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November is Movember!



  • GurnGurn Member Posts: 789 ✭✭✭✭
    Got a better idea.
  • ApolocApoloc Member Posts: 241 ✭✭✭
    Update time:

    Natural - 

    These are all of the natural contestants that have posted pictures.


    These are all of the confirmed fake contestants.

    The following people have expressed interest in donating to the pot, those marked have had their donations received.

    @Bathan - Donation Received - (10 Credits)
    @Miichelle - Donation Received - (10 Credits)
    @Dermon - Donation Received (was afk and have 0 idea how much was donated)

    @Gurn - (10 credits)
    @Kari - (2 tokens)
    @Jorachim - (20 credits)
    @Dias - (20 credits, 2 tokens)
    @Jeremy - (500 credits)
    @Sapp - (50 credits)
    @Alesud - (10 credits)
    @Dot - (10 credits)
    @Justus - (100 credits)
    @Apoloc - (2 tokens)
    @Genviere - (I forgot)

    If I missed anyone please let me know.

    There is no rush to get your donations in, but I'd like to have them before the contest ends.  When you transfer your donations, please also message me in game with how much you donated, even if I am online, so that I have a solid record to work with. 

    Also - If you do plan to donate please let me know ASAP so that I can work out the tiered prizes, if you wanted to donate but are no longer able to, please let me know so I can remove your name and redo my prize numbers.

    Hopefully your mustaches are coming in nicely, I know mine is burling out.


  • AshtonAshton Member Posts: 14
    Mine isn't growing fast enough. I'm going to have to focus harder on it, make it grow faster.
  • MkvennerMkvenner Member Posts: 38 ✭✭
    It was 50cr iirc.
  • JazzsterJazzster Member Posts: 37
    Mine's doing pretty well. It's long enough where I can actually grab the hairs on it! :)
    Jarrhn tells you, ""Jarrhn has been sucked through Jarrhn's wormhole, and perished in the Dream Realm." Inception'd."
  • JustusJustus Member Posts: 38 ✭✭✭
    Sorry. Was pretty ill, and then was away in the Caribbean for a week.
  • DelrayneDelrayne Member Posts: 457 ✭✭✭
    My stache is coming in pretty good. The rest of it is just making me look like some young punk with an aversion to razors for not keeping it in line heh.
  • JazzsterJazzster Member Posts: 37
    With my lack of beard and slowly growing mustache, I look like a really bad Godsmack supporter seeing as my chin goatee is like four inches long...
    Jarrhn tells you, ""Jarrhn has been sucked through Jarrhn's wormhole, and perished in the Dream Realm." Inception'd."
  • Jeremy SaundersJeremy Saunders Administrator Posts: 1,251 admin
    This is the best contest ever.
  • AshtonAshton Member Posts: 14
    edited November 2012
    Without face hair I look like an elephant seal so I suffered for this cause, and so did anyone who looked upon me
  • ApolocApoloc Member Posts: 241 ✭✭✭
    The prize will probably end up going to the person who looks the least like a pedophile with his mustache for natural.

  • AshtonAshton Member Posts: 14
    sounds like I'm out
    pedophile with a mustache, elephant seal without it
  • JorachimJorachim Member Posts: 83 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2012

    Keep your panties on, ladies.

    Edit: I'm red because now that it's cold outside, the ladies feel like they should put the temp up to 80.
    Someone powerful says, "Its broken. No more pulling the guillotine."
  • BathanBathan Member Posts: 1,056 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Just give up now.
    ‘Least I won’t have to carry it no more. You see how bloody heavy it is?’

    ‘Every sword’s a weight to carry. Men don’t see that when they pick ’em up. But they get heavier with time.”

  • JazzsterJazzster Member Posts: 37
    Damn, it, Bathan...yours looks 20x better than mine does...this is problematic...

    But regardless, it's a little more than half way through the month, gentlemen! So, for a little mustache growing inspiration, here's some fun facts about mustaches...

    Your facial hair grows twice as fast when you are expecting sex.

    In a deck of cards the king of hearts is the only king without a mustache.

    A survey of 100,000 women in 1988 found that 68% confirmed that a man with a moustache was a superior lover than his clean lipped neighbor.

    On average a man with a moustache touches it 760 time in a 24 hr day.

    By 1914 and the advent of WWI, the military mustache was well-established. Generally, the shape of the stache suggested rank: As a man advanced in rank, so did his mustache become thicker and bushier, until he ultimately was permitted to wear an ever fuller beard.

    According to the Guinness Book of World Records, in July 1993, Kalyan Ramji Sain of Sundargarth, India, had a mustache that measured 133.4 inches long.

