["Chuckling softly"] = 3684, ["Booming with malicious laughter"] = 889,
["In quiet undertones"] = 221,
I went through a round-a-bout process because I wanted to be able to add further styles without a floor effect of '1' necessitating manual (or even scripted) re-adjustment of every existing value. Any code improvements would be appreciated.
How does one go about setting up Mudlet to use a profile stored in Dropbox? I'm going between three computers now and keeping the system up to date has become a headache.
I think there are advanced ways to do it within Mudlet to autodownload from db at load; however, I did it the easy way and just used virtual folder/links with the dropbox sync folder on each location and kept the profile folders sync'd. Seemed to work well though I don't have it set that way anymore.
For Windows you're looking for .config folder under your user name with your set profiles. You can find it in your local drive through documents and settings.
I didn't realize how dependent my basher was on gmcp, until today. I had turned off all my triggers for the basher, and the darned thing still worked near perfectly.
I didn't realize how dependent my basher was on gmcp, until today. I had turned off all my triggers for the basher, and the darned thing still worked near perfectly.
I didn't realize how dependent my basher was on gmcp, until today. I had turned off all my triggers for the basher, and the darned thing still worked near perfectly.
Until you follow someone.
That's because you don't automatically LOOK in a new room when you are following someone, so you don't get the GMCP update. If you set it up so you "looked" in a new room, your basher should still work.
I didn't realize how dependent my basher was on gmcp, until today. I had turned off all my triggers for the basher, and the darned thing still worked near perfectly.
Until you follow someone.
That's because you don't automatically LOOK in a new room when you are following someone, so you don't get the GMCP update. If you set it up so you "looked" in a new room, your basher should still work.
I do do that. Gagging the second room look is not fun. It's really annoying. I filed an IDEA awhile ago and it also came up in another thread recently.
Here is a spinoff on Iniar's script where you get a different prefix when you say something. This one is a bit simpler though and will give you a random prefix every time you say something. I've included a few example prefixes. By just filling in more values in the voices table, in the same way I've done, you'll get even more prefixes that the alias will choose from.
I'm posting here because I'm new to coding and trying to get the hang of gmcp.
What I'm trying to do right now is track targets as the areas I'm starting to get into have different ones and aren't just simple horde, undead, spirit type anymore. So I started looking into gmcp as I heard that would be the easiest way to capture them.
When I do lua gmcp.Char.Items.List I get this..
{ location = "room", items = { { id = "1152", attrib = "m", name = "a large black spider", icon = "animal" }, { id = "1151", attrib = "m", name = "a large black spider", icon = "animal" }, { id = "261206", attrib = "m", name = "a savage grey wolf", icon = "animal" } } }
The issue I am having right now, is how to go about adding the target names into a table and having my basic attack alias pull from that table. Eventually I will want to prioritize targets based on aggression and strength etc but for now, I'm just happy with capturing and not having to do target rat, target bird, target chipmunk etc.
I'm posting here because I'm new to coding and trying to get the hang of gmcp.
What I'm trying to do right now is track targets as the areas I'm starting to get into have different ones and aren't just simple horde, undead, spirit type anymore. So I started looking into gmcp as I heard that would be the easiest way to capture them.
When I do lua gmcp.Char.Items.List I get this..
The issue I am having right now, is how to go about adding the target names into a table and having my basic attack alias pull from that table. Eventually I will want to prioritize targets based on aggression and strength etc but for now, I'm just happy with capturing and not having to do target rat, target bird, target chipmunk etc.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
As a general matter, most creatures in an area will respond to a generic type of keyword -- like, the bashable animals in Treslein's keep will respond to the "creature" keyword.
Having said that, if you are trying to make a simple basher that tracks your targets on a per area basis, you may want to make use of the gmcp.Room.Info.area variable, as that will tell you what area you are in. From there, you can have a table that you can save when you exit the game (table.save), and load when you connect to the game (table.load) that will keep track of the various targets that are in the area.
A more complex basher would take advantage of the mob name field (e.g., "a large black spider") and track the names for each area. You could then make use of the gmcp events for when there is a bashable creature in the room (or when one enter/leaves the room) via the gmcp.Char.Items.List.location = "room" ; gmcp.Char.Items.Add; and gmcp.Char.Items.Remove events.
If I see, "You focus upon your pact and a terrifying visage of Scrag, tender of the bloodleech pool appears briefly in" for example, I want to table.remove scrag. When I see "You are again unable to unleash Scrag" I need to table.insert.
I also need to factor in "You are again able to unleash a demon." to set demonbalance = 1.
This way if shield = false and taint = 10 then I can do if table.contains(demons, pyradius) unleash pyradius, elseif table.contains (demons, scrag) unleash scrag [these are just examples]. I'm just not sure how to go about all of this even though I know what it is I need to accomplish.
(Ring): Lartus says, "I heard Theophilus once threw a grenade and killed ten people." (Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
Personally, I have a great dislike of using indexed tables (tables using [1],[2],[3]).
I cannot simply call up the value with a straight lookup - my_demons[matches[2]] = ?
