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Returning Questions.

AkromahAkromah Member Posts: 2
So, Imperian.

That awesome SNES game you played the hell out of but left when your mom finally bought you a Playstation for your birthday.  That game you think about, because you never REALLY beat it, all the way into adulthood - and then when you've finally finished college and build rocketships for a living, you look at your vast piles of money and say "You know what?  I'm gonna go buy that damn game, and I'm gonna play the SNOT out of it."

So we've got bardics or whatever, which is nice.

I know there have been a ton of redesigns since I left, the gods are all dead, the roleplay seems to be right around where it was, I missed out on shards almost entirely, and something happened to Lionas.

Also, death is now basically a small timesink and PK isn't as important for PK's sake (something something XP tweaks?)

I don't want the most OP class necessarily.  I don't have a strong enough grasp of who is in power (can we seriously just delete Celidon? How is it Skye is STILL in charge there?) and how the RP is to know which circle I want to join, so if you could kind of give me a rundown of what's what - a cliff's notes of the last four years of Imperian - or just your thoughts on why someone who USED to play Imperian and thinks it's still a really neat game and kind of wants to come play Imperian again SHOULD come back - that'd be great.


  • MathiausMathiaus Member Posts: 1,039 ✭✭✭✭
    We have a Svorai.
  • AkromahAkromah Member Posts: 2
    Mathiaus said:
    We have a Svorai.
    I don't know what that means.  What does that mean.
  • KalonKalon Member Posts: 124 ✭✭✭
    In place of gods are these ephemeral entities made of residual god juice. Players make cults around ideals, and if one of these entities is floating around unsigned, you can draft them for a season. Magick's star player is Svorai, who plays for the cult of the Primal (think Asakii with less double vowels).

    And Celidon is doing awesome. :( Plus, now that Khandava is a demon mold farm, magic kinda needs it to provide continuity for their tree hugging professions.
  • KalonKalon Member Posts: 124 ✭✭✭
    edited March 2014
    Edit: stupid mobile forums doubleposting
  • CaelyaCaelya Member Posts: 383 ✭✭✭✭
    If you want RP, Khandava is a great bet. It was magick the last time you played, now it's demonic, and so the people who remain from that magicky time are super messed up, complex, and fun, if that's your cup of tea. Summoner is also amazing for utility and bashing, if you're looking for a solid class to play in demonic. Defiler is also not terrible.

    Kinsarmar might be your best bet if you want to go magick, considering your innate dislike for Celidon, though you should be prepared for a lot of drama. Also, while they certainly have people who consider themselves combatants, magick has been sort of spotty in the shardfall/obelisks scene, which is where all the huge team battles happen. They have some pretty great classes, though. Druid, Runeguard, or Mage are all good.

    For AM, you could really go either way (Ithaqua or Antioch) and find a decent amount of people to interact with and maybe even RP with, and their PK showings are pretty solid right now. Pretty much every single antimagick class is amazing, and the difficulty level is arguably low for the majority of them, depending on what you plan to do, of course.

    If none of those places appeal to you, you're welcome to try Stavenn. It's not anything like the glory days, I'm sure, but it's there, I'm there, and some other terrible people are there. Whatever your decision, good luck and welcome back!

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