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Fun with Lartus and the Arkarix'Krix

JosiphJosiph Member Posts: 33
edited July 2013 in Role Playing and Events
Let me just first start off by saying BIG props to Lartus for his awesome evilness. I love it, and you're the most fun I've had interacting with anyone since I've started here, which is sad because this was through tells. First fun RP I've had deserves a forum log :-D.

(Antioch): Feu says, "Greetings. Somebody I have never met seems to be taking an interest in my current location. Is this normal?"

(Antioch): You say, "Uh."

(Antioch): Chelicrixkel says, "Sometimes, who?"

(Antioch): You say, "No, how are you aware of this?"

(Antioch): You say, "There's no way you could sense that."

(Antioch): Feu says, "Said person just contacted me, telling me he knew where I was. It was all rather strange and disconcerting."

You tell Feu Arkarix'Krix, "What was his name."

Feu tells you, "Oh, he was called... Lartus, I recall. Like I say, I've never met this person before so wanted to check it was fine and all."

You tell Feu Arkarix'Krix, "Excellent. Don't worry about it brother. Continue on with your hunting, we'll take care of it."

Feu tells you, "Excellent. Thank you very much."

You tell Revenant Lartus, "I see you, hiding behind the gates of Stavenn. Your first mistake was threatening an Arkarix'Krix. If you want, we can settle this like men and you can come duel me. Otherwise, watch your back, the Arkarix'Krix will not tolerate threats to our kin."

Lartus tells you, "What threats have I offered to your kind? Why don't you just go back to hunting."

You tell Revenant Lartus, "Feu is an Arkarix'krix, Lartus."

Lartus tells you, "And you are?"

You tell Revenant Lartus, "And the fact that you stalk and threaten such novices is pathetic."

You tell Revenant Lartus, "An Arkarix'Krix."

(Antioch): Feu says, "Hrm, so this person is now straight out threatening me."

(Antioch): You say, "Yeah he's hiding with his friends now.
(Antioch): You say, "Don't worry about him."

(Antioch): Feu says, "Ahh, figures. I must be a real force to be reckoned with, having a group like that take an interest in me."

Lartus tells you, "Do you consider yourself holy?"

You tell Revenant Lartus, "Enough with the inquisition Lartus. Come duel me, or not, either way I don't care, but one day I will find you, when you don't have your demonic lackeys protecting you, and you will die for threatening my family."

(Antioch): Chelicrixkel says, "Lartus is just a coward. He knows he cannot hope to stand against any of the older of our brotherhood, so he jibes at you. We'll be keeping a close bead on him."

(Antioch): Feu says, "Oh, brother. His words accomplished nothing but to amuse and humour me. It is fine."

Lartus tells you, "Do you know what I plan on doing?"

Lartus tells you, "I'll tell you."

You tell Revenant Lartus, "Please, inform me."

Lartus tells you, "A long time ago, I watched as my superiors tore out the innards of their enemies and consumed it. In my youth I was disgusted by their actions, but this disgust was misplaced."

Lartus tells you, "One day I asked the Harbinger who went by the name Aeorden. "Sir, why do you consume our enemies?""

Lartus tells you, "And he told me, it is because by taking them within himself, he stole their strength. And Aeorden was powerful indeed."

Lartus tells you, "One day, during a battle for supremacy. I slew a warrior, known to be one of the most puissant in the land."

Lartus tells you, "Following the advice given to me by my leader. I tore out his heart and ate of it."

Lartus tells you, "Without warning I felt a wave, an ecstacy of absolute power. For a brief moment it lasted, but to me. It was a paradise of emotion."

Lartus tells you, "When it disappeared I thought to myself, that this is a shame. That such power is hidden in the most....morbid of things. So I thought to myself, I shall become a brother to the scavengers and the vultures that fly over the battlefields. I will share in their feast."

Lartus tells you, "For why should they be the only creatures to delight in such things? It is not fair."

Lartus tells you, "It is my right you insect. I may not be powerful now, but with enough luck and determination."

Lartus tells you, "This world, will be my feast. You understand?"

Lartus tells you, "Nothing."

You tell Revenant Lartus, "You Lartus, slew the most puissant warrior in the land? I find that hard to believe. It seems to me like you are not remembering something. Perhaps you dreamed this? Perhaps you ate some bad herbs and this was just some sort of herb induced fantasy? This story you tell me, most people would describe your behavior as insanity. The more fitting part is that you are just a vulture, picking at the remains when your superiors have finished with them. That is a sad life to live. You are very old, and I am quite young. Let me ask you, who do you think is more powerful? How has your strategy worked for you, so far?"

Lartus tells you, "All or nothing. I will consume the pure races."

Lartus tells you, "I have slept and in my sleep, the gods died. But there will always be a need for a god. To lead the helpless people of this world."

You tell Revenant Lartus, "Are you going to fill that position?"

Lartus tells you, "To believe myself capable of becoming a god? I am but a man."

Lartus tells you, "For now."

Lartus tells you, "Only a god can claim to be one."

Lartus tells you, "When I have stolen the world of its strength and the entities that are born of it."

Lartus tells you, "I will use the energies collected together and give the world what it needs. Divine guidance."

You tell Revenant Lartus, "Well, Lartus. In your 'glorious' quest for power, as a vulture feeding on remains left by your superiors, remember this. Every action you take and every move you make will be watched. For every ounce of power you wish to acquire, I will be there, wrathful and full of vengeance, ready to smite you down. Through my ferocity and determination, you will never succeed, and you will rue the day you decided to cross the name, Arkarix'Krix."

Lartus tells you, "I applaud you for your courage. Such power I will require in my quest to bring order to this chaotic universe. My motivations are simple, the world needs guidance. Without the gods, who will the people look to? The entities are nothing more than children."

You tell Revenant Lartus, "For now, I know not the answer to that question. For many years, Antioch was very driven by the Deities. But I can tell you that the day I allow someone like you to acquire that much power is the day I've failed. It will never happen."

Lartus tells you, "It is not out of selfishness that I choose this path. The world does not want the gods, they need them. To guide, protect, and bring joy to our souls. You would deny your people this?"

You tell Revenant Lartus, "Divine beings who guide, protect, and bring joy to our souls do not threaten and harass the lives of young novices. You, Lartus, are evil. You are scum, a stain upon this world that needs to be wiped away. You are not fit for divinity."

Lartus tells you, "Godhood is not my intent, how foolish."

Lartus tells you, "Your brother or sister Feu will understand."

You tell Revenant Lartus, "Uh huh."

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