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Ascention of Lazal, The Omega into the Sect of Mystery part 2

CamarisCamaris Member Posts: 7
Lazal appears out of thin air.
Startled by the tremors and the sounds coming from the altar, Adam falls back into the sand.
Lazal drops the veil of the Unknown.
The veil of the Unknown begins to follow Lazal obediently.
Lazal delicately lifts her hands upwards as the last of the prism casts a faint light on her, depositing a cloth-like substance in her grasp.
She is a radiant entity. Looming at an unusually tall height, this beings harsh features appear so symmetrical that they look crooked to the mortal eye. Her kawhe-tinted skin stretches taut about her face, providing an expression of constant focus and calculation. Loose ink-like tendrils spill from the top of a sharp widows peak on her high forehead, each strand lilting across her painted features marked with gold symbols of alchemy. Swirling pools of liquid quicksilver are her eyes, phased in shadows around her cheekbones. Brass and lapis lazuli plate the torc encircling her neck, a writhing serpent devouring its own tail clutched tight to her skin. A front-laced gown of stygian muslin corsets loosely about her thin form, each wrinkle in the cloth bristling with unseen whips of wind.
Icsellom tells you, "Good luck."

Lazal stretches the substance out with a flex of her arms, observing it with a blank expression. Feeling your gaze, she narrows her eyes to all below and descends the steps, bunching the cloth in one hand.
The stars slowly pulse one by one into dimness only to reappear again, brighter than before.
Madness pulls at your soul as the veil is violently bathed in crimson.
In an empty, hypnotic voice, Lazal, the Omega says, "So many mortals..From what I understand, I am with you."
Bellentine blinks slowly, her breath escaping her.
Mirai Xathclyde-Mjollnir says, "Yes..You are. And we, with you."
You say to Lazal, "My do not remember us?"
A gust of wind ripples across the water, carrying with it droplets of moisture that coat your skin, and dampen the ground.
The firmament grows darker as the clouds begin to smother the light.
Lazal allows the cloth to loose from her hand revealing its veil-like nature. It hovers across her features, obscuring them in near anonymity.
The cryptids stare intently at Lazal as she drifts around the altar, their diminutive forms recoiling in both awe and terror at the sight of her as they fade away.
Lazal cocks her head to one side.
Lazal, the Omega says, "You all feel familiar, but what has become of any memory of you is slim."
Mirai Xathclyde-Mjollnir says, "It is to be expected, m'Lady. You've gone through a grand change."
You nod sagely.
The Woodsman, Ferriter Lorianis, Hide-and-seek Champion says to you, "Um her construction is similar but vastly larger it may take some time to reach things."
The deep red moon pulsates as it fades slowly into the clouds.
The air grows moist as occasional drops of rain fall from the sky.
Ferriter ponders the situation.
The Woodsman, Ferriter Lorianis, Hide-and-seek Champion says to Lazal, "I have a question for you if you don't mind?"
Occasional raindrops fall on your head as the drizzle continues.
Bluish rays peak across the horizon, filling the early morning sky with their peaceful light.
His eyes scanning the horizon, a village elder slowly wanders in from the south.
Lazal tilts her head back and forth aimlessly, the cloth of the veil of the Unknown shielding her features as she focuses upon Ferriter.
Lazal, the Omega says, "Yes?"
The drizzle stops entirely, leaving only heavy cloud cover.

A blood-tinged glow flares through the veil in a sinuous dance of a thousand faces writhing in agony.
The Woodsman, Ferriter Lorianis, Hide-and-seek Champion says to Lazal, "If what is the difference between the unknown and mystery?"
A village elder whispers a short prayer and wanders off to the south.
Lazal, the Omega says, "The mystery is a construct of mortal perception that is made to exonerate what one does not know about any subject you could surmise."

Lazal, the Omega says, "The unknown is what I see, and what I continue to know and share with you."

Ferriter nods his head.
Madness pulls at your soul as the veil is violently bathed in crimson.

