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Jackals Sect

KanthariKanthari Member, Historian Posts: 209 ✭✭✭✭
[C] Cadra: There are jackals hunting. Do you hear them?

[C] Khizan: They are always hunting.

[C] Cadra: Something is different this time.

[C] Cadra: Come to my altar.

An unnatural cold lingers around the altar here, its gloaming marble held aloft upon a base of entwined bones; the osseous contours of the dead are braced in flourishes of gold. Looming at the northernmost point with a visage shrouded by the skull of a jackal, the semblance of a woman carved from stone looks down upon the altar, her pale and sapphirine eyes awaiting sacrifice. Verexa Talmarian is here, wreathed in a cloud of bile. The undead form of Revenant Cadeyrn Vaskal is here. He wields a Souledge Sabre in his left hand and a lunar shield in his right. Maevral Sol'Anlumaire is here, smirking smugly. She is holding a rough-hewn blackthorn cavalry shield in her left hand. The ever-shifting visage of Aulani, Aspect of Moradeim, is here. She is holding a truesilver shield in her left hand. Aslak is riding on a pallid stallion. He is holding a buckler in his left hand. Khizan Vladin is riding on a massive warhorse. He is holding a truesilver shield in his right hand. Khizan Vladin is here. Lady Aulani Vladin is here.

Maevral flashes you a joyous smile.

Iniar creases his brow in a frown.

With gentle calm, Iluv brings his clasped hands to his forehead as he bows, slowly, at the waist.

The howling of jackals fills your ears as the temperature abruptly plummets, leaving you feeling shaken and uneasy.

Maevral peers about herself unscrupulously.

Lais looks curiously to the altar.

Ahkan emerges into the room from ether.

The howling continues to a deafening volume as images of a giant pack flash before your eyes.

Calmly turning towards you, Iniar brings his clasped hands to his forehead as he bows before you, slowly, at the waist.

An unsettling shriek of childish laughter suddenly cuts through the howling, the sound both joyful and chilling.

You have emoted: Kanthari adopts an odd expression, head tilting to one side.

Aulani brushes her palms down over her dress as she shifts uneasily from one foot to the other.

[C] Cadra: The jackals have found something I've been seeking.

[C] Khizan: What is it?

[C] Kanthari: Oh?

[C] Cadra: Shall we join them?

[C] Cadra: They've led me to Demon's Pass.

[C] Kanthari: Indeed.

[C] Iniar: Certainly.

Lais intones with a laugh, "Chasing ghosts."

You say, "Follow."

[C] Aulani: Yes.

Khizan quickly flings a card with the image of the Universe at the ground.

A shimmering, translucent image rises up before you, its glittering surface displaying the verdant grasslands, soaring mountains, sprawling settlements and deep blue seas of the Aetherian mainland.

| Somewhere in here, I embarassingly pause to ask Khizan how the eff Universe tarot works. |

Iniar Nullheart, Inquisitor says to you, "I am with you, Sazuran."

You reach out and touch the map before you. Your surroundings spin as you melt effortlessly into the image.

Atop a scorched hilltop.

The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. Dozens of jackals have gathered here in a great pack, snarling and pacing restlessly. A mesmerized zombie lumberjack is swaying back and forth here, his gaze fixed on the distance. A disgruntled enchanted zombie is here, pounding his fist in the direction of an unseen point. Cadra stands here, her waif-like form casting an unnaturally tall shadow.

Cadra grins mischievously.

Calmly turning towards Cadra, you bring your clasped hands to your forehead as you bow before her, slowly, at the waist.

Calmly turning towards Cadra, Iniar brings his clasped hands to his forehead as he bows before her, slowly, at the waist.

Caelya peers at a host of snarling jackals unscrupulously.

Cadra smiles impishly and says, "Look what I found."

Taking on a rigid posture, Cadeyrn wreathes his hand in crackling black energy and gives Cadra a respectful salute.

You see Iniar Nullheart, Inquisitor yell, "Hush, Silantor!"

Lady Aulani Vladin says, "The undead fortification?"

Aulani raises an eyebrow questioningly.

Lais points accusingly at a host of snarling jackals.

Iniar sucks thoughtfully on his teeth.

Lais shifts uneasily in his saddle.

Cadra squints suspiciously at her surroundings.

Lady Aulani Vladin says, "Is that what the jackals were searching for? Could have saved some time by asking."

Cadra shakes her head.

Verexa eyes the pack of jackals uneasily as she leans against her sister, Caelya, for support.

probe jackals
An immense host of jackals, far too many to count, prowl and skulk in the shadows here. With amber eyes alight as if with inner fire and elongated ears pinned to their skulls, these ferine creatures snarl and snap at any who draw too near.

A host of snarling jackals looks to be crushingly strong.