There can be multiples of the same 'value' - a look up using table.index_of is non-unique
table.index_of only returns the first true position... if there are subsequent valid positions, it will not be returned, and it may not be readily apparent to you that there are 6 Scrags in your list.
There are only two times when I would use an indexed list... when I need them to be ordered, and when you need the values to be concatenated easily. In this situation I would say to you... think about the underlying problem... You have two separate issues - one is to track balances, and one is to unleash demons based on a given preference, if and only if you have both overall and individual balance.
nb: be aware that Golgotha in this capture pattern is Jy'Barrak Golgotha
Supposing one elaborates on the problem(s) at hand...
(1) tracking balances of demons
(2) choosing a demon based on a list (preference/priority)
(3) allowing (2) to be fulfilled only if (1) allows each individual choice
(1) and (2) should be easily achieved by a novice:
(1) ...
if message is that specific-balance is true, then specific-balance is true
if message is that overall-balance is true, then overall-balance is true
if message is that specific-balance is just consumed, then specific-balance is false/0 and overall-balance is false/0
if message is that attempted unleash failed, then specific-balance is false/0
if message is that attempted unleash failed because overall-balance is false, then overall-balance is false
my_priority_unleash = {
There are multiple ways to implement (3)... for example...
if scrag_balance == 1 then unleash scrag
elseif pyradius_balance == 1 then unleash pyradius
elseif golgotha_balance == 1 then unleash golgotha
This is simply a linear selection process. The best thing about this is that it offers you the granularity of choosing when and where to unleash... For example, we can elaborate...
if my_health_is_low and arctar_balance == 1 then unleash arctar at me
elseif enemy_taint < 20 and incinerate == 1 and pyradius_balance == 1 then unleash pyradius
elseif golgotha_balance == 1 then unleash golgotha etc etc
This is excellent in terms of maximising your selection criteria, but is ponderous to code.
Then you have the alternate method of simply automating selection down a list of things...
for i=1,#my_list do
local demon_to_choose = my_list[i]
if balances[demon_to_choose] then
unleash this demon
So what we all want to achieve is a way to intermarry the two... to maximize selection and minimize coding
The way I personally do this is to have three components, in the short term, lengthy to code, in the long term, extremely flexible and easy to extend.
Part A. Track the balances easily.
summoner.balances.Hecate = summoner.balances.Hecate or true
Part B. Have my default list, and create a generic selector
summoner.queue_list = {
function choose_demon(list)
local t = table.deepcopy(summoner.queue_list)
if list then t = table.deepcopy(list) end
for i=1,#t do
local demon = t[i]
if summoner.balances[demon] then
return demon
Part C. Modify the basic list based on your conditions/situation.
local c = table.deepcopy(summoner.queue_list)
if my_target_has_tree then
if in_my_room("Kryss") and get_profession("Kryss","Deathknight") then
if my_hp/my_max_hp <= 0.3 then
table.insert(c,1,"Arctar Dameron") -- this I can use to parse later to cast Arctar if Dameron is true, but requires that the base selector is modified!
local demon = choose_demon(c)
Why so elaborate?
Making sure that I use deepcopy allows me to retain the original order of summoner.queue_list no matter where I am. I modify only copies of it.
I can construct multiple selection criteria within a very fast schema.
I can even opt to submit a completely different queue to summoner.queue_list by simply passing a new list to choose_demon... choose_demon(summoner.affliction_queue)
I can modify -these- new lists with impunity using the same schema above.
I can ditch any schema with impunity knowing that my selector will default to my original list.
My balance tracking is completely isolated from my selection criteria - including both priority and conditional selection.
Etc etc etc. While some people (aka Khizan) scoff at my 'codiness', without these constructs I would never have created and tested over 16 summoner affliction queues without tearing out my hair... for me it is as simple as going, let's move these things up and these things down, but also include that fact that if they are off focus but also have hellsight and just smoked a linseed, let's do C instead. And we'll make that a number 2 priority secondary only to saving my life with a self-danaeus unleash, but superior to arctar unleash. A situation as complex as that can be handled with 6 lines of code without disrupting your 'default' queue.
A priority queue is pretty much ideal for this. You'll probably find it much more elegant than manually shifting things around in the table. It'd be a similar concept (run a function to update the priorities of the items in your queue), but has far fewer moving parts and eliminates all the table manipulations. Basically, this is a pretty common problem set, and someone has come up with the "best" way to do it already. (Note the "s.)
You can google priority queue structure if you're interested in doing it that way. Alternatively, you can look at one of these lua implementations and modify/draw ideas from them, if you prefer:
Coding noob here who gets very confused with complicated coding
I want to write a simple tattooing script that will check tattoos and ink whatever tattoo designated on the first available tattoo slot. Does any kind soul have any suggestions, please?
