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Aspect Perks

BathanBathan Member Posts: 1,056 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited October 2012 in New Ideas
Hi! I'm Bathan Zran! You might remember me from other films such as 'Everything Except Demon's Pass Sucks' and 'Please Target Jorachim, Not Me.' Today I'm coming at you with another hard hitting piece of investigative journalism.

I'd like to start by saying that I think what's in place for Aspect Perks is actually not bad. It's a good start, and all I think it needs is more fleshing out, and some updates to the numbers. To quote Bill Nye, consider the following:

Overall Level: 103 (42.10%) A Divine Aspect of the 3rd Tier

You currently have 158158 XP points.

I know, absurd, right? I should go outside or something. What's more absurd is that while I've grinded up to level 103 and a half, I am still less than halfway towards a set of upgraded harvester's gloves that would let me harvest 50% more herbs. Most of the artifact upgrades are realistically just not worth the price, XP or goldwise. I think gold needs to be looked at considering the recent string of events which put pretty much all of us in the 47% category except Eldreth. 4,000,000 to get 50% more herbs? That's at least 400 credits, probably more right now just for 50% more herbs. That's on top of needing to get to like, 107, 108. I get that these goals were geared towards the super grindy, but I'm guessing that getting this from level 100 and 0 gold would require you to farm DP uninterrupted for months on end, assuming you didn't die and didn't have to share. And I guess an argument could be made that you want us to buy credits and sell them for gold to send your kids to college, but then why put in the 107/108 requirement?

So, sure. Gloves of harvesting, absurd. Here's the whole chart on what you can buy.

Perks                               XP Points Cost      Gold Cost
Aspect Change                               25,000        250,000
Life Monolith                               50,000        500,000
Change Monolith                             50,000        500,000
Terror Monolith                             50,000        500,000
Permanent Aspect Power                     100,000      1,000,000
Increased Maximum Reserves                  50,000        500,000
Increased Reserve Regeneration             100,000      1,000,000
Artifact Upgrades                   XP Points Cost      Gold Cost
Saboteur's Bone Upgrade                    200,000      2,000,000
Cloak of Obfuscate Upgrade                 100,000      1,000,000
Gem of Transmutation Upgrade               200,000      2,000,000
Gloves of Harvesting Upgrade               400,000      4,000,000
Caravan Crop Level 2 Upgrade               100,000      1,000,000
Caravan Crop Level 3 Upgrade               200,000      2,000,000
Glass Pipet Upgrade                            100,000      1,000,000

Some of these things are appealing, but not grind for weeks appealing. Most of the Aspect ones are kind of pointless, aside from the power to change Aspect types. Given the fact that warp is probably going to get nerfed into the ground (and it should) I'm not going to bother buying a permanent monolith or power. The artifact ones are also kind of lackluster. The Saboteur Bone one would've been neat five years ago. At present, it's just not that interesting. The caravan crop one? Maybe if I'm Selthis grinding out achievements. Transmutation is actually incredibly solid, but again, 2,000,000 gold and level 105/106. The cloak one is downright bad.

I'm not saying scrap these ideas. Hold on to them. Someone's going to want them. Maybe tinker with the numbers to make them more palatable.

 I do think though there needs to be a lot more options for these PvE types who enjoy Korean grinds to get random non-comm/PvE bonuses. Here's a list of what I've thought up in the past few days:

PvE buffs: 500,000XP (basically an entire XP level)

 - 10% damage mitigation/10% damage/10% crit chance against non-loyal NPCs for say, 8 hours of logged in time. This will do nothing for PvP, but for people who are grinding gold for things like cults, houses, credits, et cetera it will make poop socking DP and Gongen Mountains more palatable.

 - Slayer Bonus - I'm ripping this off from Lord of the Rings online. For people who are into farming achievements (and those people do exist), 2 hours of logged in time where in kills count for double towards achievements. One orc kill? It's two, now. One Rafe kill? Two. People are into farming achievements. People will buy this. For one whole level of experience? That's not awful.

