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Attachment of Vyir to Mystery

CamarisCamaris Member Posts: 7
Sorry for the delay in putting this up, but it takes a bit to clean logs on a phone. Enjoy!

A vast stretch of white sand leads your eye down toward the water's edge where impatient ripples of water reach their azure fingers to reclaim the sand within its grasp.
>>An altar constructed from lapis lazuli rests before the dark precipice of the water below, the immense shadow of its silhouette casting a harsh relief as it reaches toward the sky. <<
You say to Vyir, "The cube has spoken, my friend."
[Vyir and company speak about what happened with the visions of the cube on the altar.]
Vyir moves her glance towards the vision of an eye, her expression growing thoughtful. "Perhaps these things are what is to come of what I am about to do...I called upon Camaris to gather you all, but it seems that the cube has already glanced into the future," she offers.
Finding that all have quieted, Vyir allows a slight tug of her lips upwards in a smile as she begins.
The water suddenly laps up to touch your feet.
Vyir says, "I have been gathering strength in the layers of the realm unseen, my thoughts wandering a thousand times over to consider what it truly means to be a part of something greater, part of a group that prides itself upon open-mindedness, truth and trust. I have solved the great puzzle presented to me by the idea of what a thought actually is, and it is time for you all to see what it yields."
Sylla tilts her head curiously at Vyir.
Vyir nods to you all, her smile deepening as she continues.
Vyir says, "You have all given me your trust, and in equal measure great gifts of which I have learned to treasure but could for sometime never return until this moment. I will share with you myself, and by taking part of myself into you and likewise we shall become stronger than ever before - Another step in a cycle born from the unknown, to begin our journey..."
Vyir says, "Do you all wish for this?"
You nod your head.
Bellentine nods her head.
The air grows moist as occasional drops of rain fall from the sky.
Soul of Music, Kyar Kith'Vahni, the Dream of Winter says, "O' course, my lass."
Sylla takes a breath, and then nods at Vyir.
Vyir ponders the situation.
Vyir steps backwards from the assembled group, the violet of her right eye beginning to sear with great light as her slender arms raise to either side of her.
A chilled wind lilts at the sand and surrounding water, casting soft waves against the beachside and altar as the ground beneath you starts to tremor.
Her voice drowning in the resounding call of many others, you say, "No longer shall we as a people be divided, from this event. We shall be joined...If you unlock the strength hidden within yourselves, your potential."
Vyir bows her head, the long strands of pearlescent energy crackling across her shoulders and downwards into the ground. The golden mist surrounding her dims with a sudden lashing out of power, as the air begins to sway in unison with the joining of elements and energy.
The waves violently slap against the sands, the steps of the altar splintering with a resounding crack as a howl of wind courses down around Vyir. The waves violently slap against the sands, the steps of the altar splintering with a resounding crack as a howl of wind courses down around Vyir.
Vyir draws her hands downward in an elegant gesture, and in response the strange orb within her chest begins to shrink down to the size of a small globe of sea green light. The globe begins to move up her chest, and through her throat until, with a hiss of air it moves through her lips.
Vyir grasps the globe delicately in her fingers, before suddenly snapping it in twain. Her form begins to grow diminutive with each moment the globe cracks, but she continues onward with her strange task. There is a tenderness lingering on her face, as she waits for the pieces of the globe to hover and spin, and after some great pause, an epiphany dawns across her features.
Plucking on of the longer shards of the globe, Vyir begins to mold and form it quickly moving with a strange graceful dance that could only appear to mortal eyes as the movement of leaves against the wind. Multitudes of outlines that surround her form disappear, their strange colours absorbed upon the shard as it begins to take a humanoid shape.
The shape of the warped shard begins to move, and divide as it continues to pull the essence of Vyir apart.
Suddenly, all is silent as the being of Vyirs creation is fully realized, a perplexing cryptid coming into your mortal perception.
Provoking obsessive thought with its odd form, this cryptid is made from a pure shroud of grey. Its shape is decidedly humanoid, though thin and fading in some of the edges at the crown of its slender head. An expressionless mask of lapis lazuli molds its feline face, the slits of the eyes holding the hollowness of a form yet to be filled. A light outline of something bulging in the center of the brow is concealed by one stylized question-mark lingering on the chiseled mask. Dark mazes surround it in varying shades, overlapping one another with layers of the elements that seem to change the construct.