if class == "Deathknight" then
local out = ""
local f = {}
local preSize,postSize,pointer = 0,0,0
local style = {
["Rasping"] = 2,
["Chuckling softly"] = 19,
["In quiet undertones"] = 500,
["Steel in his voice"] = 13,
["Chuckling sinisterly"] = 16,
["Booming with malicious laughter"] = 88,
for k,v in pairs(style) do
preSize = preSize + v
for k,v in pairs(style) do
postSize = postSize + math.ceil(preSize/v)
local t = {sn = tostring(k), pr = math.ceil(preSize/v)}
table.sort(f,function (k1, k2) return k1.pr > k2.pr end)
local go = math.random(postSize)
for i=1,#f do
pointer = pointer + f[i].pr
if go <= pointer then
out = f[i].sn
local str = ""
str = "open bevor"..sp
str = str.."say ("..out..") "..matches[2]..sp
str = str.."close bevor"
50,000 runs produces:
Rasping = 35138,["Steel in his voice"] = 5531,
["Chuckling sinisterly"] = 4537,
["Chuckling softly"] = 3684,["Booming with malicious laughter"] = 889,
["In quiet undertones"] = 221,
I went through a round-a-bout process because I wanted to be able to add further styles without a floor effect of '1' necessitating manual (or even scripted) re-adjustment of every existing value. Any code improvements would be appreciated.
This link talks about a similar approach to what I did: http://forums.mudlet.org/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=2157
Alias pattern:
^(say|') ?(.+)$
Alias script:
local voices = { }
local voice = voices[math.random(1,#voices)]
send("say (" .. voice .. ") " .. matches[3])
I'm posting here because I'm new to coding and trying to get the hang of gmcp.
What I'm trying to do right now is track targets as the areas I'm starting to get into have different ones and aren't just simple horde, undead, spirit type anymore. So I started looking into gmcp as I heard that would be the easiest way to capture them.
When I do lua gmcp.Char.Items.List I get this..
location = "room",
items = {
id = "1152",
attrib = "m",
name = "a large black spider",
icon = "animal"
id = "1151",
attrib = "m",
name = "a large black spider",
icon = "animal"
id = "261206",
attrib = "m",
name = "a savage grey wolf",
icon = "animal"
The issue I am having right now, is how to go about adding the target names into a table and having my basic attack alias pull from that table. Eventually I will want to prioritize targets based on aggression and strength etc but for now, I'm just happy with capturing and not having to do target rat, target bird, target chipmunk etc.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
As a general matter, most creatures in an area will respond to a generic type of keyword -- like, the bashable animals in Treslein's keep will respond to the "creature" keyword.
Replace the relevant part of your downloaded_file script:
elseif filename:match("votePage", 1, true) then
local s = io.read("*all")
local zq = string.match(s,'<input name="zq" type="hidden" value="(%x+)">')
local mudid = string.match(s,'<input type="hidden" name="mudid" value="(%d+)">')
local votehash = string.match(s,'<input type="hidden" name="votehash" value="(%x+)">')
-- local votestring = "http://www.topmudsites.com/vote.php?" .. "&do=in" .. "&oldhash=" .. oldhash .. "&zq=" .. zq .. "&mudid=" .. mudid .. "&votehash=" .. votehash
local votestring = "http://www.topmudsites.com/vote.php?" .. "&do=in" .. "&zq=" .. zq .. "&mudid=" .. mudid .. "&votehash=" .. votehash
downloadFile(getMudletHomeDir().."/voteDone.html", votestring)
function downloaded(_, filename)
if not io.exists(filename) then return end
elseif filename:match("votePage", 1, true) then
local s = io.read("*all")
local zq = string.match(s,'<input name="zq" type="hidden" value="(%x+)">')
local mudid = string.match(s,'<input type="hidden" name="mudid" value="(%d+)">')
local votehash = string.match(s,'<input type="hidden" name="votehash" value="(%x+)">')
-- local votestring = "http://www.topmudsites.com/vote.php?" .. "&do=in" .. "&oldhash=" .. oldhash .. "&zq=" .. zq .. "&mudid=" .. mudid .. "&votehash=" .. votehash
local votestring = "http://www.topmudsites.com/vote.php?" .. "&do=in" .. "&zq=" .. zq .. "&mudid=" .. mudid .. "&votehash=" .. votehash
downloadFile(getMudletHomeDir().."/voteDone.html", votestring)
If I see, "You focus upon your pact and a terrifying visage of Scrag, tender of the bloodleech pool appears briefly in" for example, I want to table.remove scrag. When I see "You are again unable to unleash Scrag" I need to table.insert.
I also need to factor in "You are again able to unleash a demon." to set demonbalance = 1.
This way if shield = false and taint = 10 then I can do if table.contains(demons, pyradius) unleash pyradius, elseif table.contains (demons, scrag) unleash scrag [these are just examples]. I'm just not sure how to go about all of this even though I know what it is I need to accomplish.
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
A priority queue is pretty much ideal for this. You'll probably find it much more elegant than manually shifting things around in the table. It'd be a similar concept (run a function to update the priorities of the items in your queue), but has far fewer moving parts and eliminates all the table manipulations. Basically, this is a pretty common problem set, and someone has come up with the "best" way to do it already. (Note the "s.)
You can google priority queue structure if you're interested in doing it that way. Alternatively, you can look at one of these lua implementations and modify/draw ideas from them, if you prefer:
(may vanish for periods of time)
I want to write a simple tattooing script that will check tattoos and ink whatever tattoo designated on the first available tattoo slot. Does any kind soul have any suggestions, please?