    It perplexes. It fascinates. It amuses and it repulses. Glorious is the mustache!
    Jarrhn tells you, ""Jarrhn has been sucked through Jarrhn's wormhole, and perished in the Dream Realm." Inception'd."
  • KariKari Member Posts: 61 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2012

    Ok it's not quite the same, but still relevant! 
  • ApolocApoloc Member Posts: 241 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2012

    6. James Harden


  • JazzsterJazzster Member Posts: 37
    Insert any Civil War General here...
    Jarrhn tells you, ""Jarrhn has been sucked through Jarrhn's wormhole, and perished in the Dream Realm." Inception'd."
  • ApolocApoloc Member Posts: 241 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2012
    Around 5 days remaining, still waiting on some credits to come in and I will have the tiered prizes prepared.  I also still need two other judges, preferably 1 admin and another player.  

    If you're interested in judging with me A. - you cannot be in the actual contest.  B - It's probably preferable that you are not in 'Burt' to keep this as unbiased and ethical as possible.  

    Any admin is welcome to throw their name in @Jeremy.

  • AshtonAshton Member Posts: 14
    I'd like to withdraw my name from the running for real beards. I'm still participating in Movember, but I haven't been playing much lately and I'd hate to rob someone else of a good time! Good luck with those beards, ladies and gents!
  • ApolocApoloc Member Posts: 241 ✭✭✭
    From this point forward my wife will be handling this Movember event, there has been something in my life, in a devastating moment of irony that I must attend to.

    I am very proud of the outpouring of support that came through for this event, it far exceeded what I had initially envisioned.  Meanwhile with my thoughts firmly implanted on making this a fun event to bring awareness to male cancer, my mother was just recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer 2 weeks ago, after being discharged from the hospital and sent home, preparing to do chemotherapy, she passed away from a heart attack yesterday.  She was 52 years old, had never smoked and I may have seen her drink twice in my entire life.

    I had decided not to go down there when we first found out, because of budget issues, and I had assumed I had enough time to still go see her.  Sadly this was not the case.

    Please remember this, no matter how safe you might think you are, sometimes there is absolutely nothing you can do, no amount of mustaches or pink ribbons could have prevented this, but the awareness of it can at least allow you to cherish what you have before it is gone.

    In my bouts of poetry and writing I explored, at some point I wrote something along the lines of this - Learn to appreciate what you have before it is gone.  When it is gone, is when you realize you should have appreciated it.

    Kari will be handling the rest of this event, good luck to all the contestants.

  • BathanBathan Member Posts: 1,056 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm sorry to hear it man, you guys will be in my prayers. If you need someone to talk to hit me up.
    ‘Least I won’t have to carry it no more. You see how bloody heavy it is?’

    ‘Every sword’s a weight to carry. Men don’t see that when they pick ’em up. But they get heavier with time.”

  • MiichelleMiichelle Member Posts: 9
    I am so very sorry. My heart goes out to you.
  • JazzsterJazzster Member Posts: 37
    Ugh, Apoloc. That really sucks. Sorry to hear the bad news, man. Take care of yourself and your family.
    Jarrhn tells you, ""Jarrhn has been sucked through Jarrhn's wormhole, and perished in the Dream Realm." Inception'd."
  • KariKari Member Posts: 61 ✭✭✭
    I thank you all on behalf of my husband and myself, for your kind words.

    I am going to be the one who attempts to judge this contest. But I still need a second player who is not within the clan of Burt, as well as an Admin. Please send me a message either here or in game on Khepera.

    Thank you.
  • Jeremy SaundersJeremy Saunders Administrator Posts: 1,251 admin
    That sucks Apoloc. Sorry to hear about it.

    I will find a suitable admin to do that side @Kari. I will shoot you a message in a couple days.
  • LionasLionas Member, Historian Posts: 765 ✭✭✭✭✭
    With November almost over, it's time to chart progress. So, where are you on this very scientific chart?

    I am the righteous one... 
    the claims are stated - it's the world I've created 
  • KariKari Member Posts: 61 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2012
    Those in the faux contest can start posting their pictures now if they wish. Those in the real one will post on the 30th before 0:00 GMT.  All photos need to be placed by the end of the 30th to be counted in the contest.

    For those in the real contest I will post a saying you must write on a sign the day before the 30th.
  • JazzsterJazzster Member Posts: 37
    Lionas, you forgot Civil War General and ZZ Top...

    Jarrhn tells you, ""Jarrhn has been sucked through Jarrhn's wormhole, and perished in the Dream Realm." Inception'd."
  • SkyeSkye Member Posts: 100 ✭✭✭
    imagePhotobucket Pictures, Images and Photos" /> Say no to drugs, kids!
    ** Yes, we're aware of the problems. Please do NOT use any HELP files at the moment.**.
    ** And don't try them now just see if they're really broken. **.
    ** Or credit conversion. Try not to do anything much right now. **.
    ** Don't panic, normal service will be restored as soon as possible. For now, enjoy the wonders of conversation. **.
    *** We will be rebooting in about 60 seconds ***.
    ** Don't panic. Just...stay close to your rosaries **.
    ** Monetary offers for Salvation accepted. **.
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