Cosmetic Items - Ranging from 1,000,000 XP/1,000,000 gold to 2,250,000XP/2,500,000.

 - Exclusive IG mounts. They won't track, but they'll each be unique and only obtainable through this PvE grind.

 - Familiar Customization Tokens. Put these on the higher end of the bracket. Allow players to customize their familiars. Make them go through a proofing process, but essentially allow them to, through grinding, create a walking, talking RP companion. Again, people will put time into getting this. I know I would. I love to turn my brumal mehteh into a squire, or something.

 - Exclusive IG items. I'm less sure on specifics for this one, but I'm sure someone would have ideas. Stuff like hamster in a ball, et cetera.

These are just ideas I've had in the last few days. There are a lot more possibilities I'm sure. If you create neat PvE things for PvE'ers to do, they'll do it, continue playing, continue paying for Iron Elite to get the XP bonus/credits and most of all, will continue being active in your game.

‘Least I won’t have to carry it no more. You see how bloody heavy it is?’

‘Every sword’s a weight to carry. Men don’t see that when they pick ’em up. But they get heavier with time.”


  • BathanBathan Member Posts: 1,056 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2012
    1,000,000 XP

    A Grimoire of Knowledge

    The Grimoire of Knowledge will keep a record of all quests you complete, including the name of the NPCs, the locations and the rewards.
    ‘Least I won’t have to carry it no more. You see how bloody heavy it is?’

    ‘Every sword’s a weight to carry. Men don’t see that when they pick ’em up. But they get heavier with time.”

  • MercerMercer Member Posts: 220 ✭✭✭

    That sounds like QUESTS and QUESTS COMPLETED, and already does that except for what reward they give for completing a quest.

  • BathanBathan Member Posts: 1,056 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Oh, I didn't know about that. Neat!
    ‘Least I won’t have to carry it no more. You see how bloody heavy it is?’

    ‘Every sword’s a weight to carry. Men don’t see that when they pick ’em up. But they get heavier with time.”

  • ApolocApoloc Member Posts: 241 ✭✭✭
    The exp is somewhat absurd I think, I mean, 400k is basically 7 levels.  At least thats when I got to 400k exp.  I'm still annoyed Im not retroactively rewarded for all the kills I got before achievements >:(

  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Aspect perks is just kind of a slap in the face. The gold prices are exorbitant and punish the players for years of trying to fix the wrong end of the gold problem.  "Our game is a gold pinata, we're going to punish you for beating up paper mache horses." 

    What it boils down to is that our end game really sucks. I'm having trouble coming up with a redeeming quality for our endgame. The company line was "aspects weren't supposed to have an impact on combat." Well, someone needs to refute this claim or support this claim and then follow that claim in terms of game design. My class 22 sums it up pretty well, they all need to suck or all need to rock. Personally, I think you need to overhaul the entire endgame (because it sucks) and build something more in line with the old-story line, or better, tie it to the new story line. I mean, there's dead god diachaim splattered all over Imperian, aspects could totally partake in the essence of the old gods to justify their aspectness. That's a way cooler system than, "Ugly stone rock make me stronger. Want fight over rock."
  • ApolocApoloc Member Posts: 241 ✭✭✭
    edited October 2012
    Edit: Ignore this, nothing really to do with Aspect Perks.

  • IvelliosIvellios Member Posts: 63 ✭✭
    I agree with Ahkan, being an aspect should make you feel like you are more then other mortals cause you have ascended beyond them. Have us fight for divine essence throughout the world to give us cool god powers that use up the essence as we use em.
  • ApolocApoloc Member Posts: 241 ✭✭✭
    edited October 2012
    Aspects dont need to be any more powerful than the rest of the game, but christ, make being an Aspect mean something in someway.  All we got now is enter/exit messages.  Hooooray, Life means you get good endurance regen, Change gets random stat shuffle, Terror gets screwed (as it always has since Aspects came to be)  

    The Perks are bogus, I'd love to know if anyone has bought any of them outside of perma monos or aspect changes.  400k experience and 4 mil gold is a bit ridiculous.

