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Events News 232

KaveriKaveri Member Posts: 43 ✭✭✭
Does anyone have the full log of Hastati killing Dianos and then getting killed herself by Svorai?


  • AleutiaAleutia Member, Historian Posts: 363 ✭✭✭✭✭
    If someone hasn't posted it by the time I get off work, I will dig it out for you.
  • AleutiaAleutia Member, Historian Posts: 363 ✭✭✭✭✭
    A loud clicking emanates from the Adram Valley as a mist rolls over the hills, creeping out into the surrounding world.

    The mist spreads and falls upon you, causing you to stumble as your vision suddenly distorts and blurs, your mind reeling in confusion.

    Images haunt your peripheral vision, red eyes staring mockingly from shadows accompanied by a threatening feel. The mental intrusion and palpable aura of menace and danger cause your stomach to churn.

    Soon the visions fade, a mechanical laugh drifting through with an unspoken promise of purpose to the granted images.

    The exultation of untold legions adjoin as the voice of the Oracle of Conquest, resounding, "You meddle in powers greater than you, vile machination. Touch not upon that which you cannot control and do not understand."

    The mists begin to shift and shape again, warping your peripherals into other images that grant you visions of horrors.

    The exultation of untold legions adjoin as the voice of the Oracle of Conquest, resounding, "Enough! I have grown tired of your antics."
    The sound of a spring coming uncoiled twinges metallically across the realm as a murderous warcry can be heard from the Adram Valley.
    The screaming of metal on metal accompanies the swansong of the morphae, Dianos, as the sudden release of essence causes the seas and wind to churn in response.
    The exultation of untold legions adjoin as the voice of the Oracle of Conquest, resounding, "Now your essence returns to this world, may something worthy be formed from it."
    The exultation of untold legions adjoin as the voice of the Oracle of Conquest, resounding, "Had I realized it was so simple and easy to snuff out one of you, I would have done so much sooner. I have had enough of you all overstepping your boundaries."
    The gravelly cacophony of boulders crashing in a massive rock slide meets your ears as the formidable voice of Svorai, Spirit of Protection booms forth, "Oracle, I feel the one overstepping their boundaries is you! Return to your mountain at once."

    The exultation of untold legions adjoin as the voice of the Oracle of Conquest, resounding, "And who are you to think you can command me, Spirit? Perhaps I should crush your heart next."

    A sapphire hue pulses over the Heartlands.
    The gravelly cacophony of boulders crashing in a massive rock slide meets your ears as the formidable voice of Svorai, Spirit of Protection booms forth, "Oracle! If you wish for a fight, perhaps someone matching you in strength is more suitable than one confined to a wall."
    The exultation of untold legions adjoin as the voice of the Oracle of Conquest, resounding, "Be patient, I will be seeing to you shortly."
    A surge of energy pulses outwards from the Primal Temple and a sudden light flashes as it is drawn deep within the roots of the tree, a flurry of snow sweeping the light violently away.
    The ferocious calls of the ascendari and morphae reverberate from their heated battle in the Heartlands.
    The shrilling scream of the Spirit resounds from the Great Oak, sending a shiver down your spine.
    A chill shivers down your spine as the voice of Svorai is carried to you upon a frozen breeze, "It is evident, even nature outlands foolish mortal Conquests."
    The exultation of untold legions adjoin as the voice of the Oracle of Conquest, resounding, "No, this cannot be!"
    The ground trembles slightly as the winds pick up, the world straining against the sudden flux in free essence.
    Almost as soon as it began, the trembling ground calms, and the violent winds subside.
    A chill shivers down your spine as the voice of Svorai is carried to you upon a frozen breeze, "It seems we are not all so weak as you thought. Let it be known, the so called Oracle of Conquest was unable to foresee her demise at the hands of Nature's Spirit."

    I had to edit bashing spam out of this, but I don't think I missed anything.
  • KaveriKaveri Member Posts: 43 ✭✭✭
    Awesome! Thanks. =) I'm surprised it wasn't posted before.
  • GurnGurn Member Posts: 789 ✭✭✭✭
    I have the full log with the details somewhere. I'll post that when I find it.
  • SvoraiSvorai Member, Moderator, Immortal Posts: 293 mod
    Gurn said:
    I have the full log with the details somewhere. I'll post that when I find it.
    Then everyone  can see my terribleness. My computer lagged out throughout the whole fight, I'm pretty sure most of my emotes got messed up one way or the other :( 
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