A perplexing cryptid is not one to be trifled with.
It weighs about 125 pounds.
A perplexing cryptid is holding:
Your gaze is drawn to the other pieces twinkling in the reflection of its light, disappearing one by one with tails of other parts of Vyir's silhouettes dragging across them in a cornucopia of colour. The strength of the entity vastly diminishes in their passing, as they all part from her and are concealed around the realm in other parts of Aetherius.
Your gaze is drawn to the other pieces twinkling in the reflection of its light, disappearing one by one with tails of other parts of Vyir's silhouettes dragging across them in a cornucopia of colour.
The strength of the entity vastly diminishes in their passing, as they all part from her and are concealed around the realm in other parts of Aetherius.
Sylla anxiously looks from the cryptid to Vyir and down at the cryptid again.
Vyir s knees buckle faintly, swaying to one side as she utters, "It has been done, I have separated that of what I have learned from you all in thought, deed and knowledge to form what is to become my true self. This one, that I have formed here - Is what I believe to be the essence of mystery itself...You must go now and find the others."
Bellentine Kith'Vahni Farrell says, "..we have a task.."
You nod your head.
Bellentine climbs onto a brilliant white Aorian stallion.
You say, "And we must complete it."
Vyir says, "It is up to you now...What you choose to feed the One, and what you choose to deny it. But heed my warning, my friends...If you deny this cryptid, this creature of thought. It may very well think for itself."
A perplexing cryptid's mask suddenly snaps toward you, its empty gaze causing a chill to curl at your spine as something shifts beneath its guise.
Bellentine smiles faintly.
The lake of Sodiuar calms around the altar, the gentle washing of waves no more than a dull trickle of wet sand against water.
Sylla Keth'Aera says, "Buah."
You say, "Let us go, and find these creatures."
Vyir lowers herself to her knees, weakened as she props herself up against the sandy earth with her palms.
Kyar ponders the situation.
Blackthorne, Ferriter Lorianis, The Woodsman asks Vyir, "Will you be alright?"
Sylla's hands go out instinctively, looking at you with some distress, before glancing at the cryptid again.
Bellentine Kith'Vahni Farrell says, "I Shall seek erorag, the sewers and similar locales.. report what you find."
Bellentine, riding a brilliant white Aorian stallion, leaves to the north.
You nod your head.
Vyir sighs, her eyes so dim that they barely appear to hold tint as her form flickers in and out of reality. "I must...return to the in-between to regain some strength, it is not safe for you all if I am without some protection. Find the other cryptids, and bring them here, summon me...So that I may tell you what manner of thought they are from my mind. I will be alright..."
Sylla Keth'Aera says, "Do... do we leave this one here?"
Sylla peers at a perplexing cryptid unscrupulously.
You say, "I assume we do."
Vyir says, "This is the one that represents what I believe mystery to mean, my thoughts and essence combined into a creature of light and shadow."
Her tone faint and raspy, Vyir says, "Find them...Hurry...You must instill in them the power of your own thoughts to bring them back here."
You nod your head.
Kyar ponders the situation.
Sylla Keth'Aera says, "Buah. I'll go - uh - check... somewhere. The Temple maybe."
[Everyone leaves to look for cryptids, after finding one, Vyir appears back at the altar.]
You hear Vyir tell you, "I sense something close. What has happened?"
A reflection of goodness, this cryptid is composed of solid white light, its form nearly too bright to look upon. Through its blinding rays its form shifts from child to something resembling a seraph. Faintly tangible its wings stretch far from its back, spears of feathers etched in from some illustration from a tale long past. The creature clasps a sword within its right hand and an orb in the other, its inner light never fading wherever it wanders.
You hear Vyir tell you, "You all must return, and decide whether or not you wish for this cryptid to be fed to the other one."
Blackthorne, Ferriter Lorianis, The Woodsman says, "The others need a moment to return."
You nod your head.
Bellentine Kith'Vahni Farrell says, ". I was called, I came."
A perplexing cryptid drifts lazily forward, coming to rest at the side of Vyir. As it hangs there above the ground, its mask swivels to a radiant cryptid. The maze around it begins to siphon through a small metal ball, which attempts to maneuver and solve its own way through the winding paths - Waiting, and watching the mortals.
