I didn't see a thread for this stuff but I'll go ahead and make one - Even just for a place for me to selfishly ask the barrage of questions I'll have when there's time to think/remember them all. For now!
H:84% M:100% < pp eb> XP:55.75 autocuring mass off
Automatic mass handling disabled.
<stuffs Mass in pack BECAUSE>
H:84% M:100% < pp eb> XP:55.75
You feel your density return to normal.
apply mass <<<????
H:84% M:100% < pp eb> XP:55.75
I don't see the container here from which you wish to apply some salve.
Why does it still want me to use mass? Is there another way to make it stop auto-massing that I didn't see?
(Only if we keep voting!)
<520/520h(100) 580/580m(100) 57.66x <eb> <db0> 0E 0b autocuring mass off
the claims are stated - it's the world I've created
The reason for this is because I am struggling with Combos. I can't seem to get the choices I want to work together, for reasons indeterminable to me. I've tried asking about a little IG - And I'm aware that I have minimum to work with but would still like trying to familiarize myself & understand what I -do have-. Late last night I was up trying different combinations and either it would ask me about what toxin I meant to apply (When I was not using Flick to begin with
So far I am not sure what exactly the aim for a Wardancer is in combat, or how besides damaging we're useful, so any advice would be awesome.
Flick is an insanely stupid fast affliction generator that is incredible for 1v1ing right now and with fast enough sabres it basically obsoletes the need for skill; when you are afflicting six times per herb balance you don't need to be good to win(see: Sarrius).
Outside of that, well. Damage in a teamfight is always useful. I'd rather have a generic strike/batter/sleap Wardancer on my team than basically any Bard other than Lytharose, because damage is way more useful than "I'm going to build up resonance and I'll be able to instantkill them by the time that half my team is dead."
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
(Tahirah's not really a bloodthirsty glory warrior so... I'll let Brishi kill everyone :P )
One might also consider disembowel, which whilst a powerful move in its own right, scales very well with each affliction your target has. Because they have transfix on demand, it's easy for a Wardancer to simply transfix > impale > disembowel and this is something that works in groups too.
Of course there are also afflictions. Either with sabre|sabre for double flick or sabre|shield for flick|hack. Generally you want a shield because it allows you to use Shield Absorb to help with taking a hit. Anyway, Wardancer can reach far faster attack speeds then most classes and this in conjunction with transfixing and disemboweling allows them to (with a little planning|tracking|whatever) be very effective 1v1 or in smaller skirmishes where straight out of the box damage isn't working out.
This is really just a quick overview. The class has a lot going for it both in offence and defence. Anyways, feel free to talk to me in game as well -- I'll do my best to help out.
I'm not really around much atm, but feel free to hit me up as well. I'm fairly good at abusing wd for maximum rage points.
In teams if you learn to transfix/impale/dsb you're pretty much the most stupidly good addition to an am team (this is like old pindown, but better). If you learn to afflict well, more power to you. One v one you'll probably get most of your kills from stacking affs into dsb. Overwhelmed suicidedrop damage kills are definitely viable but it really comes down to why bother: you can trivially one shot people with wardancer's current aff rate into a dsb, so taking the chance that they'll tank your suicidedrop (usually) isn't worth it. Obviously if they're on like 30% hp just go for it.
You don't need to be even close to good with affs to be successful as a wd, so I'd not worry too much about that. If you get the basics down and know what you need to stick to drop somebody you'll be well on your way. You can afford a huge amount of inaccuracy as a wd, which is why I personally think its a pretty good class to learn how things work as (and a reason why most people eventually move on to something else).
a) When a Defiler torments another with thornroot, how long does it usually take for the thornroot to wither away, assuming no entropy has been gathered?
b) Is autocuring the primary curing system the game uses? Although I am assuming at others just work their systems around autocuring.
Do you incorporate calotropis into your tracker, and if you do, how do you do it?
Fitness can't be prevented and it has a third party message, something about taking a deep breath.
If the enemy class has fitness, I'd just assume that your first asthma in the fight is negated.
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
Been having difficulty with tracking maidenhair (numbness, metrazol, slickness)
In particular, I assumed maidenhair cured numbness from the above list when it actually cured slickness, as the person applied a salve the next tick. Do you guys have a method by which you reverse decisions made by your curer?
I think Iluv uses a timer. Anyone do anything else?
Proviso: It's not necessary, I know. I am however trying to beat passive cure classes with a 2.35 dsl.
Something someone said in another thread, hinted that I can queue bal a string of commands, with some kind of separator - allowing me, for example, to do something like:
queue eqbal quickdraw sabre buckler <br> grip <br> combo hack flick me
Is it true, and if so, how? What's the syntax?
Edit: solved. Tek pointed out "config separator"
To save me the tedium of typing it all out myself, would someone be kind enough to paste their aff-to-toxin table (preferably for lua)?
Something like:
toxins.list = {
clumsiness = "ether",
stupidity = "aconite",
If you still haven't got it: