turning to look toward Jessamine, Kanthari intones in a low rasp, "Now."

    Jessamine points an imperious finger at Vesen.
    Blood begins to flow from Vesen's pores.

    Lady Katalina Dios, Aphotic Chirurgeon says to Ahkan, "No."
  • SvoraiSvorai Member, Moderator, Immortal Posts: 293 mod
    I didn't get to see Grimnir and beyond, so I'm glad you logged it. Looks like I missed the best part! 
  • KanthariKanthari Member, Historian Posts: 209 ✭✭✭✭

    Svorai said:
    I didn't get to see Grimnir and beyond, so I'm glad you logged it. Looks like I missed the best part! 
    Pfft.  All of it was awesome.  Wytchen mob pinatas!

  • KanthariKanthari Member, Historian Posts: 209 ✭✭✭✭
    This is the rest of it.  After this, we pretty much wandered around. 

    And then I realized that I had to edit allllll the guild scrolls :(

    Ahkan bends over the corpse on the ground, a sneer dominating his features. You
    struggle to hold back the instinct to retch as Ahkan suddenly leaps to his feet
    with a mortal heart in his hands.

    Olanre glances at Her own limbs and back to the spirit of the boy.

    Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to Olanre, "Yours?"

    Olanre opens her mouth big and wide into a long yawn.

    Olanre says, "Of course."

    Ahkan bows slightly at the waist, presenting the wretched organ to the

    Olanre holds out Her hand for the gruesome trophy, smiling beatifically.

    Ahkan gives a mortal heart still dripping blood to Olanre.

    Olanre whispers something to Ahkan.

    Ahkan whispers something to Olanre.

    With a casual, yet graceful gesture, Olanre brings the dripping heart to Her
    mouth. She glances over at Kanthari from behind her bloody prize, and smiles.

    His gaze yet upon the wavering portal, Kanthari tilts his head
    to one side, a handful of scarlet dust in one hand as he inquires, "Pleased?"

    Stuffing the heart within Her mouth, the Diabolus is suffused with vigor and
    beauty. Waving a gnarled and deformed arm towards the opening above the
    Leechwood root, it immediately closes at Her bidding.

    Kanthari emits a low exhalation at that, the crimson dust
    sifting through his fingertips to drift to the loam underfoot. He gives a brief,
    rasped laugh at the statement, repeating aloud, "For now, indeed."

    A series of girlish squeals are heard coming from various rooms within the Hall
    as Olanre wanders freely.

    Anaya ponders the situation.

    You say, "You're welcome to roam the grove as you please."

    Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says, "And you thought the howls from the
    other world were creepy."

    Comprehension flashes across Anaya's face.

    Lady Katalina Dios, Aphotic Chirurgeon says, "It's nice that she's enjoying the
    new house."

    Lady Katalina Dios, Aphotic Chirurgeon says, "That Ahkan promptly made a mess

    You give a mischievous grin.

    Sorceress Ixielle Sol'Anlumaire says to an anguished gem-encrusted treant,
    "Come, let us explore."

    Rowynn creases her brow in a frown.

    With a teasing note to his voice, you say to Ixielle, "Mind the lake."

    Rowynn peers at Ixielle unscrupulously.

    Jessamine says, "And I'm being reminded that food is a wondrous thing."

    Glancing askance momentarily, Sorceress Ixielle Sol'Anlumaire says, "Thank you
    for inviting us to join in this ritual."

    Ixielle inclines her head respectfully.

    Several expletives are heard as the Diabolus apparently becomes annoyed with the
    arrangement of the Hall during her exploration.

    You say, "Most welcome."
    Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to Jessamine, "If Olanre teaches us
    anything, it's about the benefits of impeccable nutrition."

  • SvoraiSvorai Member, Moderator, Immortal Posts: 293 mod
    Kanthari said:

    Svorai said:
    I didn't get to see Grimnir and beyond, so I'm glad you logged it. Looks like I missed the best part! 
    Pfft.  All of it was awesome.  Wytchen mob pinatas!
    I really do think someone thought she was the trash mob, I didn't know what to do with the vials, so I was like "Well, nice little surprise?"
  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That event was awesome. Everyone involved with that is a badass. Thank you!
  • KanthariKanthari Member, Historian Posts: 209 ✭✭✭✭
    This was ridiculous amounts of fun. I second Ahkan's statement.

    All the <3s.

    Also not sure if I should be worried or not that @Olanre has another place to roam around in besides her tree.  SOUNDS LIKE TROUBLE.

  • KanthariKanthari Member, Historian Posts: 209 ✭✭✭✭
    Olanre said:
    Kanthari said:
    This was ridiculous amounts of fun. I second Ahkan's statement.

    All the <3s.

    Also not sure if I should be worried or not that @Olanre has another place to roam around in besides her tree.  SOUNDS LIKE TROUBLE.
    She is in the GM office rubbing her woodsy bum on all the things!
    You keep out of my chair >:(

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