You say, "I summoned the others."
Vyir slowly staggers toward a radiant cryptid, her eyes narrowing as she observes its form.
You say, "I wonder which thought this one is....."
Vyir says, "This is a creature that represents my ideals of goodness, and I have glad that you have found it. Without good within this world, or your mortal perception there cannot be truth, justice, order when all things seem to be lost."
A light rain wets your surroundings.
You nod your head.
Vyir says, "You are a people who strive for these things, will you allow this cryptid to be devoured so that our mysteries shall always be used for good, for our gain and the moderation of the realm?"
Bellentine Kith'Vahni Farrell says, "Yes."
You say, "Yes, my friend."
You nod solemnly.
Ferriter gives Vyir a nod of acknowledgement.
Vyir says, "Then without argument you must slay it, and feed it to the one..."
[After killing the cryptid, group goes out to seek out more of them. We eventually find another, which is fed to the perplexing cryptid. Feeding message for props.]
As Ferriter hands the corpse to a perplexing cryptid, it clasps it firmly as the mask of a perplexing cryptid grows in size. As the mouth of mask gapes wide it pushes the corpse down its mouth into the black fathomless beyond in one gulp with an unsightly squelching noise. A pulsing course of light visibly crawls down its throat to its belly, as the corpse dissolves into a perplexing cryptid.
[Finding a different one!]
You tell Vyir, "Kyar has one from Janus' temple."
Vyir tells you, "Shall I come to the altar?"
[Back at the altar, LOOK CRYPTID]
In constant conflict with its changing appearance this semi-solid cryptid of light and shadow cycles through the stages of life and time in the guise of each race on Aetherius. Its heights and features evolve, moving around like puzzle pieces on the base of its wispish form, a soft emerald gleam flexing through the layers of its skin-like hands and feet. With each movement and environment it turns upon itself, taking upon the guise of someone familiar yet someone you have yet to name.
[Kyar kills a morphing cryptid]
Vyir says, "You did not wish to know what that one was before you had slain it?"
Kyar blinks.
Blackthorne, Ferriter Lorianis, The Woodsman says, "Morphing?"
Vyir says, "You must take care, lest you make a decision you may regret. Friends. It is different from the other."
Kyar blushes furiously.
Soul of Music, Kyar Kith'Vahni, the Dream of Winter says, "I..."
You nod your head.
Soul of Music, Kyar Kith'Vahni, the Dream of Winter says, "I suppose I already regret it."
Designer Edevi Iyavere says, "What was that one?"
Soul of Music, Kyar Kith'Vahni, the Dream of Winter says, "Morphing. I.. assume change."
Vyir slowly walks forward, assessing the corpse with her lowlit eyes. "This one, if my eyes do not deceive me is one that deals with how mortals adapt to what they have been given. How their creations change, how their lives change. Constant change could be suited, but not without some source of stabilization, some balance...We must not have stagnation within ourselves, for that is the true death of all of us. You should make your decision, I sense the hunger to grow lingering within my minion."
Sylla creases her brow in a frown.
A perplexing cryptid tilts its odd head, the mask winking in the light as something at its brow shifts beyond what you can see.
Soul of Music, Kyar Kith'Vahni, the Dream of Winter says, "' I ended it.."
You say to Kyar, "But for the cause of something greater."
Vyir says to Kyar, "Will you feed the One, Kyar?"
Kyar gives the corpse of a morphing cryptid to a perplexing cryptid.
As Kyar hands the corpse to a perplexing cryptid, it clasps it firmly as the mask of a perplexing cryptid grows in size. As the mouth of mask gapes wide it pushes the corpse down its mouth into the black fathomless beyond in one gulp with an unsightly squelching noise. A pulsing course of light visibly crawls down its throat to its belly, as the corpse dissolves into a perplexing cryptid.