The Woodsman, Ferriter Lorianis, Hide-and-seek Champion says, "That was uncomfortable."
The sky above you opens up some, leaving only partial cloud cover.
A spectral conglomeration of shadows seep from the stone steps of the altar, yet upon the touch of sunlight it recoils.

Bellentine shudders a little, grasping her left arm.
Mirai Xathclyde-Mjollnir says, "I experienced no discomfort. Strangely."
Mirai ponders the situation.
With a glimmer of dark amusement, Lazal, the Omega says, "The nature of change can grow to be beyond what one understands, and that, causes fear. Do not be worried of it."
A seagull emits a piercing shriek as it suddenly dives toward the water.
You say to Lazal, "I have seen you through many things, my Lady, and I again pledge myself to your cause, even if you never remember the past you shared with us."

You kneel before Lazal, swearing your allegiance to her.

The veil of the unknown flexes to life, illuminating the stern visage of Lazal beneath it in a wash of sanguine moonlight.
Mirai nods her head.
Mirai Xathclyde-Mjollnir says, "Until this body fails my blade is yours, my Lady."
Mirai kneels before Lazal, swearing her allegiance to her.
Mirai stands up and stretches her arms out wide.
With an alienated gentleness, Lazal, the Omega says, "Your oaths warm me."
Lazal, the Omega says to you, "Are you their leader?"
You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
You nod your head.
You say to Lazal, "I am."
Lazal plucks the eye from the sand it had been deposited in, her veiled face hauntingly moving with the draping surfaces of the cloth. She cups her skeletal fingers briefly about the eye, before opening them to reveal a gilded obsidian sphere.
Aniyah tells you, "Congratulations on becoming a Sect Brother!"
You tell Aniyah Mjollnir K'ethastarii, The Little Arrow, "Thank you, Sister."
Lazal deposits the small sphere within your hands, the stillness behind the veil measured, as if the morphae was attempting to understand who you might be.

Aniyah tells you, "You're welcome!"
Lazal gives a gilded obsidian sphere to you.
Easily fitting the palm of any hand, this item is surprisingly cold to the touch. Raised fractural waves of aurum encircle this near perfect sphere of obsidian stone, their raised design interlocking seamlessly about a pane of sheer, tinted lapis lazuli upon one side of the spheres surface. Underneath this vulnerable, slightly flat plane floats a dark liquid that obscures something that composes most of the weight to the sphere. Veins of sanguine and bone muddle the substance of the translucent glass of the sphere, both staining and washing it clean as it swirls without the touch of any movement.
His eyes scanning the horizon, a village elder slowly wanders in from the southeast.
Lazal, the Omega says, "This is my gift to you, what remains within is yours to assist you in parting the layers of this realm to seek me. Use it with care."
Free from the distant horizon the glorious sun casts its life giving light across the land.

The firmament grows darker as the clouds begin to smother the light.

You have emoted: Camaris looks at the precious sphere in his hand before looking at Lazal and saying, "This is.......the Eye. My Lady, I shall keep it safe, always."
A village elder whispers a short prayer and wanders off to the north.
The air grows moist as occasional drops of rain fall from the sky.

Lazal inclines her head at slight, her angular brow shifting towards the others as if attempting to find familiarity in them.

A torrent of fiery lava flows down along a rupture of a distant volcano.
Rust-coloured stains appear upon the veil in small pools before dissipating in the blink of an eye.

Edevi tells you, "So I mimssed it?"

Occasional raindrops fall on your head as the drizzle continues.
You tell Designer Edevi Iyavere, "Come, and see Her, Edevi."

The raindrops are coming down lightly, but regularly now, dampening everything around you.

His eyes scanning the horizon, a village elder slowly wanders in from the north.

Mirai Xathclyde-Mjollnir says, "Perhaps who we are will return to you in time, m'Lady. If not..There is nothing wrong with re-introductions I think."

A blood-tinged glow flares through the veil in a sinuous dance of a thousand faces writhing in agony.

Edevi smoothly swims in from the east.
She is followed by a silver songbird with a collar.

