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Help Profession completion

IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭

Still missing 
* Amazon
* Outrider
* Ranger
* Wardancer
* Bard
* Mage
* Runeguard
* Defiler.

I am paying a minimum of 3 and up to 10 credits for the first acceptable submission of each remaining profession.
wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure


  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I laughed pretty hard. But no.
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • KryssKryss Member Posts: 426 ✭✭✭✭

  • MathiausMathiaus Member Posts: 1,039 ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2013

    Armour type: A combination of ringmail armour and leather armour for the limbs.

    Balance type: Mainly Equilibrium.


    Voice: Comprised of various utility, damage, and affliction skills, Voice is a Bard's main arsenal. In PvP, a Bard focuses on gaining resonance by undeafing his or her opponent while applying afflictions and eventually finishes with damage. In PvE, the Bard can utilize both damage and healing at the same time.

    Thespia: Composed of a plethora of passive songs requiring instruments to be played, the Bard gains most of his or her defenses from this skillset such as Flight and Warding for PvE. A handful of offensive songs such as Revelation and the ever important Cruel Lament are critical in PvP, allowing the Bard some breathing room in certain combat situations.

    Artistry: Mainly a utility skillset, Artistry contains a Bard's ability to paint portaits, craft books, and fashion letters. Sketches are helpful with certain situations such as walls and escaping conflict. For PvP purposes, sketch's afflictions help push for successful victories.
    Post edited by Mathiaus on
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2013
    You transfer 4 credits to Mathiaus.
    Couple more of credits in there if you explain 'resonance' briefly. Docked two credits for using the phrase 'successful victories.' 

    Also include a brief description of bard PvP strategy (don't troll please, people) for another two credits.

    Still paying for:
    * Amazon
    * Outrider
    * Ranger
    * Wardancer
    * Runeguard
    * Defiler

    Not paying for (Mage) until its reincarnation is released.
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • GurnGurn Member Posts: 789 ✭✭✭✭

    Armour type: Fieldplate. Transcendent: Fullplate, the strongest armour in the game.

    Main stat: Strength and Constitution.

    Preferred statpacks: Strong, athletic, dexterous

    Balance type: Focus on balance, equilibrium included in PvP


    Chivalry - The core skillset of the knight, learning Chivalry will allow you access to the useful kestrel companion, as well as your main abilities with the blade and mount.  Doubleslash will be the skill used in both PvE and PvP, allowing you to attack with a weapon twice in one action. This skillset is balance based.

    Runelore - A secondary skillset which allows for the use of runes, powerful magick symbols that can cause a variety of effects. It allows for the use of utility runes that can increase your stats, such as jera, or damage reduction and regeneration, such as algiz and berkana. It also will unlock your ability to use runic tablets, which can perform powerful effects in PvP. This skill is equilibrium based.

    Smithing - A unique crafting skillset of the knight, this will allow you to smelt ingots and forge all manner of armour and weapons for every class. When you've learned enough of this skillset, you will also be able to etch markings into weapons that can have beneficial effects, and when you have transcended the skill, allow you to forge and wear the strongest armour in the game, fullplate.

    Runeguard Combat - Damage/affliction. Runeguard can use the fast sabres to overwhelm an opponent with afflictions even while outputting an impressive amount of damage. This can be combined with tablets to prevent the curing of afflictions. Alternately, you may equip stronger weapons, such as the battleaxe or the broadsword to destroy your opponent with heavy burst damage while increasing damage and decreasing healing effectiveness with runes. Finally, a skilled runeguard will be able to instantly kill an opponent with the cleave and sunder abilities.
  • MathiausMathiaus Member Posts: 1,039 ✭✭✭✭

    @Iniar Eh, I tried to keep it brief and not so heavy on  resonance till classlead changes.I did make that slip on the opinionated comment however, heh.

  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2013
    You transfer 7 credits to Gurn.
    Still paying for 
    * Amazon
    * Outrider
    * Ranger
    * Wardancer
    * Defiler

    E: Also, inviting someone with the Hunter class to check the levels of learning for

    Also paying for 
    * Monk 
    E: (Shame on you, Anti-Magick. Only 3/8)
    Post edited by Iniar on
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • KryssKryss Member Posts: 426 ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2013

    Armour Type: Chainmail
    Main Stat: Str
    Main Statpacks: Fast, Athletic
    Balance type: Balance

    Warding: Primary skillset. Balance based. Revolves around the use of quickjab to adminster two toxins at once, generally combined with targeting to setup enemy limbs. Contains nearly all the classes damaging attacks, as well as a handful of limb specific attacks such as piercelimb. Many of these are situational when compared to the ever-present quickjab. Requires the use of Powersoul (reached at transcendent) for maximum efficiency.