[We eventually find other radiant and morphing cryptids, until…]
[LOOK CRYPTID, a ghastly cryptid]
A manifestation of thought, this cryptid appears to be a reflection of shadows and semi-solid scarlet light. A half-glass dome surrounds its crooked shoulders, the clear material melded into its flesh as if it were a part of it. A putrid liquid fills the dome, the layers of foul unknown separated by different hues of decomposition that are filtered by several tubes that circle around the neck and feed into the spine and head. Despite its eyes and mouth appearing to be sewn shut by rotting, blackened thread it fumbles around as if searching for something. Its dagger-like teeth are constantly bared, the decay of its face noted in the revelry how to its mouth appears to quickly shift from suffering to the mockery of a prideful smile as it breathes in the fluid. A horde of gold, silver and bronze baubles adorn its neck, wrists and feet, the numerous materials a weight that it can barely manage. Its claw-like hands distort its form, arranging itself in an array of horrors known to mortal-kind.
You ponder the situation.
Comprehension flashes across your face.
Aevynne turns her attention towards Vyir before lifting two fingers to press against her forehead then heart, signaling her honesty and respect.
Vyir sweeps towards a ghastly cryptid, observing its features with a muted expression as she speaks, "This is the one that I spoke of, it represents the image of all of what evil means to you, a lack of awareness, focused upon what is best for itself. For power, for gain and fleeting glory."
Soul of Music, Kyar Kith'Vahni, the Dream of Winter says, "No."
You shake your head.
Soul of Music, Kyar Kith'Vahni, the Dream of Winter says to Vyir, "How do we remove it?"
You say, "This is one we wish to keep away."
Kyar nods his head.
Soul of Music, Kyar Kith'Vahni, the Dream of Winter says, "We dinnae want this."
You ponder the situation.
You say, "But....."
Soul of Music, Kyar Kith'Vahni, the Dream of Winter says, "Some power seekin' might be okay."
You say, "There has to be darkness, for light to live."
A perplexing cryptid lashes out with its long arms, encircling a ghastly cryptid in its dark embrace just before it swallows it whole. The scarlet colours and shadow pour around its form as it settles at the bottom of its stomach, before two white eyes shimmer through the empty eye-sockets in the mask.
Soul of Music, Kyar Kith'Vahni, the Dream of Winter says, "But.. dangerous t' use too much."
Kyar blinks.
Soul of Music, Kyar Kith'Vahni, the Dream of Winter says, "Get it away."
Designer Edevi Iyavere says, "Maybe just one, get the other away."
[I left to the south, followed by one of the cryptids]
Soul of Music, Kyar Kith'Vahni, the Dream of Winter says, "Now."
Vyir says, "It has made a decision for you, it seems."
Soul of Music, Kyar Kith'Vahni, the Dream of Winter says, "No Vyir."
"Heh heh heh," Edevi chuckles.
Soul of Music, Kyar Kith'Vahni, the Dream of Winter says, "Not a second."
Soul of Music, Kyar Kith'Vahni, the Dream of Winter says, "I cannae demand it..."
Soul of Music, Kyar Kith'Vahni, the Dream of Winter says, "But I kin ask it as yer friend."
Vyir strides forward to Kyar, looking him in the eyes squarely. "You would keep me naive from evil? Would you allow me to fall prey to the likes of Nyrohi? If the cryptid does not know, I do not know."
Soul of Music, Kyar Kith'Vahni, the Dream of Winter says, "Power... is not.. enjoyable."
Designer Edevi Iyavere says, "At least one, to keep a balance?"
Blackthorne, Ferriter Lorianis, The Woodsman says, "I pose a thought to you all."
Designer Edevi Iyavere says, "We have fed it many radiant and morphing ones... just one ghastly won't overwhelm it."
Blackthorne, Ferriter Lorianis, The Woodsman says, "All of this came out of Vyir."
Blackthorne, Ferriter Lorianis, The Woodsman says, "Not saying it all has to go back in."
Kyar stares down Vyir, and says softly, "I do not wish ye t' suffer. I do not wish ye t' experience cold power. I do not wish ye t' risk darkness. But I understand wantin' t' know."
Blackthorne, Ferriter Lorianis, The Woodsman says, "But Vyir was good when it was in there."
Designer Edevi Iyavere says, "One of each at least has to be there."
Soul of Music, Kyar Kith'Vahni, the Dream of Winter says, "It ate one."

Soul of Music, Kyar Kith'Vahni, the Dream of Winter says, "Camaris.. be stayin' away w' the other."
Blackthorne, Ferriter Lorianis, The Woodsman says, "Doesn't it stand to reason that she will be good even with them returned?"
