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The Storyline of Imperian

BathanBathan Member Posts: 1,056 ✭✭✭✭✭
I've been talking with some friends and we're trying to figure out what the narrative of the game is beyond the tri-faction war. I've been inactive lately, but has anything happened as global storylines go?
‘Least I won’t have to carry it no more. You see how bloody heavy it is?’

‘Every sword’s a weight to carry. Men don’t see that when they pick ’em up. But they get heavier with time.”


  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2014
    There's a lot of story lines that are untouched. 

    #1. Who are these liches and what do they do?
    Where did they come from?
    What are their goals?
    Why do they hate each other?
    Why do they hate mortals?

    #2 What is up with the horde? 
    The horde has never been expounded up outside of blitzkrank (Onkassus) saying HA. HA. HA. and then some god super dropping 48 orcs on your head and calling it rp.
    Why are they so quiet lately?
    How did they fare in the Ragnarok?
    Why did they fight the demons and the undead?
    (Stavenn betrayed them, they should eff them up)

    #3 What's up with the demons?
    Demonic closed the portal. The post said forever. Uhm, I've got this demon in my pocket. Why? <- Missing out on sweet, sweet demon rp.
    Tbh, I want to make some of our diabolus full on demonic beings. Diabolus sounds cool, but summoning a demon and worshipping it as a divinity is so amazing. :heavy breathing:

    #4 Flesh out NPC organizations. Add some more. 
    Why? The game isn't that populated. 3 Orgs are pretty head-in-the-sand. Fake it. Make the game feel super active by using NPCs as plot points and driving conflict mechanisms.
    Horde. Undead. Demons. Bandits in the desert. 

    To spring off of this. God. Townes. NPC townes with guards and militaries.  --> latent horde/undead/demonic expansion from the Ragnarok event.

    #5 More involvement on area releases.
    -Best example, where did Khuos come from? Why is it important? Why is there a freaking hydra there?

    #6 Justification of conflict mechanisms.
    Where do the shards come from? Which volcano? Why a volcano? Why can't we mine from them? Volcano makes no sense. Fake it for me. CONVINCE ME IT IS REAL.

    Why are obelisks important? Why did they just appear? What are the islands? How come I never heard of them? Why do I powercall instead of a boat? #fiveyearplan #yolo How do the obelisks work?

    #7 There are parts of dead gods everywhere. Marvel capitalized on this in like every way.
    Have NPCs pick up these dead parts of gods and get super powers. Enough said. The sky is the limit here.

    #8 Dropped the ball in a lot of places, but it's always a good time to pick up the fumble and start doing amazing things. The play isn't over yet.

    Oh, and since you may not be good at writing stories, may not have the time, etc. PAY US TO. There are some badass writers in this game frothing at the mouth to write. Pay them credits to write back story if you cannot.

    Additionally, you need to incentive being a builder/story writer better. Better incentives --> better results.
  • BathanBathan Member Posts: 1,056 ✭✭✭✭✭
    In general, the tone of Fourth Age is basically (similar to other fantasy worlds, most notably Azeroth and Middle-Earth) the higher powers ebb and man takes the reigns. I think there's a lot of potential there for individuals groups to rise up and promote their own agendas that have nothing to do with traditional elements.
    ‘Least I won’t have to carry it no more. You see how bloody heavy it is?’

    ‘Every sword’s a weight to carry. Men don’t see that when they pick ’em up. But they get heavier with time.”

  • SvoraiSvorai Member, Moderator, Immortal Posts: 293 mod
    I am not going to reveal details at this time, but there are plans for each city/council, undead, and horde on my to-do list. This will be my main focus this year.
  • BathanBathan Member Posts: 1,056 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Okay, so. That is at present a pretty reasonable timeline of all that has transpired in the Age of Mortals.

    Basically, Thanatos being dead is ruining a lot of people's day. Shades, undead, Lich Lords errywhere. Entities are popping up and doing their thing. Transk was taken and Mages/Summoners got new powers.

    Again, this was just made for anyone curious about what's up these days.
    ‘Least I won’t have to carry it no more. You see how bloody heavy it is?’

    ‘Every sword’s a weight to carry. Men don’t see that when they pick ’em up. But they get heavier with time.”

  • SvoraiSvorai Member, Moderator, Immortal Posts: 293 mod
    Hey! I see you sort of noted it in your stuff below your time line, but I just want to clear something up for people.