Mirai wraps her wings about Edevi's body, affectionately pulling her close.
Edevi gives Mirai a compassionate hug.
Web-like tendrils of unnamed material appear to be more of another realm than of this one, obscuring all that is placed beneath its long tattered surfaces. Though pale at first in its natural state, it modifies by the whim of some higher power that manifests to dopple whatever lies in its wake.
The veil of the Unknown looks to be crushingly strong.

Mirai Xathclyde-Mjollnir says to Edevi, "Come to look upon the Omega, dear sister?"
Lazal, the Omega says to Mirai, "My former self, might have found a way to preserve singular strands of memory. Perhaps they will return."

Edevi nods her head.
A light rain wets your surroundings.
A village elder whispers a short prayer and wanders off to the southeast.

Edevi gives Ferriter a compassionate hug.

Mirai nods her head.

A batting of movement wavers across the shroud as Lazal turns to Edevi. "You, you look familiar as well.."

Edevi's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.

Designer Edevi Iyavere says to Lazal, "I should hope so, my name is Edevi hopefully that rings a bell."

Lazal ceases to wield a curved sabre in her left hand.

Mirai Xathclyde-Mjollnir says, "Though, I would not be surprised if I am wholly unfamiliar. I've changed bodies a few times.."
A light rain wets your surroundings.
Lazal, the Omega says to Mirai, "The essence of the soul is the same. Though, your wings.."
The skies turn darker as the rain intensifies.

Mirai Xathclyde-Mjollnir says, "Yes?"

His eyes scanning the horizon, a village elder slowly wanders in from the south.

A soft light radiates from Mirai as she flaps her wings lightly, allowing her to hover just above the ground.

The sun climbs to its apex, scattering darkness, illuminating the land with its holy light.

Lazal, the Omega says to Mirai, "They remind me of the lights of the blessed moons. It is good to see an Arel present."

Mirai smiles softly.

Mirai Xathclyde-Mjollnir says, "I like to think my bond to the cult influenced my rebirth."

Mirai Xathclyde-Mjollnir says, "Doubly so that m'Lady approves."

Lazal nods her head.

Rain cascades down from the skies, drenching you and your environment.

Lazal, the Omega says to Bellentine, "And you, words have not touched your lips. This intrigues me."

Bellentine says softly ".. so much changes.. words are not adequate.."

Mirai nods her head.

A village elder whispers a short prayer and wanders off to the north.

His eyes scanning the horizon, a village elder slowly wanders in from the north.
Edevi gives Bellentine a compassionate hug.
H:399(106%) M:432(96%) XP:8.37 (0) <eb db> [H] 16:28 
Lazal, the Omega says, "What had happened before I was manifest, if I might inquire?"
Rain cascades down from the skies, drenching you and your environment.
The skies begin to thunder heavily, and the rain becomes a downpour.
A village elder whispers a short prayer and wanders off to the southeast.
Mirai Xathclyde-Mjollnir says, "You were taken into the Cube, m'Lady. You seemed frightened and we feared something had gone terribly wrong."
Bellentine Kith'Vahni Farrell says, " speak of you in your current tense.. you as of Vyir, your previous form.."
A shock of verdant light seeps behind the veil as many distorted faces churn underneath it.
Like a waterfall, rain pours down around you, soaking you thoroughly.
Bellentine Kith'Vahni Farrell says to Lazal, " truly remember but fragments..?"
Mirai leans comfortably against a claymore.
Like a waterfall, rain pours down around you, soaking you thoroughly.
The thunder and lightning have stopped, but the rain still comes down strongly.
Lazal brushes her thin fingertips across the veil, the motion contemplative. "I see," she resounds in her lulling tones. Her silvery eyes glow beneath the transluscent reflections of the veil as they slowly gaze upon Bellentine. "I am trying, but there will be clouds of times when I cannot."
Curran enters from the north.
Curran leaves to the south.
The evening sun begins to cast long shadows across the darkening land.
Two faces stretch and writhe from the veil on each of its sides, struggling to be free as the fabric glows a sickly moss.
Adam gulps nervously.
Rain cascades down from the skies, drenching you and your environment.

[And so, with that, we became a Sect]


  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2014
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
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