Vyir says to Kyar, "I gave you trust, it was not of my will that the cryptid devoured it. But for the better of you all…How could I not protect you if I do not understand evil entirely? The human conditions in yourself."
Soul of Music, Kyar Kith'Vahni, the Dream of Winter says to you, "Ye want it. Is what yer sayin'"
Ferriter nods his head.
Ferriter closes his eyes and motes of greenish light begin to slowly form around him.
Vyir says to Kyar, "No, Kyar. I am simply saying that by denying me the common, mortal knowledge of evil that I have divided from myself that one day I will die to it."
Vyir says, "Do you wish me to die?"
Soul of Music, Kyar Kith'Vahni, the Dream of Winter says, "I don't."
Kyar ponders the situation.
Designer Edevi Iyavere says, "Vyir... how many do you need of the ghastly ones? They were part of you after all, how many do you feel is correct?"
Vyir says, "This knowledge I have learned and obtained from all of you means something to me, it is why I have given you the power, the decision to either return it to me or not.”
Soul of Music, Kyar Kith'Vahni, the Dream of Winter says, "Th' question my lass... is how much is too much?"
Kyar gives Edevi an acknowledging nod.
Vyir says to Kyar, "How would I know, Kyar? They are my creations, yes, as Avasyu the Father made the mortal. But I do not know of their will. Only their kind."
Vyir says, "I have given you the power, the trust, and decision. I am merely warning you of what could come of it, as I did in the beginning."
Soul of Music, Kyar Kith'Vahni, the Dream of Winter says, "We will return them all."
Soul of Music, Kyar Kith'Vahni, the Dream of Winter says, "We have decided."
Soul of Music, Kyar Kith'Vahni, the Dream of Winter says, "Ye are fine jest as ye are, lass."
Kyar tenderly reaches out to cup Vyir’s cheek in his hand.
[I return and feed the crypid to the One while the others find the last cryptid.]
A perplexing cryptid says, "I have grown to my full strength, Vyir. All of their knowledge and thoughts of this realm are now yours if you strike a deal with me."
Vyir nods her head.
Vyir says, "I shall do so. You will become a part of me, and I will create a consciousness for you at a later time. As long as you submit to my will."
A perplexing cryptid says, "Well...That is suitable, for now."
Turning to the others, Vyir resounds, "Now is the time, gaze upon our creation together..." She gestures with a weak smile to a perplexing cryptid, her eyes flickering in and out of light. It is the perfection of a puzzle solved, a puzzle yet to be...And the mysteries that come. Our lives wrapped together in one great design, like a tapestry intricately sewn needle-stitch-by-needle stitch.
A perplexing cryptid lets out a contented sigh, its mask slowly beginning to fall from its face to reveal an all-seeing eye in the center of its brow as bright and radiant as all of the cryptids colours combined. The femininity of its face now apparent to you all as it begins to move toward Vyir with outstretched arms.
Vyir grasps the cryptids dark hands, her eyes transfixed upon the eye resting at its forehead.
Wispish shadows gather around the golden mists of Vyir as the darkness seems to shape around her, obscuring her from view. The cryptid begins to dissipate, its inky-form bleeding into the essence of Vyir that is still in your purview.
As the last few motes of shadow mix with the gold fog, the cryptid's all-seeing eye breaks from its socket and rapidly blinking floats to rest somewhere unseen as the entity drifts completely from mortal sight.
The altar glimmers with sudden light, your attention lost upon it as the cube hovering above it shifts into its next puzzle - New symbols forming along the cracked steps as they take upon a new colour. Even the sand begins to glow eerily, hinting that the altars steps go further down than you anticipated.
The bioluminescence of the sand begins to seep upwards, your vision following to the newly formed visage of Vyir as the last light fades from the ground.
She is a radiant entity. A kaleidoscope of onyx and gold sinuously move within this tall, solid humanoid composed of dark shades of burnished ink. Several shadowed silhouettes remain about her willowy form, mixing with the pearly strands of hair that rest at her shoulders. Her facial features are sharply chiseled, making her appear distinguished with her strange gaze of ocean blue and amethyst. A third eye rests in the center of her forehead, its orbs shifting from scarlet to sapphire and emerald.
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