    Bowmanship: Secondary skillset. Balance based. Revolves around the use of a bow for ranged combat (area wide and room to room) but also for in-room archery. Arrows have many useful effects such as shield breaking/stun, entangles, delivering toxins and the ever fearsome incendiary.

    Trailblazing: Utility skillset. Contains many useful skills that range from making the Amazon more durable such as bounty and barkskin to skills that allow the creation of elixirs or toxins depending on the user's choice. Also features mark return to escape and other 'ranging' themed utility like scout, building encampments and camouflage.
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You transfer 12 credits to Kryss.
    Still wanting:
    * Outrider
    * Wardancer
    * Defiler
    * Monk

    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • SvoraiSvorai Member, Moderator, Immortal Posts: 293 mod
    Thank you, @Iniar. I'll get these posted. And those who are helping!
  • KryssKryss Member Posts: 426 ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2013

    Armour Type: Leather
    Main Stat: Str/Int(pvp only for damage from non physical skills)
    Main Statpacks: Fast, Athletic, Clever, Intelligent
    Balance Type: Primarily Balance, though Equilibrium could be considered instead depending on one's own style

    Taekate: Primary skillset. Allows the Monk to take various stances, each offering different boons. Many skills within Taekate are able to be combined in sequence with other Taekae skills and even various Telepathy skills. Contains mostly abilities designed to target specific limbs allowing for setups that lead into the skillset's finisher: backbreaker.

    Telepathy: Secondary skillset. With this Monks are able to form a mindlock with anyone in the same area, which in turn allows them to deal out various effects from ordering commands to simply giving paralysis. Whilst many of the skills require a mindlock, there are also many that don't and some can even be used in conjunction with Taekate to further debilitate an opponent as they are setup upon.

    Kaido: Utility skillset with a twist. The hook of Kaido is that for several of its skills to work the Monk must have kai, which they obtain primarily by receiving damage from their enemies. Whilst most of the skills found therin are defensive in nature, such as toughness, weathering, fitness and heal, there are also offensive moves such as choke and deliverance.


    Armour Type: Chainmail
    Main Stat: Str
    Main Statpacks: Fast, Athletic, Strong
    Balance Type: Balance

    Torment: Primary skillset. Revolves around hitting a target with a flail, preferably with as little momentum loss as possible. Implants roots through thornroot which then absorb entropy generated by causing the target to heal afflictions given via corrosion. After a short time roots either explode for large damage and become a demonic seed, simply become a demonic seed or just wither away, all depending on how much entropy they absorbed. These seeds can be made use of via one's treant (desecration).

    Desecration: Secondary skillset. Allows the creation of a treant, a Defiler's loveable pet. The types of seeds used to grow the treant determine the skills it can use, with a transcendent Defiler having access to a treant with every skill. Said skills are mostly combat based and generally serve to augment the physical attacking of the class. This skillset also contains several skills that make use of the Defiler's own blood which must be leached into empty vials beforehand.

    Shadowbinding: Utility skillset. To use these skills, a defiler must have the required haze, which they obtain by wearing shadowgems about their person. Said gems are generated by shadowveils which the Defiler constructs. Contains abilities that are both offensive such as various saps as well as defensive such as passive healing and regeneration.
  • AzefelAzefel Member Posts: 730 ✭✭✭✭
    Any prof that can use fast, can also use dex as a much tankier alternative. I see some missing.
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You transfer 10 credits to Kryss.
    Thanks muchly! Wanting Outrider and Wardancer!
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • KhizanKhizan Member Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Azefel said:
    Any prof that can use fast, can also use dex as a much tankier alternative. I see some missing.

    It's only tankier if the person is able to trans Evasion, and even then, it's less tanky than Athletic due to Evasion's damage reduction being reducible where Athletic's straight up resistance is not.

    Yeah, athletic has the sip penalty, but it also has more health to help counteract it, and the other health restoration methods, which are all percentage based as well, are not reduced by that at all.

    "On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."

  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Still paying 3 to 10 credits for
    * Outrider
    * Wardancer

    Please include general/basic combat strategies if possible.
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • AzefelAzefel Member Posts: 730 ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2013



  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2013
    From Victor

    Armour type: Scalemail, Wielded shield, Shield absorb (Trans Shielddance)

    Main stat: Strength and Constitution.

    Preferred statpacks: Strong, athletic, Fast

    Balance type: Mainly Balance, Occasional equilbium attacks.