Cadra says, "They've found something much better. There is something special about this place."

Aulani tilts her head and listens intently to Cadra.

You have emoted: Kanthari tilts his head to one side in a distinct fashion, inquiring, "And what is that?"

Khizan Vladin says to Cadra, "The promise you spoke of?"

Cadra grins mischievously at Khizan.

Bat-Rider Iluv Bialystone, the Crux Shade asks, "Promise?"

Verexa tilts her head and listens intently.

Cadra says, "There was a great battle here many years ago."

Iniar frowns, confusion playing across his features.

Maevral pulls her cloak tighter about her shoulders as she observes, eyes intent on Cadra.

Khizan grins mischievously.

You have emoted: Kanthari clasps his hands behind his back, head yet tilted as he listens intently.

Khizan Vladin says, "Though, I believe I know which battle you are speaking of."

Khizan grins mischievously.

Cadra says to Khizan, "Tell them."

Verexa gives Khizan the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.

Khizan Vladin says to Iniar, "This is where the Demon Lords entered the world, after we broke the seals on their prison."

Khizan Vladin says, "Gods fought here."

Caelya Talmarian says, "Oh, right. I was there."

Comprehension flashes across Verexa's face.

Khizan Vladin says, "Some even died here."

Iniar smiles impishly at Khizan, "Ah."

Verexa Talmarian says, "I missed that."

You have emoted: "Gods died here," Kanthari affirms in an odd tone, eyes cast for a moment toward the earth at his feet.

Lais looks about suspiciously, his unpaired gaze soon falling to Cadra.

Cadra says, "The earth hasn't forgotten. A great power lingers here."

Aulani taps her lips in thought as she looks from Khizan to Cadra and then scans the area.

Bat-Rider Iluv Bialystone, the Crux Shade asks, "Power that we can control?"

The pack shifts restlessly as Cadra shifts her gaze to the ground beneath her bloodied feet. The waif suddenly grins and bends to place her palm against the frozen earth.

Cadra smiles impishly and says, "Yes, power that we can take."

Cadra says, "The ground whispers with the secrets of the dead."

Iluv rubs his hands together as an evil grin creeps across his face.

Iniar Nullheart, Inquisitor says, "Even dead gods."

Iniar sucks thoughtfully on his teeth.

Khizan nods his head.

You have emoted: "The Maiden and Her jackals, before ours, fell in that last battle," Kanthari muses aloud, gaze cast thoughtfully upon Cadra, "The Lord of War, as well."

Khizan grins mischievously.

Cadra gives you a slow nod.

Khizan Vladin says, "Yes. She did die here."

Lady Aulani Vladin says, "Hmm."

Khizan Vladin says, "As did others."

Iniar Nullheart, Inquisitor smiles and says to Cadra, "So, what is it that the jackals have found?"

Cadra says, "The sleeping power that the dead left behind."

Cadra grins mischievously.

Cadra says, "What do you think, Jackals. Shall I wake it up?"

"Aye," Iluv mutters aloud.

Iluv waves about a black jackal-etched bone sabre energetically.

You say, "Do what you must."

Iniar Nullheart, Inquisitor says, "Fate will only befall those who test the limits."

Iniar Nullheart, Inquisitor says, "The rest shall spectate."

Aulani nods her head in agreement.

Iniar urges Cadra onwards.

Cadra rises to her feet and throws her arms above her head with a shrill shriek. The ground begins to rumble and shake as the waif tosses back her head.

Khizan Vladin says, "I am curious as to what will wake."

Caelya shrugs helplessly.

Iniar Nullheart, Inquisitor says to Khizan, "As am I."

Khizan Vladin says, "Who will wake."

Iniar rubs his hands together as an evil grin creeps across his face.

Verexa sucks thoughtfully on her teeth.

Caelya Talmarian says, "Khizan and I were curious enough to open a rift and unleash demon gods, why not this?"

Bright lights begin to seep from the ground as the waif laughs childishly. The motes gather around her tiny figure and for a moment all is eerily calm and quiet.

Maevral looks about herself suspiciously.

You have emoted: Kanthari levels a baleful gaze upon Caelya for a moment, his attention soon turned back to Cadra as motes of light gather about the entity.

Lais steps down off of a rugged Gyanis mustang.

The swirling light is suddenly absorbed into Cadra and the jackals snarl and howl once more as the waif begins to glow radiantly. The entity's delighted laugh abruptly becomes an alarmed shriek that mingles with those of the jackals.

Iniar shields his eyes against the bright light, muttering dark incantations as the forces unravelling in front of him play out.

A sudden rush of air knocks you back as a flash of light momentarily blinds you. The jackals begin to scream and snap at one another as Cadra's osseous form shatters with a deafening sound.

Lais winces at the noise, his hands lifting to cover his ears.