    It seems people didn't realize what happened to Thanatos, and it was kind of a touchy subject over the last year with some. The Gods were unable to survive past the Demon Gate. Thanatos enter, and did not survive. There is no way he will be able to return, because, like the other Gods, he did die when he entered the portal.

    This is why the Underworld is going through some major changes, as now that Thanatos' essence is gone, and his life force is no longer here, the Underworld is going through a chaos. 

    Within the next few months there will be more to this storyline, and will hopefully clear up some misconceptions on the whole thing. I hope this helps.
  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanatos enter, and did not survive. 


  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ahkan said:
    There's a lot of story lines that are untouched. 

    #1. Who are these liches and what do they do?
    Where did they come from?
    What are their goals?
    Why do they hate each other?
    Why do they hate mortals?

    Silantor is from Kinsarmar and the other one is from Celidon. They were secretly members of the respective pioneers and hated each other's guts, as their present day descendants do. (Pot stirrer go go) Their goal is to marry @Nyrohi.

    #2 What is up with the horde? 
    The horde has never been expounded up outside of blitzkrank (Onkassus) saying HA. HA. HA. and then some god super dropping 48 orcs on your head and calling it rp.
    Why are they so quiet lately?
    How did they fare in the Ragnarok?
    Why did they fight the demons and the undead?
    (Stavenn betrayed them, they should eff them up)

    The horde tried to have a peace treaty with Kanthari's and in a spectacular military swoop (hah, @Eldreth!) they were en-glittered and bedazzled. If you ask Kanthari's nicely, he'll bring you to the basement and show you all his zombie (bedazzled) orcs going, "It's so fluffy, I'm gonna diiiieeeeee!"

    #3 What's up with the demons?
    Demonic closed the portal. The post said forever. Uhm, I've got this demon in my pocket. Why? <- Missing out on sweet, sweet demon rp.
    Tbh, I want to make some of our diabolus full on demonic beings. Diabolus sounds cool, but summoning a demon and worshipping it as a divinity is so amazing. :heavy breathing:

    @Nyrohi should have @Dameron's babies. Or the other way round. 'Nuff said. (Imagine the chaos of little undead godzillas :D roaming around)

    #4 Flesh out NPC organizations. Add some more. 
    Why? The game isn't that populated. 3 Orgs are pretty head-in-the-sand. Fake it. Make the game feel super active by using NPCs as plot points and driving conflict mechanisms.
    Horde. Undead. Demons. Bandits in the desert. 

    To spring off of this. God. Townes. NPC townes with guards and militaries.  --> latent horde/undead/demonic expansion from the Ragnarok event.

    Like I said before, make NPCs path from towne <-> city! and make them loosely loyal to some org. That way poor Lothesh takes a breather. Give them motives, character. 'Little Jonny is going to Stavenn from Transk to learn how to be a badass Noctusari.'

    #5 More involvement on area releases.
    -Best example, where did Khuos come from? Why is it important? Why is there a freaking hydra there?

    Khous is honestly, Avasyu's right eyeball.

    #6 Justification of conflict mechanisms.
    Where do the shards come from? Which volcano? Why a volcano? Why can't we mine from them? Volcano makes no sense. Fake it for me. CONVINCE ME IT IS REAL.

    (ITS NOT, ITS ALL A CELIDOnIAN PLOY TO KEEP AM v D engaged and leave them alone.)

    Why are obelisks important? Why did they just appear? What are the islands? How come I never heard of them? Why do I powercall instead of a boat? #fiveyearplan #yolo How do the obelisks work?

    When Avasyu' made Aetherius, he made 5 Celani to help him. One day he realised they screwed up royally big time, and turned them into Obelisks as a reminder that if you don't do you work well, you become rock. Big, fat, rock. Or. They're alien spaceships ok?

    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    PS: I'm also sure that given the right tools, @Septus would worship the Obelisk of Truesight.
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • MaglustMaglust Member Posts: 1
    One of Thanatos's stated goals was to free mortals of the control of the gods. Why he created the "freedom" of Dis to prevent a inescapable cycle. It only makes sense that once the other gods where destroyed he would have to destroy himself or risk becoming a tyrant of both living and dead.

    "He was the God Aetherius deserved, but not the one it needed." Iluv will enjoy the paraphrasing. hehe
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