    Credit prices have dropped, 4 mil gold even at 10k, is 400 credits, gloves themselves cost 300 credits.  Now I understand I should look at this as a level 2 gloves probably, and if thats the case, the price is generally double.  So 3 mil gold.  I still wouldn't waste my time on it, because without it, I got 2100 herbs an RL day, which is far more than what is needed to provide for any given underpopulated org.  (read: any org in this game)

    Rest of the upgrades are totally bogus.  Not even worth discussing.  

    I'm not an idea man, I don't know what solves this, I just know most of these perks allocated to this perk system are pretty terrible.

  • JustusJustus Member Posts: 38 ✭✭✭
    I don't particularly feel that it should provide you with greater powers, as such. For instance, Life's conservation skill just aids with your End/Will regen and I think it's fantastic.

    It's just that it's about -all- that it has going for it, at the same time. The only thing I've bought is the ability to have conservation alongside modulation. Everything else, in the entire Aspect system be it perk or status itself, is just really not interesting or worthwhile.

  • KryssKryss Member Posts: 426 ✭✭✭✭
    If you look at I think Aetolia, their endgame reward unbalances the game.. at least it did last I knew (quite some time ago now).

    We have to find the line between worthwhile and overpowering, which I think we're close to already. A little more refinement and we should hopefully be set.
  • JuranJuran Member Posts: 909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The aspect rewards were meant to give people that bash something to spend their gold and experience on, it's not likely to become some stellar reward that you have to earn to participate.

    You don't get more people to participate by raising the barrier of entry.
  • OhmOhm Member Posts: 333 ✭✭✭
    edited October 2012

    Don't know if this will break the game in anyway but could Aspects spend XP points to hire weapon/ defense artifacts (say for 1 IG year) only one at a time perhaps.

  • ApolocApoloc Member Posts: 241 ✭✭✭
    Juran said:
    The aspect rewards were meant to give people that bash something to spend their gold and experience on, it's not likely to become some stellar reward that you have to earn to participate.

    You don't get more people to participate by raising the barrier of entry.
    Yes, they were meant to give people something to bash towards and spend gold an experience on, but its a bunch of stuff nobody wants to buy.  That's the issue.

  • JuranJuran Member Posts: 909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I spent three million gold buying conservation before switching to change.

    If I'd had the experience, I'd have bought the aryana gaze room too because it's generally speaking more useful than the moradeim one.
  • ApolocApoloc Member Posts: 241 ✭✭✭

    The Perks are bogus, I'd love to know if anyone has bought any of them outside of perma monos or aspect changes.  400k experience and 4 mil gold is a bit ridiculous.


  • DiasDias Member Posts: 107
    Perks                               XP Points Cost      Gold Cost (lost)
    Aspect Change                               25,000        250,000
    Life Monolith                               50,000        500,000
    Change Monolith                             50,000        500,000
    Terror Monolith                             50,000        500,000
    Permanent Aspect Power                     100,000      1,000,000
    Increased Maximum Reserves                  50,000        500,000
    Increased Reserve Regeneration             100,000      1,000,000
    You currently have 1177878 XP points.

    Only thing I can see being useful at this point would be conservation (Like Juran bought) and like he said, the life gaze room. Change gaze room is too unreliable, especially for large scale events like finding the corpus, scavenger items, and all that. I can't bring myself to buy any of them as of yet, but terror has nothing worth it, and change generally controls 5 monoliths.

    Conservation seems to be the only one useful. I unfortunately agree with Bathan and Ahkan that the system should be overhauled a bit and made more player friendly instead of "Lets try and get rid of as much gold as we can"

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