Verexa gives a short gasp, her gaze fixated on the scene before her.

From Ahkan: Entities Kanthari is involved in talking into death: 2.

You have emoted: Kanthari throws a hand up to protect his eyes as shards go flying past him, lowering it cautiously with a look akin to chagrin.

Stepping closer to Khizan again, Aulani grabs his arm in a white knuckled grip as she hunches against the noise.

From Ahkan: You have earned the DARK WHISPERER achievement.

Iniar winces in pain.

Khizan grins mischievously.

High Lich Silantor yells, "Foolish child-god, you think you can master death? I am the only master of the dead, their power is mine! You are nothing!"

Iluv looks on sternly.

Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to you, "Khandava excels at killing these things."

Iniar sucks thoughtfully on his teeth.

Verexa wrings her hands in nervous anxiety.

Iniar pats Verexa in a friendly manner.

Verexa leans on Iniar seeking consolation.

Khizan Vladin says, "The entities formed from the fragments of power left behind by the dead Gods. In a way, this is just more of the same."

Khizan sucks thoughtfully on his teeth.

Iluv gives a jealous glance at Iniar.

Caelya nods her head affirmatively.

The dark laughter of the lich echoes within your mind, the sound horribly mocking and cruel. His voice thunders throughout the pass, silencing even the jackals. "Your wretched creation was too weak to absorb what was rightfully mine. Now kneel to me, mortals, or perish with that foul imp!"

Revenant Cadeyrn Vaskal says, "Looks like we'll all be dying."

Bat-Rider Iluv Bialystone, the Crux Shade says, "Not today."

Verexa grins mischievously at Cadeyrn.

Iniar Nullheart, Inquisitor says, "Aye, not today."

The ground all around you begins to rumble and shake, great crevices opening in the ground with loud cracks. A shiver of excitement runs through the great pack and the jackals begin to lope in a circle around where Cadra once stood.

You nod your acknowledgement of Iluv.

Aulani shakes her head.

Khizan Vladin says, "Regardless, though, I do not kneel."

Someone powerful says, "It is my power, lich!"

Lais Bonecaster mutters, "This can't ... well."

Lady Aulani Vladin says, "I didn't kneel to Samaos, a lich is nothing."

Iluv braces himself for what is to come.

You have emoted: Kanthari observes the jackals as they pace, an indifferent expression upon his features.

As one, all of the jackals howl a long note to the sky as the earthquake continues without pause. The ground beneath the bloody footprints trembles violently and a great slab of stone rises from the earth. The stone abruptly splits in half, revealing the skeletal form of Nyrohi, the Undying.

Nyrohi appears out of thin air.

You see Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder yell, "It's rather uncomfortable to kneel when we stand on a mountain formed of your dead minions, Silanthor."

She is a radiant diabolus. She is a tall and willowy creature, her frame unnaturally skeletal and gaunt. Her bloodless flesh appears cold and eerily pale, causing her to resemble a corpse risen from its tomb. The very air around her seems unnaturally cold, as though the chill of the grave clings to her. Further adding to her harrowing image, her eyes are jet black and utterly devoid of any white. They gleam brightly behind the top half of a jackal skull she wears as a mask. She has adorned herself in morbid pieces of armour crafted from bones held together with strips of dried flesh, while patterns in blood-red war paint have been traced along her pallid skin. Her waist-length, ivory hair drifts about her on an ethereal breeze, the wispy strands trailing behind her as she moves. Her lips have been stained with blood, and when she speaks she reveals an unsettling set of wickedly pointed teeth. The strange being casts two shadows that seem to constantly flicker and move behind her regardless of the light, one tall and one waif-like.

Bat-Rider Iluv Bialystone, the Crux Shade says, "The Undying."

The howling of a great pack of jackals reaches a deafening volume as Nyrohi, the Undying, emerges from her crypt.

Calmly turning towards Nyrohi, Iniar brings his clasped hands to his forehead as he bows before her, slowly, at the waist.

Taking on a rigid posture, Cadeyrn wreathes his hand in crackling black energy and gives Nyrohi a respectful salute.

Khizan Vladin says, "The vessel... just had to reform."

Khizan gives Nyrohi an acknowledging nod.

Nyrohi steps from her tomb, her lips twisted in a sneer. She lifts a palm and the great pack abruptly calms and looks towards her attentively. "Be silent, Silantor!" She snarls, her voice resonating terribly.

Verexa eyes Nyrohi uncertainly and asks, "How do we know this isn't Silantor's doing?".

Khizan Vladin says, "If he could have used this power, he would have done so long ago."

High Lich Silantor yells, "You think you can contain such a power? Flee or kneel, I am your master!"

Nyrohi scoffs arrogantly.

