I've been trying to make a script in Mudlet that highlights names based on their city/council affiliation. So far I have something rudimentary using tables. I was wondering if anyone else has made a similar highlighter, and if so, how did you do it?
currently tentatively active
(may vanish for periods of time)
17:33:28.210 Aevynne, Aislygn, Aliandor, Annabeth, Bellentine, Chartreuse, Cheryl, Doshar, Favrielle, Ferriter, Ithera, Ivi, Kailynn,
17:33:28.210 Kallin, Karyn, Katalina, Khizan, Kyar, Leranad, Lyneah, Maha, Narithia, Panta, Raini, Sapp, Seraphyne, Shalsen, Shou,
17:33:28.210 Skasha, Skifleure, Tek, Tinkles, Tryon, Tryon, and Vyir.
17:33:28.218 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I use that one there. It is easy enough to customise for orgs as well
Make a table linking orgs to colour names
Then do something like:
if fgc == "Antioch" then fgc = theColourTable[fgc] end
Then instead of supplying the function with specific colour names, you can feed it an org name instead.