    Wardance: Mostly defences, kick attacks and escape skills. Doubletime reduces balance times overall. Also includes Transfix, Kipup and Overwhelm that decreases splitleap and suicidedrop balances by 33%. Lasts 10-60 seconds depending on the targets health/afflictions. Each affliction increases duration by 5s and each missing 2% of health increses by 1s. Only used in PvP for burst damage depending on strategy.

    Bladedance: Mainly sword attacks. Most used skills in pvp are flick for afflictions or Strike for damage. The Bladedance bashing attack is Strike.

    Shileddance: Shield attacks and defences. Requires a wielded shield. Includes shield absprb to reduce physical damage as well as a second parry. Allows you to wield shields +2 higher than your str. Pvp attacks are usually hack for afflictions and cleave for higher damage as well as an affliction.  Shielddance bashing attack is batter.

    General Wardancer Strategies:

    Flickdancer: Preferred statpacks are Athleric or Fast. General strategies are a toxin stack that works for you leading into a disembowel kills. Disembowel does a flat 40% damage minimum and is increased by each affliction on the target.

    Damage: Preferred statpack are Athletic or Strongf. Sustained damage by using Blade strike/Shield cleave/Splitleap combos. Or burst damage by replacing splitleap with suicidedrop. 

    Group combat/Crowd Control: Transfix if target is not blind or Bind if sleeping or unconscious add an entanglement. Can steal kills with a strike/cleave/suicidedrop combo..

    You transfer 5 credits to Kalcer.

    Should be less for horribad spelling. :P But eh, the budget is there.

    Still seeking Outrider.
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • VictorVictor Member Posts: 37 ✭✭
    Hey man. spelling is not my strong suit after 12hrs in a factory.
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Alright, @Azefel. 10 credits for a funnier Outrider-ish gif/jpeg than the first Outrider one.
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • AzefelAzefel Member Posts: 730 ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2013

    Armour type: Chainmail

    Balance type: More balance than eq

    Statpacks : Fast, Dexterous, Athletic, Strong, Sturdy


    Trailblazing : Utility and defensive skills like bounty, barkskin, vitality, mark, campground. Also has the Outrider-only toxins spread across the skillset.

    Wyrmriding : Where most of the outrider's offence comes from. Main bashing attack (spear stab) is here. They get to summon an icewyrm and ride it around (being mounted on one increases STAB damage). The wyrm has some utility skills (icewall, flight, hoist) and also has an instakill (shatter). A channeled "insta"-kill also exists for the outrider here (gorge). Has blacken and icecoat in here to allow the outrider to give their spear/trident additional effects (PK only)

    Hunting : Almost entirely PK-oriented. Hide, traps, all the other pets come from here. Also has the related axe and bow skills here. Thornspray. Pets can be surged for a different attack at an eq cost, comboable with axetoss, stab and longslash (the only ones that matter).

    Main combat strategies :

    The viability of surging pets on every attack depends greatly on the statpack used, and whether or not you are wearing a diadem (15% faster eq).

    1) Affliction/damage route – All the outrider toxins (trailblazing) are nightshade cures and can't be purged. They include recurring freezing (chiltran), addiction (narcal), impatience (ditran).

    Nausea (also nightshade; either by using a blackened spear [wyrmriding], your #1 pet's autoattack or botulinum toxin) combined with xeroderma (also nightshade) and chiltran (periodic cold damage), as well as the amount of bleeding generated from the many frequent pet and spear/trident attacks and add up to quite a lot of accumulated bleeding.

    Batter or longslash can be used where appropriate to increase bleeding and deliver afflictions. Bloodfreeze does damage based on how much the target is bleeding.

    Ideally one would time axetosses (you can have up to 5 simultaneously thrown at a time) to land at the same time to maximize the 'burst' of afflictions.

    2) Limb damage/shatter route – Shatter is an instakill that relies on the target having at least 3 levels of hypothermia, which is an outrider-only affliction. If not protected by caloric salve, and with the frostheart (wymriding) debuff is on the target, every attack that chills or freezes will cause 1 level of hypothermia (i.e. deepfreeze causes 2 levels with 1 cast).

    By going for limb damage, the target will most likely be applying restoration rather than caloric. Having icecoat (chills, cold damage) on the spear/trident and using chiltran (recurring freezing) is the foundation of this method. 

    Going for limbs isn't the only way to get a shatter kill, but is the one requiring the least effort/timing/skill. Alternatively, traps with salve afflictions combined with axetosses also with salve afflictions can be used to overwhelm the target to prevent them applying caloric.
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2013
    You transfer 12 credits to Azefel.
    Legend. Most informative one so far.
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
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