You see Nyrohi, the Undying yell, "Cower, lich! The tombs of the world belong to me!"

Aulani looks over Nyrohi with a gleam of approval.

"Aye," Iluv mutters aloud.

Nyrohi raises her arm and a great bone halberd carved with snarling jackals appears in her outstretched hand. With a scream of fury, she brings the weapon down upon the ground. A massive rift opens in the earth and continues at a blinding speed toward the lich, crackling with energy.

You see Nyrohi, the Undying yell, "You are master of nothing!"

Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to Nyrohi, "It's hard to respect a lich who lost a war to a zombie fairy, isn't it?"

The temperature plummets and the air crackles with energy as the shrieks of Silantor echo throughout the pass. The lich gives a final howl of dismay before falling silent.

Bat-Rider Iluv Bialystone, the Crux Shade exclaims, "Good shot!"

As the screams fade, the pack begins to walk amongst the sect and Nyrohi turns her gaze towards those gathered. She tilts her head to the side and grins wickedly. "Ah, my Jackals."

Iluv tilts his head and listens intently to Nyrohi.

Bat-Rider Iluv Bialystone, the Crux Shade says to Nyrohi, "I am at your command."

Iniar steps forward, a dark visage engulfing his facial features, causing him to appear briefly as an emanciated soul. "Greetings, not-Cadra. Who are you?"

Khizan grins mischievously at Nyrohi.

Nyrohi grins mischievously at Iniar.

You have emoted: Kanthari observes Nyrohi for a moment before inclining his head in a polite bow. "It does us well to see you've survived," he intones, a faint smile touching his features as he clarifies, "After a manner."

Khizan Vladin says, "Ah, my Lady."

Verexa nods her head in agreement.

Nyrohi, the Undying says, "I am the Undying, and that foul lich knows little of the power of death."

Maevral peers quietly at Nyrohi, inclining her head with a faint smile.

Aulani idly touches her fingers to the back of a jackal as it passes by her.

Lais tilts his head to the side as he observes Nyrohi and smiles.

Nyrohi raises a pale hand and inspects it curiously, a devious grin creeping across her face. "I've grown taller, it seems."

Verexa grins mischievously.

Khizan Vladin says, "A bit."

Lais laughs abruptly.

Khizan looks thoughtfully at Nyrohi's profile, pondering the situation.

The smaller shadow behind Nyrohi shifts eerily and giggles, cause the diabolus to scowl over her shoulder at it.

You have emoted: Casting a look up at Nyrohi, Kanthari intones with no little amusement, "Just mind your head if we set about skulking in tombs, aye?"

Nyrohi gives you a shifty little smile.

Iniar Nullheart, Inquisitor says to Nyrohi, "What happened before? We were concerned when we heard your screams, well, I was."

Iniar sucks thoughtfully on his teeth.

Khizan Vladin says to Nyrohi, "Still cute, though. I like the war paint."

Iniar chuckles long and heartily at Khizan.

Nyrohi points a bone halberd engraved with snarling jackals at Khizan.

Aulani gives Khizan the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.

Verexa gives Nyrohi a wry smile, her eyes lighting up deviously.

Nyrohi, the Undying says to Iniar, "The power was overwhelming. It was nothing like I expected."

Iniar tilts his head and listens intently.

Khizan leans comfortably against Aulani.

Nyrohi, the Undying says, "It had the desirable effect, however."

Nyrohi grins mischievously.

Iniar gives Nyrohi a slow nod.

Bat-Rider Iluv Bialystone, the Crux Shade asks Nyrohi, "Oh?"

You have emoted: "We stands where Gods were felled," Kanthari muses with a faint smile, intoning to Nyrohi, "I doubt any have seen the like of that power before, or will again."

Nyrohi, the Undying says to you, "Then it is fitting that we took it."

Calmly turning towards Nyrohi, Ahkan brings his clasped hands to his forehead as he bows before her, slowly, at the waist.

You say to Nyrohi, "Indeed. Indeed, it was."

Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder says to Nyrohi, "Welcome home."

Nyrohi, the Undying says to you, "There were other battles, yes? Perhaps there will be more power to come."

You give Nyrohi a wry, shifty smile.

Iniar Nullheart, Inquisitor frowns and says to Nyrohi, "What shall we do about the usurper in the south, then, now that you've silenced this Silantor?"

Verexa tilts her head and listens intently to Nyrohi.

Nyrohi, the Undying says, "Should that wretch challenge me, he will regret it."



  • AulaniAulani Member Posts: 199 ✭✭✭
    That was fun Nyrohi, thank you.

    Also, damn you Kanthari for sucking me back in! :(
  • SarriusSarrius Member, Beta Testers Posts: 1,682 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nyrohi is way cool.
    <div>Message #2062&nbsp; Sent By: (imperian)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
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